blob: e810aef4285d4201b7808b07b82d6907bb26431d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// test w/ `pub run test -N prefer_single_quotes`
import "dart:collection"; // LINT
import 'dart:async'; // OK
main() {
String string1 = "no quote"; // LINT
String string2 = 'uses single'; // OK
String string3 = "has quote '"; // OK
String rawString1 = r"no quote"; // LINT
String rawString2 = r'uses single'; // OK
String rawString3 = r"has quote '"; // OK
String multilineString1 = r"""no quote"""; // LINT
String multilineString2 = r'''uses single'''; // OK
String multilineString3 = r"""has quote '"""; // OK
String x = 'x';
String interpString1 = "no quote $x"; // LINT
String interpString2 = 'uses single $x'; // OK
String interpString3 = "has quote ' $x"; // OK
String interpString4 = "no quote $x has quote ' $x no quote"; // OK
String interpString5 = "no quote $x no quote $x no quote"; // LINT
String stringWithinStringDoubleFirst = "foo ${x == 'x'} bar"; // OK
String stringWithinStringSingleFirst = 'foo ${x == "x"} bar'; // OK