Remove message extraction and generation code from Intl (now in intl_translation)

Created by MOE:
diff --git a/ b/
index 321d5f3..799dbad 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+## 0.14.0
+ * MAJOR BREAKING CHANGE! Remove message extraction and code generation into a separate
+   intl_translation package. This means packages with a runtime dependency on
+   intl don't also depend on analyzer, barback, and so forth.
 ## 0.13.1
  * Update CLDR data to version 29.
  * Add a toBeginningOfSentenceCase() method which converts the first character
diff --git a/ b/
index 1a0f074..0b38b17 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -186,11 +186,12 @@
 When your program contains messages that need translation, these must
 be extracted from the program source, sent to human translators, and the
-results need to be incorporated.
+results need to be incorporated. The code for this is in the
+[Intl_translation][Intl_translation] package.
 To extract messages, run the `extract_to_arb.dart` program.
-      pub run intl:extract_to_arb --output-dir=target/directory
+      pub run intl_translation:extract_to_arb --output-dir=target/directory
           my_program.dart more_of_my_program.dart
 This will produce a file `intl_messages.arb` with the messages from
@@ -204,8 +205,10 @@
 This expects to receive a series of files, one per
-      pub run intl:generate_from_arb --generated_file_prefix=<prefix>
-          <my_dart_files> <translated_ARB_files>
+pub run intl_translation:generate_from_arb --generated_file_prefix=<prefix>
+    <my_dart_files> <translated_ARB_files>
 This will generate Dart libraries, one per locale, which contain the
 translated versions. Your Dart libraries can import the primary file,
diff --git a/bin/extract_to_arb.dart b/bin/extract_to_arb.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c643f9..0000000
--- a/bin/extract_to_arb.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dart
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This script uses the extract_messages.dart library to find the Intl.message
-/// calls in the target dart files and produces ARB format output. See
-library extract_to_arb;
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:args/args.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import 'package:intl/extract_messages.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/intl_message.dart';
-var outputFilename = 'intl_messages.arb';
-main(List<String> args) {
-  var targetDir;
-  bool transformer;
-  var parser = new ArgParser();
-  var extraction = new MessageExtraction();
-  parser.addFlag("suppress-warnings",
-      defaultsTo: false,
-      callback: (x) => extraction.suppressWarnings = x,
-      help: 'Suppress printing of warnings.');
-  parser.addFlag("warnings-are-errors",
-      defaultsTo: false,
-      callback: (x) => extraction.warningsAreErrors = x,
-      help: 'Treat all warnings as errors, stop processing ');
-  parser.addFlag("embedded-plurals",
-      defaultsTo: true,
-      callback: (x) => extraction.allowEmbeddedPluralsAndGenders = x,
-      help: 'Allow plurals and genders to be embedded as part of a larger '
-          'string, otherwise they must be at the top level.');
-  parser.addFlag("transformer",
-      defaultsTo: false,
-      callback: (x) => transformer = x,
-      help: "Assume that the transformer is in use, so name and args "
-          "don't need to be specified for messages.");
-  parser.addOption("output-dir",
-      defaultsTo: '.',
-      callback: (value) => targetDir = value,
-      help: 'Specify the output directory.');
-  parser.parse(args);
-  if (args.length == 0) {
-    print('Accepts Dart files and produces $outputFilename');
-    print('Usage: extract_to_arb [options] [files.dart]');
-    print(parser.usage);
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  var allMessages = {};
-  for (var arg in args.where((x) => x.contains(".dart"))) {
-    var messages = extraction.parseFile(new File(arg), transformer);
-    messages.forEach((k, v) => allMessages.addAll(toARB(v)));
-  }
-  var file = new File(path.join(targetDir, outputFilename));
-  file.writeAsStringSync(JSON.encode(allMessages));
-  if (extraction.hasWarnings && extraction.warningsAreErrors) {
-    exit(1);
-  }
-/// This is a placeholder for transforming a parameter substitution from
-/// the translation file format into a Dart interpolation. In our case we
-/// store it to the file in Dart interpolation syntax, so the transformation
-/// is trivial.
-String leaveTheInterpolationsInDartForm(MainMessage msg, chunk) {
-  if (chunk is String) return chunk;
-  if (chunk is int) return "\$${msg.arguments[chunk]}";
-  return chunk.toCode();
-/// Convert the [MainMessage] to a trivial JSON format.
