blob: 734033c2ab296441d4b9112cb6be839e9f4068b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Message/plural format library with locale support. This can have different
/// implementations based on the mechanism for finding the localized versions of
/// messages. This version expects them to be in a library named e.g.
/// 'messages_en_US'. The prefix is set in the "initializeMessages" call, which
/// must be made for a locale before any lookups can be done.
/// See Intl class comment or `tests/message_format_test.dart` for more
/// examples.
library message_lookup_by_library;
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:intl/src/intl_helpers.dart';
/// This is a message lookup mechanism that delegates to one of a collection
/// of individual [MessageLookupByLibrary] instances.
class CompositeMessageLookup implements MessageLookup {
/// A map from locale names to the corresponding lookups.
Map<String, MessageLookupByLibrary> availableMessages = Map();
/// Return true if we have a message lookup for [localeName].
bool localeExists(localeName) => availableMessages.containsKey(localeName);
/// The last locale in which we looked up messages.
/// If this locale matches the new one then we can skip looking up the
/// messages and assume they will be the same as last time.
String? _lastLocale;
/// Caches the last messages that we found
MessageLookupByLibrary? _lastLookup;
/// Look up the message with the given [name] and [locale] and return the
/// translated version with the values in [args] interpolated. If nothing is
/// found, return the result of [ifAbsent] or [messageText].
String? lookupMessage(String? messageText, String? locale, String? name,
List<Object>? args, String? meaning,
{MessageIfAbsent? ifAbsent}) {
// If passed null, use the default.
var knownLocale = locale ?? Intl.getCurrentLocale();
var messages = (knownLocale == _lastLocale)
? _lastLookup
: _lookupMessageCatalog(knownLocale);
// If we didn't find any messages for this locale, use the original string,
// faking interpolations if necessary.
if (messages == null) {
return ifAbsent == null ? messageText : ifAbsent(messageText, args);
return messages.lookupMessage(messageText, locale, name, args, meaning,
ifAbsent: ifAbsent);
/// Find the right message lookup for [locale].
MessageLookupByLibrary? _lookupMessageCatalog(String locale) {
var verifiedLocale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, localeExists,
onFailure: (locale) => locale);
_lastLocale = locale;
_lastLookup = availableMessages[verifiedLocale];
return _lastLookup;
/// If we do not already have a locale for [localeName] then
/// [findLocale] will be called and the result stored as the lookup
/// mechanism for that locale.
void addLocale(String localeName, Function findLocale) {
if (localeExists(localeName)) return;
var canonical = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(localeName);
var newLocale = findLocale(canonical);
if (newLocale != null) {
availableMessages[localeName] = newLocale;
availableMessages[canonical] = newLocale;
// If there was already a failed lookup for [newLocale], null the cache.
if (_lastLocale == newLocale) {
_lastLocale = null;
_lastLookup = null;
/// This provides an abstract class for messages looked up in generated code.
/// Each locale will have a separate subclass of this class with its set of
/// messages. See generate_localized.dart.
abstract class MessageLookupByLibrary {
/// Return the localized version of a message. We are passed the original
/// version of the message, which consists of a
/// [messageText] that will be translated, and which may be interpolated
/// based on one or more variables.
/// For example, if message="Hello, $name", then
/// examples = {'name': 'Sparky'}. If not using the user's default locale, or
/// if the locale is not easily detectable, explicitly pass [locale].
/// Ultimately, the information about the enclosing function and its arguments
/// will be extracted automatically but for the time being it must be passed
/// explicitly in the [name] and [args] arguments.
String? lookupMessage(String? messageText, String? locale, String? name,
List<Object>? args, String? meaning,
{MessageIfAbsent? ifAbsent}) {
var actualName = computeMessageName(name, messageText, meaning);
Object? translation;
if (actualName != null) {
translation = this[actualName];
if (translation == null) {
return ifAbsent == null ? messageText : ifAbsent(messageText, args);
} else {
args = args ?? const [];
return evaluateMessage(translation, args);
/// Evaluate the translated message and return the translated string.
String evaluateMessage(translation, List<dynamic> args) {
return Function.apply(translation, args);
/// Return our message with the given name
dynamic operator [](String messageName) => messages[messageName];
/// Subclasses should override this to return a list of their message
/// implementations. In this class these are functions, but subclasses may
/// implement them differently.
Map<String, dynamic> get messages;
/// Subclasses should override this to return their locale, e.g. 'en_US'
String get localeName;
String toString() => localeName;
/// Return a function that returns the given string.
/// An optimization for dart2js, used from the generated code.
static String Function() simpleMessage(translatedString) =>
() => translatedString;