blob: 0bc1edad0bd1a1bbeb393be4fd29f122caa2d67c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Utility functions for setting up ports and sending data.
/// This library contains a number of functions that handle the
/// boiler-plate of setting up a receive port and receiving a
/// single message on the port.
/// There are different functions that offer different ways to
/// handle the incoming message.
/// The simplest function, [singleCallbackPort], takes a callback
/// and returns a port, and then calls the callback for the first
/// message sent on the port.
/// Other functions intercept the returned value and either
/// does something with it, or puts it into a [Future] or [Completer].
library isolate.ports;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'src/util.dart';
/// Create a [SendPort] that accepts only one message.
/// The [callback] function is called once, with the first message
/// received by the receive port.
/// All further messages are ignored and the port is closed.
/// If [timeout] is supplied, it is used as a limit on how
/// long it can take before the message is received.
/// If a message has not been received within the [timeout] duration,
/// the callback is called with the [timeoutValue] instead, and
/// the port is closed.
/// If the message type, [P], does not allow `null` and [timeout] is
/// non-`null`, then [timeoutValue] must be provided and non-`null`.
/// Use [singleCallbackPortWithTimeout] instead of the deprecated
/// members. That will prevent run-time error arising from calling
/// this method with a non-nullable [P] type and a null [timeoutValue].
/// If the received value is not a [P], it will cause an uncaught
/// asynchronous error in the current zone.
/// Returns the `SendPort` expecting the single message.
/// Equivalent to:
/// ```dart
/// (new ReceivePort()
/// ..first.timeout(duration, () => timeoutValue).then(callback))
/// .sendPort
/// ```
/// when [timeout] is provided.
SendPort singleCallbackPort<P>(void Function(P response) callback,
{@Deprecated("Use singleCallbackPortWithTimeout instead") Duration? timeout,
@Deprecated("Use singleCallbackPortWithTimeout instead") P? timeoutValue}) {
if (timeout == null) {
return _singleCallbackPort<P>(callback);
if (timeoutValue is! P) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
null, "timeoutValue", "The result type is non-null");
return singleCallbackPortWithTimeout<P>(callback, timeout, timeoutValue);
/// Helper function for [singleCallbackPort].
/// Replace [singleCallbackPort] with this
/// when removing the deprecated parameters.
SendPort _singleCallbackPort<P>(void Function(P) callback) {
var responsePort = RawReceivePort();
var zone = Zone.current;
callback = zone.registerUnaryCallback(callback);
responsePort.handler = (response) {
zone.runUnary(callback, response as P);
return responsePort.sendPort;
/// Create a [SendPort] that accepts only one message.
/// The [callback] function is called once, with the first message
/// received by the receive port.
/// All further messages are ignored and the port is closed.
/// If a message has not been received within the [timeout] duration,
/// the callback is called with the [timeoutValue] instead, and
/// the port is closed.
/// If the received value is not a [P], it will cause an uncaught
/// asynchronous error in the current zone.
/// Returns the `SendPort` expecting the single message.
/// Equivalent to:
/// ```dart
/// (new ReceivePort()
/// ..first.timeout(duration, () => timeoutValue).then(callback))
/// .sendPort
/// ```
SendPort singleCallbackPortWithTimeout<P>(
void Function(P response) callback, Duration timeout, P timeoutValue) {
var responsePort = RawReceivePort();
var zone = Zone.current;
callback = zone.registerUnaryCallback(callback);
Timer? timer;
responsePort.handler = (response) {
zone.runUnary(callback, response as P);
timer = Timer(timeout, () {
return responsePort.sendPort;
/// Create a [SendPort] that accepts only one message.
/// When the first message is received, the [callback] function is
/// called with the message as argument,
/// and the [completer] is completed with the result of that call.
/// All further messages are ignored.
/// If `callback` is omitted, it defaults to an identity function.
/// The `callback` call may return a future, and the completer will
/// wait for that future to complete. If [callback] is omitted, the
/// message on the port must be an instance of [R].
/// If [timeout] is supplied, it is used as a limit on how
/// long it can take before the message is received. If a
/// message isn't received in time, the [onTimeout] is called,
/// and `completer` is completed with the result of that call
/// instead.
/// The [callback] function will not be interrupted by the time-out,
/// as long as the initial message is received in time.
/// If `onTimeout` is omitted, it defaults to completing the `completer` with
/// a [TimeoutException].
/// The [completer] may be a synchronous completer. It is only
/// completed in response to another event, either a port message or a timer.
/// Returns the `SendPort` expecting the single message.