-Map toARB(MainMessage message) {
-  if (message.messagePieces.isEmpty) return null;
-  var out = {};
-  out[] = icuForm(message);
-  out["@${}"] = arbMetadata(message);
-  return out;
-Map arbMetadata(MainMessage message) {
-  var out = {};
-  var desc = message.description;
-  if (desc != null) {
-    out["description"] = desc;
-  }
-  out["type"] = "text";
-  var placeholders = {};
-  for (var arg in message.arguments) {
-    addArgumentFor(message, arg, placeholders);
-  }
-  out["placeholders"] = placeholders;
-  return out;
-void addArgumentFor(MainMessage message, String arg, Map result) {
-  var extraInfo = {};
-  if (message.examples != null && message.examples[arg] != null) {
-    extraInfo["example"] = message.examples[arg];
-  }
-  result[arg] = extraInfo;
-/// Return a version of the message string with with ICU parameters "{variable}"
-/// rather than Dart interpolations "$variable".
-String icuForm(MainMessage message) =>
-    message.expanded(turnInterpolationIntoICUForm);
-String turnInterpolationIntoICUForm(Message message, chunk,
-    {bool shouldEscapeICU: false}) {
-  if (chunk is String) {
-    return shouldEscapeICU ? escape(chunk) : chunk;
-  }
-  if (chunk is int && chunk >= 0 && chunk < message.arguments.length) {
-    return "{${message.arguments[chunk]}}";
-  }
-  if (chunk is SubMessage) {
-    return chunk.expanded((message, chunk) =>
-        turnInterpolationIntoICUForm(message, chunk, shouldEscapeICU: true));
-  }
-  if (chunk is Message) {
-    return chunk.expanded((message, chunk) => turnInterpolationIntoICUForm(
-        message, chunk,
-        shouldEscapeICU: shouldEscapeICU));
-  }
-  throw new FormatException("Illegal interpolation: $chunk");
-String escape(String s) {
-  return s.replaceAll("'", "''").replaceAll("{", "'{'").replaceAll("}", "'}'");
diff --git a/bin/generate_from_arb.dart b/bin/generate_from_arb.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 13d3680..0000000
--- a/bin/generate_from_arb.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dart
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// A main program that takes as input a source Dart file and a number
-/// of ARB files representing translations of messages from the corresponding
-/// Dart file. See extract_to_arb.dart and make_hardcoded_translation.dart.
-/// If the ARB file has an @@locale or _locale value, that will be used as
-/// the locale. If not, we will try to figure out the locale from the end of
-/// the file name, e.g. foo_en_GB.arb will be assumed to be in en_GB locale.
-/// This produces a series of files named
-/// "messages_<locale>.dart" containing messages for a particular locale
-/// and a main import file named "messages_all.dart" which has imports all of
-/// them and provides an initializeMessages function.
-library generate_from_arb;
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:args/args.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import 'package:intl/extract_messages.dart';
-import 'package:intl/generate_localized.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/intl_message.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/icu_parser.dart';
-/// Keeps track of all the messages we have processed so far, keyed by message
-/// name.
-Map<String, List<MainMessage>> messages;
-main(List<String> args) {
-  var targetDir;
-  var parser = new ArgParser();
-  var extraction = new MessageExtraction();
-  var generation = new MessageGeneration();
-  parser.addFlag("suppress-warnings",
-      defaultsTo: false,
-      callback: (x) => extraction.suppressWarnings = x,
-      help: 'Suppress printing of warnings.');
-  parser.addOption("output-dir",
-      defaultsTo: '.',
-      callback: (x) => targetDir = x,
-      help: 'Specify the output directory.');
-  parser.addOption("generated-file-prefix",
-      defaultsTo: '',
-      callback: (x) => generation.generatedFilePrefix = x,
-      help: 'Specify a prefix to be used for the generated file names.');
-  parser.addFlag("use-deferred-loading",
-      defaultsTo: true,
-      callback: (x) => generation.useDeferredLoading = x,
-      help: 'Generate message code that must be loaded with deferred loading. '
-          'Otherwise, all messages are eagerly loaded.');
-  parser.parse(args);
-  var dartFiles = args.where((x) => x.endsWith("dart")).toList();
-  var jsonFiles = args.where((x) => x.endsWith(".arb")).toList();
-  if (dartFiles.length == 0 || jsonFiles.length == 0) {
-    print('Usage: generate_from_arb [options]'
-        ' file1.dart file2.dart ...'
