blob: 884f0c9f1d8c86a5e31832601026a6343f4e88ef [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `pub run test -N prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists`
get tlg => null;
tlm() => null;
class A {
var f;
get g => null;
m() => null;
A.c1(a) {
assert(a != null); // LINT
assert(a != null); // LINT
// no more lint after non assert statement
A.c2(a) {
assert(a != null); // LINT
assert(a != null); // LINT
assert(a != null); // OK
A.c3(a) {} // OK
// still lint after unmovable assert
A.c4(a) {
assert(a != null); // LINT
assert(this != null); // OK
assert(a != null); // LINT
// no lint if this is used
A.c5(a) {
assert(this != null); // OK
// no lint if field is used
A.c6(a) {
assert(this.f != null); // OK
assert(f != null); // OK
// no lint if method is used
A.c7(a) {
assert(this.m() != null); // OK
assert(m() != null); // OK
// no lint if property access is used
A.c8(a) {
assert(this.g != null); // OK
assert(g != null); // OK
// lint if method call is not on current object
A.c9({f}) : f = f ?? 'f' {
assert(f != null); // LINT
assert(f.m1() != null); // LINT
assert(f.m1().m2() != null); // LINT
A.c10({this.f}) {
assert(f != null); // LINT
factory A.c11({f}) {
assert(f != null); // OK
// lint for call of top level member
A.c12() {
assert(tlg != null); // LINT
assert(tlm() != null); // LINT
// lint for call of static member
static get sa => null;
static sm() => null;
A.c13() {
assert(sa != null); // LINT
assert(sm() != null); // LINT
A.c14() {
assert(() // OK
f = true;
return false;
// no lint for super class attributes
class B {
var a;
get b => null;
class C extends B {
C() {
assert(a != null); // OK
assert(b != null); // OK
// no lint for mixin attributes
class Mixin {
var a;
class D extends Object with Mixin {
D() {
assert(a != null); // OK
class E {
set tlg(v) {}
E() {
// setter with the same name as top level getter used
assert(tlg != null); // LINT
class F<T> {
bool get foo => true;
class G<T> extends F<T> {
assert(foo); // OK
abstract class H<T> {
H() {
assert(_assert()); // OK
bool _assert() => true;