blob: e49d5a4685bfada55b2e1ba29859f700ff9833b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `dart test -N literal_only_boolean_expressions`
bool variable = true;
void bad() {
if (!true) {} // LINT
if (true) {} // LINT
if (true && 1 != 0) {} // LINT
if (1 != 0 && true) {} // LINT
if (1 < 0 && true) {} // LINT
if (true && false) {} // LINT
if (1 != 0) {} // LINT
if (true && 1 != 0 || 3 < 4) {} // LINT
if (1 != 0 || 3 < 4 && true) {} // LINT
if (null ?? m()) {} // LINT
while(!true) {} //LINT
do {} while(false); // LINT
for ( ; true; ) { } //LINT
bool m() => true;
void bug658() {
String text;
if ((text?.length ?? 0) != 0) {}