-        ' translation1_<languageTag>.arb translation2.arb ...');
-    print(parser.usage);
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  // TODO(alanknight): There is a possible regression here. If a project is
-  // using the transformer and expecting it to provide names for messages with
-  // parameters, we may report those names as missing. We now have two distinct
-  // mechanisms for providing names: the transformer and just using the message
-  // text if there are no parameters. Previously this was always acting as if
-  // the transformer was in use, but that breaks the case of using the message
-  // text. The intent is to deprecate the transformer, but if this is an issue
-  // for real projects we could provide a command-line flag to indicate which
-  // sort of automated name we're using.
-  extraction.suppressWarnings = true;
-  var allMessages =
- => extraction.parseFile(new File(each), false));
-  messages = new Map();
-  for (var eachMap in allMessages) {
-    eachMap.forEach(
-        (key, value) => messages.putIfAbsent(key, () => []).add(value));
-  }
-  for (var arg in jsonFiles) {
-    var file = new File(arg);
-    generateLocaleFile(file, targetDir, generation);
-  }
-  var mainImportFile = new File(path.join(
-      targetDir, '${generation.generatedFilePrefix}messages_all.dart'));
-  mainImportFile.writeAsStringSync(generation.generateMainImportFile());
-/// Create the file of generated code for a particular locale. We read the ARB
-/// data and create [BasicTranslatedMessage] instances from everything,
-/// excluding only the special _locale attribute that we use to indicate the
-/// locale. If that attribute is missing, we try to get the locale from the last
-/// section of the file name.
-void generateLocaleFile(
-    File file, String targetDir, MessageGeneration generation) {
-  var src = file.readAsStringSync();
-  var data = JSON.decode(src);
-  data.forEach((k, v) => data[k] = recreateIntlObjects(k, v));
-  var locale = data["@@locale"] ?? data["_locale"];
-  if (locale != null) {
-    locale = locale.translated.string;
-  } else {
-    // Get the locale from the end of the file name. This assumes that the file
-    // name doesn't contain any underscores except to begin the language tag
-    // and to separate language from country. Otherwise we can't tell if
-    // my_file_fr.arb is locale "fr" or "file_fr".
-    var name = path.basenameWithoutExtension(file.path);
-    locale = name.split("_").skip(1).join("_");
-    print("No @@locale or _locale field found in $name, "
-        "assuming '$locale' based on the file name.");
-  }
-  generation.allLocales.add(locale);
-  List<TranslatedMessage> translations = [];
-  data.forEach((key, value) {
-    if (value != null) {
-      translations.add(value);
-    }
-  });
-  generation.generateIndividualMessageFile(locale, translations, targetDir);
-/// Regenerate the original IntlMessage objects from the given [data]. For
-/// things that are messages, we expect [id] not to start with "@" and
-/// [data] to be a String. For metadata we expect [id] to start with "@"
-/// and [data] to be a Map or null. For metadata we return null.
-BasicTranslatedMessage recreateIntlObjects(String id, data) {
-  if (id.startsWith("@")) return null;
-  if (data == null) return null;
-  var parsed = pluralAndGenderParser.parse(data).value;
-  if (parsed is LiteralString && parsed.string.isEmpty) {
-    parsed = plainParser.parse(data).value;
-    ;
-  }
-  return new BasicTranslatedMessage(id, parsed);
-/// A TranslatedMessage that just uses the name as the id and knows how to look
-/// up its original messages in our [messages].
-class BasicTranslatedMessage extends TranslatedMessage {
-  BasicTranslatedMessage(String name, translated) : super(name, translated);
-  List<MainMessage> get originalMessages => (super.originalMessages == null)
-      ? _findOriginals()
-      : super.originalMessages;
-  // We know that our [id] is the name of the message, which is used as the
-  //key in [messages].
-  List<MainMessage> _findOriginals() => originalMessages = messages[id];
-final pluralAndGenderParser = new IcuParser().message;
-final plainParser = new IcuParser().nonIcuMessage;
diff --git a/bin/rewrite_intl_messages.dart b/bin/rewrite_intl_messages.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc0dd6..0000000
--- a/bin/rewrite_intl_messages.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dart
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// A main program that imitates the action of the transformer, adding
-/// name and args parameters to Intl.message calls automatically.
-/// This is mainly intended to test the transformer logic outside of barback.
-/// It takes as input a single source Dart file and rewrites any
-/// Intl.message or related calls to automatically include the name and args
-/// parameters and writes the result to stdout.