SendPort singleCompletePort<R, P>(
Completer<R> completer, {
FutureOr<R> Function(P message)? callback,
Duration? timeout,
FutureOr<R> Function()? onTimeout,
}) {
if (callback == null && timeout == null) {
return _singleCallbackPort<Object>((response) {
_castComplete<R>(completer, response);
var responsePort = RawReceivePort();
Timer? timer;
if (callback == null) {
responsePort.handler = (response) {
_castComplete<R>(completer, response);
} else {
var zone = Zone.current;
var action = zone.registerUnaryCallback((response) {
try {
// Also catch it if callback throws.
completer.complete(callback(response as P));
} catch (error, stack) {
completer.completeError(error, stack);
responsePort.handler = (response) {
zone.runUnary(action, response as P);
if (timeout != null) {
timer = Timer(timeout, () {
if (onTimeout != null) {
/// workaround for incomplete generic parameters promotion.
/// example is available in 'TimeoutFirst with invalid null' test
try {
} catch (e, st) {
completer.completeError(e, st);
} else {
.completeError(TimeoutException('Future not completed', timeout));
return responsePort.sendPort;
/// Creates a [Future], and a [SendPort] that can be used to complete that
/// future.
/// Calls [action] with the response `SendPort`, then waits for someone
/// to send a value on that port
/// The returned `Future` is completed with the value sent on the port.
/// If [action] throws, which it shouldn't,
/// the returned future is completed with that error.
/// Any return value of `action` is ignored, and if it is asynchronous,
/// it should handle its own errors.
/// If [timeout] is supplied, it is used as a limit on how
/// long it can take before the message is received. If a
/// message isn't received in time, the [timeoutValue] used
/// as the returned future's value instead.
/// If the result type, [R], does not allow `null`, and [timeout] is provided,
/// then [timeoutValue] must also be non-`null`.
/// Use [singleResponseFutureWithTimeout] instead of providing
/// the optional parameters to this function. It prevents getting run-time
/// errors from providing a [timeout] and no [timeoutValue] with a non-nullable
/// result type.
/// If you need a timeout on the operation, it's recommended to specify
/// a timeout using [singleResponseFutureWithTimeout],
/// and not use [Future.timeout] on the returned `Future`.
/// The `Future` method won't be able to close the underlying [ReceivePort],
/// and will keep waiting for the first response anyway.
Future<R> singleResponseFuture<R>(
void Function(SendPort responsePort) action, {
@Deprecated("Use singleResponseFutureWithTimeout instead") Duration? timeout,
@Deprecated("Use singleResponseFutureWithTimeout instead") R? timeoutValue,
}) {
if (timeout == null) {
return _singleResponseFuture<R>(action);
if (timeoutValue is! R) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
null, "timeoutValue", "The result type is non-null");
return singleResponseFutureWithTimeout(action, timeout, timeoutValue);
/// Helper function for [singleResponseFuture].
/// Use this as the implementation of [singleResponseFuture]
/// when removing the deprecated parameters.
Future<R> _singleResponseFuture<R>(
void Function(SendPort responsePort) action) {
var completer = Completer<R>.sync();
var responsePort = RawReceivePort();
var zone = Zone.current;
responsePort.handler = (response) {
responsePort.close(); {
_castComplete<R>(completer, response);
try {
} catch (error, stack) {
// Delay completion because completer is sync.
scheduleMicrotask(() {
completer.completeError(error, stack);
return completer.future;
/// Same as [singleResponseFuture], but with required [timeoutValue],
/// this allows us not to require a nullable return value
Future<R> singleResponseFutureWithTimeout<R>(
void Function(SendPort responsePort) action,
Duration timeout,
R timeoutValue) {
var completer = Completer<R>.sync();
var responsePort = RawReceivePort();
var timer = Timer(timeout, () {
var zone = Zone.current;
responsePort.handler = (response) {
timer.cancel(); {
_castComplete<R>(completer, response);
try {
} catch (error, stack) {
// Delay completion because completer is sync.
scheduleMicrotask(() {
completer.completeError(error, stack);
return completer.future;
/// Send the result of a future, either value or error, as a message.
/// The result of [future] is sent on [resultPort] in a form expected by
/// either [receiveFutureResult], [completeFutureResult], or
/// by the port of [singleResultFuture].
void sendFutureResult(Future<Object?> future, SendPort resultPort) {
future.then<void>((value) {
}, onError: (error, stack) {
resultPort.send(list2('$error', '$stack'));
/// Creates a [Future], and a [SendPort] that can be used to complete that
/// future.
/// Calls [action] with the response `SendPort`, then waits for someone
/// to send a future result on that port using [sendFutureResult].
/// The returned `Future` is completed with the future result sent on the port.
/// If [action] throws, which it shouldn't,
/// the returned future is completed with that error,
/// unless someone manages to send a message on the port before `action` throws.
/// If [timeout] is supplied, it is used as a limit on how
/// long it can take before the message is received. If a
/// message isn't received in time, the [onTimeout] is called,
/// and the future is completed with the result of that call
/// instead.
/// If `onTimeout` is omitted, it defaults to throwing
/// a [TimeoutException].
