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Troubleshoot memory leaks

This page describes how to troubleshoot memory leaks. See other information on memory leaks here.

If leak tracker detected a leak in your application or test, first check if the leak matches a known simple case, and, if no, switch to more complicated troubleshooting.

Known simple cases

1. The test holds a disposed object

TODO: add steps.

More complicated cases

To understand the root cause of a memory leak, you may want to gather additional information.

  • not-disposed:

    • Allocation call-stack helps to detect the owner of the object that is responsible for the object's disposal.
  • not-GCed or GCed-late:

    • Allocation and disposal call-stacks: helps to understand lifecycle of the object which may reveal where the object is being held from garbage collection.

    • Other lifecycle events: TODO: add content

    • Retaining path: shows which objects hold the leaked one from garbage collection.

Collect stacktrace

By default, the leak tracker does not collect stacktraces, because the collection may impact performance and memory footprint.

In tests

Temporarily setup stacktrace collection for your test:

  testWidgets('My test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
  leakTrackingConfig: LeakTrackingTestConfig(
    stackTraceCollectionConfig: StackTraceCollectionConfig(
      classesToCollectStackTraceOnStart: {'MyClass'},

In applications

There are options to enable stacktrace collection in applications:

  1. By passing stackTraceCollectionConfig to enableLeakTracking.

  1. Using interactive UI in DevTools > Memory > Leaks.

TODO: link DevTools documentation with explanation

Check retaining pathes

Open DevTools > Memory > Leaks, wait for not-GCed leaks to be caught, and click ‘Analyze and Download’.

TODO: add details