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:args/args.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/message_rewriter.dart';
-String outputFile = 'transformed_output.dart';
-main(List<String> args) {
-  var parser = new ArgParser();
-  parser.addOption('output',
-      defaultsTo: 'transformed_output.dart',
-      callback: (x) => outputFile = x,
-      help: 'Specify the output file.');
-  print(args);
-  parser.parse(args);
-  if (args.length == 0) {
-    print('Accepts a single Dart file and adds "name" and "args" parameters '
-        ' to Intl.message calls.');
-    print('Primarily useful for exercising the transformer logic.');
-    print('Usage: rewrite_intl_messages [options] [file.dart]');
-    print(parser.usage);
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  var dartFile = args.where((x) => x.endsWith(".dart")).last;
-  var file = new File(dartFile);
-  var content = file.readAsStringSync();
-  var newSource = rewriteMessages(content, '$file');
-  print('Writing new source to $outputFile');
-  var out = new File(outputFile);
-  out.writeAsStringSync(newSource);
diff --git a/lib/extract_messages.dart b/lib/extract_messages.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c1222..0000000
--- a/lib/extract_messages.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This is for use in extracting messages from a Dart program
-/// using the Intl.message() mechanism and writing them to a file for
-/// translation. This provides only the stub of a mechanism, because it
-/// doesn't define how the file should be written. It provides an
-/// [IntlMessage] class that holds the extracted data and [parseString]
-/// and [parseFile] methods which
-/// can extract messages that conform to the expected pattern:
-///       (parameters) => Intl.message("Message $parameters", desc: ...);
-/// It uses the analyzer package to do the parsing, so may
-/// break if there are changes to the API that it provides.
-/// An example can be found in test/message_extraction/extract_to_json.dart
-/// Note that this does not understand how to follow part directives, so it
-/// has to explicitly be given all the files that it needs. A typical use case
-/// is to run it on all .dart files in a directory.
-library extract_messages;
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/intl_message.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/intl_helpers.dart';
-/// A function that takes a message and does something useful with it.
-typedef void OnMessage(String message);
-/// A particular message extraction run.
-///  This encapsulates all the state required for message extraction so that
-///  it can be run inside a persistent process.
-class MessageExtraction {
-  /// What to do when a message is encountered, defaults to [print].
-  OnMessage onMessage = print;
-  /// If this is true, print warnings for skipped messages. Otherwise, warnings
-  /// are suppressed.
-  bool suppressWarnings = false;
-  /// If this is true, then treat all warnings as errors.
-  bool warningsAreErrors = false;
-  /// This accumulates a list of all warnings/errors we have found. These are
-  /// saved as strings right now, so all that can really be done is print and
-  /// count them.
-  List<String> warnings = [];
-  /// Were there any warnings or errors in extracting messages.
-  bool get hasWarnings => warnings.isNotEmpty;
-  /// Are plural and gender expressions required to be at the top level
-  /// of an expression, or are they allowed to be embedded in string literals.
-  ///
-  /// For example, the following expression
-  ///     'There are ${Intl.plural(...)} items'.
-  /// is legal if [allowEmbeddedPluralsAndGenders] is true, but illegal
-  /// if [allowEmbeddedPluralsAndGenders] is false.
-  bool allowEmbeddedPluralsAndGenders = true;
-  /// Are examples required on all messages.
-  bool examplesRequired = false;
-  /// Parse the source of the Dart program file [file] and return a Map from
-  /// message names to [IntlMessage] instances.
-  ///
-  /// If [transformer] is true, assume the transformer will supply any "name"
-  /// and "args" parameters required in Intl.message calls.
-  Map<String, MainMessage> parseFile(File file, [transformer = false]) {
-    // Optimization to avoid parsing files we're sure don't contain any messages.
-    String contents = file.readAsStringSync();
-    origin = file.path;
-    if (contents.contains("Intl.")) {
-      root = _parseCompilationUnit(contents, origin);
-    } else {
-      return {};
-    }
-    var visitor = new MessageFindingVisitor(this);
-    visitor.generateNameAndArgs = transformer;
-    root.accept(visitor);
-    return visitor.messages;
-  }
-  CompilationUnit _parseCompilationUnit(String contents, String origin) {
-    var parsed;
-    try {
-      parsed = parseCompilationUnit(contents);
-    } on AnalyzerErrorGroup catch (e) {
-      print("Error in parsing $origin, no messages extracted.");
-      print("  $e");
-    }
-    return parsed;
-  }
-  /// The root of the compilation unit, and the first node we visit. We hold
-  /// on to this for error reporting, as it can give us line numbers of other
-  /// nodes.