Future<R> singleResultFuture<R>(void Function(SendPort responsePort) action,
{Duration? timeout, FutureOr<R> Function()? onTimeout}) {
var completer = Completer<R>.sync();
var port = singleCompletePort<R, List<Object?>>(completer,
callback: receiveFutureResult, timeout: timeout, onTimeout: onTimeout);
try {
} catch (e, s) {
// This should not happen.
sendFutureResult(Future.error(e, s), port);
return completer.future;
/// Completes a completer with a message created by [sendFutureResult]
/// The [response] must be a message on the format sent by [sendFutureResult].
void completeFutureResult<R>(List<Object?> response, Completer<R> completer) {
if (response.length == 2) {
var error = RemoteError(response[0] as String, response[1] as String);
completer.completeError(error, error.stackTrace);
} else {
var result = response[0] as R;
/// Converts a received message created by [sendFutureResult] to a future
/// result.
/// The [response] must be a message on the format sent by [sendFutureResult].
Future<R> receiveFutureResult<R>(List<Object?> response) {
if (response.length == 2) {
var error = RemoteError(response[0] as String, response[1] as String);
return Future.error(error, error.stackTrace);
var result = response[0] as R;
return Future<R>.value(result);
/// A [Future] and a [SendPort] that can be used to complete the future.
/// The first value sent to [port] is used to complete the [result].
/// All following values sent to `port` are ignored.
class SingleResponseChannel<R> {
final Zone _zone;
final RawReceivePort _receivePort;
final Completer<R> _completer;
final FutureOr<R> Function(dynamic)? _callback;
Timer? _timer;
/// Creates a response channel.
/// The [result] is completed with the first value sent to [port].
/// If [callback] is provided, the value sent to [port] is first passed
/// to `callback`, and the result of that is used to complete `result`.
/// If [timeout] is provided, the future is completed after that
/// duration if it hasn't received a value from the port earlier,
/// with a value determined as follows:
/// If [throwOnTimeout] is true, the the future is completed with a
/// [TimeoutException] as an error.
/// Otherwise, if [onTimeout] is provided,
/// the future is completed with the result of running `onTimeout()`.
/// If `onTimeout` is also not provided,
/// then the future is completed with the provided [timeoutValue],
/// which defaults to `null`.
/// If the result type, [R], is not nullable, and [timeoutValue]
/// is to be used as the result of the future,
/// then it must have a non-`null` value.
{FutureOr<R> Function(dynamic value)? callback,
Duration? timeout,
bool throwOnTimeout = false,
FutureOr<R> Function()? onTimeout,
R? timeoutValue})
: _receivePort = RawReceivePort(),
_completer = Completer<R>.sync(),
_callback = callback,
_zone = Zone.current {
_receivePort.handler = _handleResponse;
if (timeout != null) {
if (!throwOnTimeout &&
onTimeout == null &&
timeoutValue == null &&
timeoutValue is! R) {
throw ArgumentError.value(null, "timeoutValue",
"The value is needed and the result must not be null");
_timer = Timer(timeout, () {
// Executed as a timer event.
if (!_completer.isCompleted) {
if (throwOnTimeout) {
TimeoutException('Timeout waiting for response', timeout));
} else if (onTimeout != null) {
} else {
_completer.complete(timeoutValue as R);
/// The port expecting a value that will complete [result].
SendPort get port => _receivePort.sendPort;
/// Future completed by the first value sent to [port].
Future<R> get result => _completer.future;
/// If the channel hasn't completed yet, interrupt it and complete the result.
/// If the channel hasn't received a value yet, or timed out, it is stopped
/// (like by a timeout) and the [SingleResponseChannel.result]
/// is completed with [result].
/// If the result type is not nullable, the [result] must not be `null`.
void interrupt([R? result]) {
if (result is! R) {
throw ArgumentError.value(null, "result",
"The value is needed and the result must not be null");
if (!_completer.isCompleted) {
// Not in event tail position, so complete the sync completer later.
_completer.complete(Future.microtask(() => result));
void _cancelTimer() {
final timer = _timer;
if (timer != null) {
_timer = null;
void _handleResponse(v) {
// Executed as a port event.
final callback = _callback;
if (callback == null) {
try {
_completer.complete(v as R);
} catch (e, s) {
_completer.completeError(e, s);
} else {
// The _handleResponse function is the handler of a RawReceivePort.
// As such, it runs in the root zone.
// The _callback should be run in the original zone, both because it's
// what the user expects, and because it may create an error that needs
// to be propagated to the original completer. If that completer was
// created in a different error zone, an error from the root zone
// would become uncaught. {
_completer.complete(Future<R>.sync(() => callback(v)));
// Helper function that casts an object to a type and completes a
// corresponding completer, or completes with the error if the cast fails.
void _castComplete<R>(Completer<R> completer, Object? value) {
try {
completer.complete(value as R);
} catch (error, stack) {
completer.completeError(error, stack);