blob: 9bf67a99a425c57e972b1c378d23bfbd508d7069 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N type_annotate_public_apis`
class AA {
final a = AA(); //OK
static final aa = AA(); //OK
final i = 0; //OK
static final ii = 0; //OK
final d = dyn(); //LINT
static final dd = dyn(); //LINT
final n = null; //LINT
static final nn = null; //LINT
dynamic dyn() => null;
const X = ''; //OK
f() {} //LINT
void g(x) {} //LINT
void h() {
void i(x) {} // OK
j() {} // OK
typedef Foo(x); //LINT
typedef void Bar(int x);
int get xxx => 42; //OK: #151
get xxxx => 42; //LINT
set x(x) {} // LINT
set xx(int x) {} // OK
_f() {}
const _X = '';
class A {
var x; // LINT
static const y = ''; //OK
static final z = 3; //OK
int get xxx => 42; //OK: #151
set xxxxx(x) {} // LINT
set xx(int x) {} // OK
get xxxx => 42; //LINT
var zzz, //LINT
f() {} //LINT
void g(x) {} //LINT
static h() {} //LINT
static void j(x) {} //LINT
static void k(var v) {} //LINT
void l(_) {} // OK!
void ll(__) {} // OK!
var _x;
final _xx = 1;
static const _y = '';
static final _z = 3;
void m() {}
_f() {}
void _g(x) {}
static _h() {}
static _j(x) {}
static _k(var x) {}
typedef _PrivateMethod(int value); //OK
typedef void _PrivateMethod2(value); //OK
extension Ext on A {
set x(x) { } // LINT
set _x(x) { } // OK
get x => 0; // LINT
f() {} // LINT
void j(j) { } // LINT