-  CompilationUnit root;
-  /// An arbitrary string describing where the source code came from. Most
-  /// obviously, this could be a file path. We use this when reporting
-  /// invalid messages.
-  String origin;
-  String _reportErrorLocation(AstNode node) {
-    var result = new StringBuffer();
-    if (origin != null) result.write("    from $origin");
-    var info = root.lineInfo;
-    if (info != null) {
-      var line = info.getLocation(node.offset);
-      result
-          .write("    line: ${line.lineNumber}, column: ${line.columnNumber}");
-    }
-    return result.toString();
-  }
-/// This visits the program source nodes looking for Intl.message uses
-/// that conform to its pattern and then creating the corresponding
-/// IntlMessage objects. We have to find both the enclosing function, and
-/// the Intl.message invocation.
-class MessageFindingVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
-  MessageFindingVisitor(this.extraction);
-  /// The message extraction in which we are running.
-  final MessageExtraction extraction;
-  /// Accumulates the messages we have found, keyed by name.
-  final Map<String, MainMessage> messages = new Map<String, MainMessage>();
-  /// Should we generate the name and arguments from the function definition,
-  /// meaning we're running in the transformer.
-  bool generateNameAndArgs = false;
-  /// We keep track of the data from the last MethodDeclaration,
-  /// FunctionDeclaration or FunctionExpression that we saw on the way down,
-  /// as that will be the nearest parent of the Intl.message invocation.
-  FormalParameterList parameters;
-  String name;
-  /// Return true if [node] matches the pattern we expect for Intl.message()
-  bool looksLikeIntlMessage(MethodInvocation node) {
-    const validNames = const ["message", "plural", "gender", "select"];
-    if (!validNames.contains( return false;
-    if (!( is SimpleIdentifier)) return false;
-    SimpleIdentifier target =;
-    return target.token.toString() == "Intl";
-  }
-  Message _expectedInstance(String type) {
-    switch (type) {
-      case 'message':
-        return new MainMessage();
-      case 'plural':
-        return new Plural();
-      case 'gender':
-        return new Gender();
-      case 'select':
-        return new Select();
-      default:
-        return null;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Returns a String describing why the node is invalid, or null if no
-  /// reason is found, so it's presumed valid.
-  String checkValidity(MethodInvocation node) {
-    // The containing function cannot have named parameters.
-    if (parameters.parameters.any((each) => each.kind == ParameterKind.NAMED)) {
-      return "Named parameters on message functions are not supported.";
-    }
-    var arguments = node.argumentList.arguments;
-    var instance = _expectedInstance(;
-    return instance.checkValidity(node, arguments, name, parameters,
-        nameAndArgsGenerated: generateNameAndArgs,
-        examplesRequired: extraction.examplesRequired);
-  }
-  /// Record the parameters of the function or method declaration we last
-  /// encountered before seeing the Intl.message call.
-  void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
-    parameters = node.parameters;
-    if (parameters == null) {
-      parameters = new FormalParameterList(null, [], null, null, null);
-    }
-    name =;
-    super.visitMethodDeclaration(node);
-  }
-  /// Record the parameters of the function or method declaration we last
-  /// encountered before seeing the Intl.message call.
-  void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
-    parameters = node.functionExpression.parameters;
-    if (parameters == null) {
-      parameters = new FormalParameterList(null, [], null, null, null);
-    }
-    name =;
-    super.visitFunctionDeclaration(node);
-  }
-  /// Examine method invocations to see if they look like calls to Intl.message.
-  /// If we've found one, stop recursing. This is important because we can have
-  /// Intl.message(...Intl.plural...) and we don't want to treat the inner
-  /// plural as if it was an outermost message.
-  void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
-    if (!addIntlMessage(node)) {
-      super.visitMethodInvocation(node);
-    }
-  }
-  /// Check that the node looks like an Intl.message invocation, and create
-  /// the [IntlMessage] object from it and store it in [messages]. Return true
-  /// if we successfully extracted a message and should stop looking. Return
-  /// false if we didn't, so should continue recursing.
-  bool addIntlMessage(MethodInvocation node) {
-    if (!looksLikeIntlMessage(node)) return false;
-    var reason = checkValidity(node);
-    if (reason != null) {
-      if (!extraction.suppressWarnings) {
-        var err = new StringBuffer()
-          ..write("Skipping invalid Intl.message invocation\n    <$node>\n")
-          ..writeAll(
-              ["    reason: $reason\n", extraction._reportErrorLocation(node)]);
-        var errString = err.toString();
-        extraction.warnings.add(errString);
-        extraction.onMessage(errString);
-      }
-      // We found one, but it's not valid. Stop recursing.
