blob: 11894926184e434e8d1099dee0e4ab36d1126e3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N prefer_is_empty`
const l = '';
const bool empty = l.length == 0; //OK
class A {
final List<String> a;
const A(this.a) : assert(a.length > 0); //OK
class B {
final String b;
const B(this.b) : assert(b.length > 0); //OK
class C {
final bool empty;
const C(dynamic l) : empty = l.length == 0; //OK
class D {
final bool emptyString;
D(String s) : emptyString = s.length == 0; //LINT
class E {
final bool empty;
const E(dynamic l) : empty = l.length == 0; // OK
const E.a(this.empty);
const E.b(dynamic l) : this.a(l.length == 0); // OK
class F {
// ignore: avoid_positional_boolean_parameters
const F(bool b);
class G extends F {
const G(dynamic l) : super(l.length == 0); // OK
const int zero = 0;
Iterable<int> list = [];
Map map = {};
Iterable get iterable => [];
typedef Fun = Iterable Function();
Fun a() => () => [];
bool le = list.length > 0; //LINT
bool le2 = [].length > 0; //LINT
bool le3 = ([].length as int) > 0; //LINT
bool le4 = 0 < list.length; //LINT
bool le5 = [].length < zero;
bool le6 = zero < [].length;
bool me = (map.length) == 0; //LINT
bool ie = iterable.length != 0; //LINT
bool ce = a()().length == 0; //LINT
bool mixed = list.length + map.length > 0; //OK
Iterable length = [];
bool ok = length.first > 0; // OK
void condition() {
final int a = list.length > 0 ? list.first : 0; //LINT
bool le7 = [].length > 1; //OK
void testOperators() {
[].length == 0; // LINT
[].length != 0; // LINT
[].length > 0; // LINT
[].length >= 0; // LINT
[].length < 0; // LINT
[].length <= 0; // LINT
[].length == -1; // LINT
[].length != -1; // LINT
[].length > -1; // LINT
[].length >= -1; // LINT
[].length < -1; // LINT
[].length <= -1; // LINT
[].length == 1; // OK
[].length != 1; // OK
[].length > 1; // OK
[].length >= 1; // LINT
[].length < 1; // LINT
[].length <= 1; // OK
0 == [].length; // LINT
0 != [].length; // LINT
0 < [].length; // LINT
0 <= [].length; // LINT
0 > [].length; // LINT
0 >= [].length; // LINT
-1 == [].length; // LINT
-1 != [].length; // LINT
-1 < [].length; // LINT
-1 <= [].length; // LINT
-1 > [].length; // LINT
-1 >= [].length; // LINT
1 == [].length; // OK
1 != [].length; // OK
1 < [].length; // OK
1 <= [].length; // LINT
1 > [].length; // LINT
1 >= [].length; // OK