Pushing a new Release

Preparing a Release

Before releasing there are a few boxes to tick off.

  • [ ] Is there a milestone plan for the release? If so, has it been updated?
  • [ ] Is the changelog up to date? (Look at commit history to verify.)
  • [ ] Does the AUTHORS file need updating?
  • [ ] Spot check new lint rules for naming consistency. Rename as needed.

Doing the Push

First, make sure travis and appveyor are GREEN.

Build Status Build status

All clear? Then:

  1. Update pubspec.yaml with a version bump and CHANGELOG.md accordingly.
  2. Tag a release branch.
  3. Publish to pub.dartlang (pub --publish); heed all warnings!
  4. On the io branch, regenerate linter docs (dart tool/doc.dart --out path/to/io_linter/lints).
  5. Update SDK DEPS.

You're done!