-      return true;
-    }
-    var message;
-    if ( == "message") {
-      message = messageFromIntlMessageCall(node);
-    } else {
-      message = messageFromDirectPluralOrGenderCall(node);
-    }
-    if (message != null) messages[] = message;
-    return true;
-  }
-  /// Create a MainMessage from [node] using the name and
-  /// parameters of the last function/method declaration we encountered,
-  /// and the values we get by calling [extract]. We set those values
-  /// by calling [setAttribute]. This is the common parts between
-  /// [messageFromIntlMessageCall] and [messageFromDirectPluralOrGenderCall].
-  MainMessage _messageFromNode(
-      MethodInvocation node,
-      MainMessage extract(MainMessage message, List<AstNode> arguments),
-      void setAttribute(
-          MainMessage message, String fieldName, Object fieldValue)) {
-    var message = new MainMessage();
-    message.sourcePosition = node.offset;
-    message.endPosition = node.end;
-    message.arguments =
- =>;
-    var arguments = node.argumentList.arguments;
-    var extractionResult = extract(message, arguments);
-    if (extractionResult == null) return null;
-    for (NamedExpression namedArgument
-        in arguments.where((x) => x is NamedExpression)) {
-      var name =;
-      var exp = namedArgument.expression;
-      var evaluator = new ConstantEvaluator();
-      var basicValue = exp.accept(evaluator);
-      var value = basicValue == ConstantEvaluator.NOT_A_CONSTANT
-          ? exp.toString()
-          : basicValue;
-      setAttribute(message, name, value);
-    }
-    // We only rewrite messages with parameters, otherwise we use the literal
-    // string as the name and no arguments are necessary.
-    if (!message.hasName) {
-      if (generateNameAndArgs && message.arguments.isNotEmpty) {
-        // Always try for class_method if this is a class method and
-        // generating names/args.
- = Message.classPlusMethodName(node, name) ?? name;
-      } else if (arguments.first is SimpleStringLiteral ||
-          arguments.first is AdjacentStrings) {
-        // If there's no name, and the message text is a simple string, compute
-        // a name based on that plus meaning, if present.
-        var simpleName = (arguments.first as StringLiteral).stringValue;
- =
-            computeMessageName(, simpleName, message.meaning);
-      }
-    }
-    return message;
-  }
-  /// Find the message pieces from a Dart interpolated string.
-  List _extractFromIntlCallWithInterpolation(
-      MainMessage message, List<AstNode> arguments) {
-    var interpolation = new InterpolationVisitor(message, extraction);
-    arguments.first.accept(interpolation);
-    if (interpolation.pieces.any((x) => x is Plural || x is Gender) &&
-        !extraction.allowEmbeddedPluralsAndGenders) {
-      if (interpolation.pieces.any((x) => x is String && x.isNotEmpty)) {
-        throw new IntlMessageExtractionException(
-            "Plural and gender expressions must be at the top level, "
-            "they cannot be embedded in larger string literals.\n");
-      }
-    }
-    return interpolation.pieces;
-  }
-  /// Create a MainMessage from [node] using the name and
-  /// parameters of the last function/method declaration we encountered
-  /// and the parameters to the Intl.message call.
-  MainMessage messageFromIntlMessageCall(MethodInvocation node) {
-    MainMessage extractFromIntlCall(
-        MainMessage message, List<AstNode> arguments) {
-      try {
-        // The pieces of the message, either literal strings, or integers
-        // representing the index of the argument to be substituted.
-        List extracted;
-        extracted = _extractFromIntlCallWithInterpolation(message, arguments);
-        message.addPieces(extracted);
-      } on IntlMessageExtractionException catch (e) {
-        message = null;
-        var err = new StringBuffer()
-          ..writeAll(["Error ", e, "\nProcessing <", node, ">\n"])
-          ..write(extraction._reportErrorLocation(node));
-        var errString = err.toString();
-        extraction.onMessage(errString);
-        extraction.warnings.add(errString);
-      }
-      return message;
-    }
-    void setValue(MainMessage message, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) {
-      message[fieldName] = fieldValue;
-    }
-    return _messageFromNode(node, extractFromIntlCall, setValue);
-  }
-  /// Create a MainMessage from [node] using the name and
-  /// parameters of the last function/method declaration we encountered
-  /// and the parameters to the Intl.plural or Intl.gender call.
