blob: d5cd25e73cbdf94c0fccdd9858c18e4ce482c87a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A multiplexing [RawReceivePort].
/// Allows creating a number of [RawReceivePort] implementations that all send
/// messages through the same real `RawReceivePort`.
/// This allows reducing the number of receive ports created, but adds an
/// overhead to each message.
/// If a library creates many short-lived receive ports, multiplexing might be
/// faster.
/// To use multiplexing receive ports, create and store a
/// [RawReceivePortMultiplexer], and create receive ports by calling
/// `multiplexer.createRawReceivePort(handler)` where you would otherwise
/// write `new RawReceivePort(handler)`.
/// Remember to [close] the multiplexer when it is no longer needed.
/// (TODO: Check if it really is faster - creating a receive port requires a
/// global mutex, so it may be a bottleneck, but it's not clear how slow it is).
library isolate.raw_receive_port_multiplexer;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'lists.dart';
class _MultiplexRawReceivePort implements RawReceivePort {
final RawReceivePortMultiplexer _multiplexer;
final int _id;
Function _handler;
_MultiplexRawReceivePort(this._multiplexer, this._id, this._handler);
void set handler(void handler(response)) {
this._handler = handler;
void close() {
SendPort get sendPort => _multiplexer._createSendPort(_id);
void _invokeHandler(message) {
class _MultiplexSendPort implements SendPort {
final SendPort _sendPort;
final int _id;
_MultiplexSendPort(this._id, this._sendPort);
void send(message) {
_sendPort.send(list2(_id, message));
/// A shared [RawReceivePort] that distributes messages to
/// [RawReceivePort] instances that it manages.
class RawReceivePortMultiplexer {
final RawReceivePort _port = new RawReceivePort();
final Map<int, _MultiplexRawReceivePort> _map = new HashMap();
int _nextId = 0;
RawReceivePortMultiplexer() {
_port.handler = _multiplexResponse;
RawReceivePort createRawReceivePort([void handler(value)]) {
int id = _nextId++;
var result = new _MultiplexRawReceivePort(this, id, handler);
_map[id] = result;
return result;
void close() {
void _multiplexResponse(list) {
int id = list[0];
var message = list[1];
_MultiplexRawReceivePort receivePort = _map[id];
// If the receive port is closed, messages are dropped, just as for
// the normal ReceivePort.
if (receivePort == null) return; // Port closed.
SendPort _createSendPort(int id) {
return new _MultiplexSendPort(id, _port.sendPort);
void _closePort(int id) {