-  MainMessage messageFromDirectPluralOrGenderCall(MethodInvocation node) {
-    MainMessage extractFromPluralOrGender(MainMessage message, _) {
-      var visitor = new PluralAndGenderVisitor(
-          message.messagePieces, message, extraction);
-      node.accept(visitor);
-      return message;
-    }
-    void setAttribute(MainMessage msg, String fieldName, fieldValue) {
-      if (msg.attributeNames.contains(fieldName)) {
-        msg[fieldName] = fieldValue;
-      }
-    }
-    return _messageFromNode(node, extractFromPluralOrGender, setAttribute);
-  }
-/// Given an interpolation, find all of its chunks, validate that they are only
-/// simple variable substitutions or else Intl.plural/gender calls,
-/// and keep track of the pieces of text so that other parts
-/// of the program can deal with the simple string sections and the generated
-/// parts separately. Note that this is a SimpleAstVisitor, so it only
-/// traverses one level of children rather than automatically recursing. If we
-/// find a plural or gender, which requires recursion, we do it with a separate
-/// special-purpose visitor.
-class InterpolationVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor {
-  final Message message;
-  /// The message extraction in which we are running.
-  final MessageExtraction extraction;
-  InterpolationVisitor(this.message, this.extraction);
-  List pieces = [];
-  String get extractedMessage => pieces.join();
-  void visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) {
-    node.visitChildren(this);
-    super.visitAdjacentStrings(node);
-  }
-  void visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
-    node.visitChildren(this);
-    super.visitStringInterpolation(node);
-  }
-  void visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) {
-    pieces.add(node.value);
-    super.visitSimpleStringLiteral(node);
-  }
-  void visitInterpolationString(InterpolationString node) {
-    pieces.add(node.value);
-    super.visitInterpolationString(node);
-  }
-  void visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) {
-    if (node.expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
-      return handleSimpleInterpolation(node);
-    } else {
-      return lookForPluralOrGender(node);
-    }
-    // Note that we never end up calling super.
-  }
-  lookForPluralOrGender(InterpolationExpression node) {
-    var visitor = new PluralAndGenderVisitor(pieces, message, extraction);
-    node.accept(visitor);
-    if (!visitor.foundPluralOrGender) {
-      throw new IntlMessageExtractionException(
-          "Only simple identifiers and Intl.plural/gender/select expressions "
-          "are allowed in message "
-          "interpolation expressions.\nError at $node");
-    }
-  }
-  void handleSimpleInterpolation(InterpolationExpression node) {
-    var index = arguments.indexOf(node.expression.toString());
-    if (index == -1) {
-      throw new IntlMessageExtractionException(
-          "Cannot find argument ${node.expression}");
-    }
-    pieces.add(index);
-  }
-  List get arguments => message.arguments;
-/// A visitor to extract information from Intl.plural/gender sends. Note that
-/// this is a SimpleAstVisitor, so it doesn't automatically recurse. So this
-/// needs to be called where we expect a plural or gender immediately below.
-class PluralAndGenderVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor {
-  /// The message extraction in which we are running.
-  final MessageExtraction extraction;
-  /// A plural or gender always exists in the context of a parent message,
-  /// which could in turn also be a plural or gender.
-  final ComplexMessage parent;
-  /// The pieces of the message. We are given an initial version of this
-  /// from our parent and we add to it as we find additional information.
-  List pieces;
-  /// This will be set to true if we find a plural or gender.
-  bool foundPluralOrGender = false;
-  PluralAndGenderVisitor(this.pieces, this.parent, this.extraction) : super();
-  visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) {
-    // TODO(alanknight): Provide better errors for malformed expressions.
-    if (!looksLikePluralOrGender(node.expression)) return;
-    var reason = checkValidity(node.expression);
-    if (reason != null) throw reason;
-    var message = messageFromMethodInvocation(node.expression);
-    foundPluralOrGender = true;
-    pieces.add(message);
-    super.visitInterpolationExpression(node);
-  }
-  visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
-    pieces.add(messageFromMethodInvocation(node));
-    super.visitMethodInvocation(node);
-  }
-  /// Return true if [node] matches the pattern for plural or gender message.
-  bool looksLikePluralOrGender(MethodInvocation node) {
-    if (!["plural", "gender", "select"].contains( {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!( is SimpleIdentifier)) return false;
-    SimpleIdentifier target =;
-    return target.token.toString() == "Intl";
-  }
-  /// Returns a String describing why the node is invalid, or null if no
-  /// reason is found, so it's presumed valid.
-  String checkValidity(MethodInvocation node) {
-    // TODO(alanknight): Add reasonable validity checks.
-    return null;
-  }
-  /// Create a MainMessage from [node] using the name and
-  /// parameters of the last function/method declaration we encountered
-  /// and the parameters to the Intl.message call.
-  Message messageFromMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
-    var message;
-    switch ( {
-      case "gender":
-        message = new Gender();
-        break;
-      case "plural":
-        message = new Plural();
-        break;
-      case "select":
-        message = new Select();
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw new IntlMessageExtractionException(
-            "Invalid plural/gender/select message ${} "
-            "in $node");
-    }
-    message.parent = parent;
-    var arguments = message.argumentsOfInterestFor(node);
-    arguments.forEach((key, value) {
-      try {
-        var interpolation = new InterpolationVisitor(message, extraction);
-        value.accept(interpolation);
-        message[key] = interpolation.pieces;
-      } on IntlMessageExtractionException catch (e) {
-        message = null;
-        var err = new StringBuffer()
-          ..writeAll(["Error ", e, "\nProcessing <", node, ">"])
-          ..write(extraction._reportErrorLocation(node));
-        var errString = err.toString();
-        extraction.onMessage(errString);
-        extraction.warnings.add(errString);
-      }
-    });
-    var mainArg = node.argumentList.arguments
-        .firstWhere((each) => each is! NamedExpression);
-    if (mainArg is SimpleStringLiteral) {
-      message.mainArgument = mainArg.toString();
-    } else if (mainArg is SimpleIdentifier) {
-      message.mainArgument =;
-    } else {
-      var err = new StringBuffer()
-        ..write("Error (Invalid argument to plural/gender/select, "
-            "must be simple variable reference) "
-            "\nProcessing <$node>")
-        ..write(extraction._reportErrorLocation(node));
-      var errString = err.toString();
-      extraction.onMessage(errString);
-      extraction.warnings.add(errString);
-    }
-    return message;
-  }
-/// Exception thrown when we cannot process a message properly.
-class IntlMessageExtractionException implements Exception {
-  /// A message describing the error.
-  final String message;
-  /// Creates a new exception with an optional error [message].
-  const IntlMessageExtractionException([this.message = ""]);
-  String toString() => "IntlMessageExtractionException: $message";
diff --git a/lib/generate_localized.dart b/lib/generate_localized.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f443ad7..0000000
--- a/lib/generate_localized.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This provides utilities for generating localized versions of
-/// messages. It does not stand alone, but expects to be given
-/// TranslatedMessage objects and generate code for a particular locale
-/// based on them.
-/// An example of usage can be found
-/// in test/message_extract/generate_from_json.dart
-library generate_localized;
-import 'intl.dart';
-import 'src/intl_message.dart';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-class MessageGeneration {
-  /// If the import path following package: is something else, modify the
-  /// [intlImportPath] variable to change the import directives in the generated
-  /// code.
-  var intlImportPath = 'intl';
-  /// If the path to the generated files is something other than the current
-  /// directory, update the [generatedImportPath] variable to change the import
-  /// directives in the generated code.
-  var generatedImportPath = '';
-  /// Given a base file, return the file prefixed with the path to import it.
-  /// By default, that is in the current directory, but if [generatedImportPath]
-  /// has been set, then use that as a prefix.
-  String importForGeneratedFile(String file) =>
-      generatedImportPath.isEmpty ? file : "$generatedImportPath/$file";
-  /// A list of all the locales for which we have translations. Code that does
-  /// the reading of translations should add to this.
-  List<String> allLocales = [];
-  /// If we have more than one set of messages to generate in a particular
-  /// directory we may want to prefix some to distinguish them.
-  String generatedFilePrefix = '';
-  /// Should we use deferred loading for the generated libraries.
-  bool useDeferredLoading = true;
-  /// Generate a file <[generated_file_prefix]>_messages_<[locale]>.dart
-  /// for the [translations] in [locale] and put it in [targetDir].
-  void generateIndividualMessageFile(String basicLocale,
-      Iterable<TranslatedMessage> translations, String targetDir) {
-    var result = new StringBuffer();
-    var locale = new MainMessage()
-        .escapeAndValidateString(Intl.canonicalizedLocale(basicLocale));
-    result.write(prologue(locale));
-    // Exclude messages with no translation and translations with no matching
-    // original message (e.g. if we're using some messages from a larger catalog)
-    var usableTranslations = translations
-        .where((each) => each.originalMessages != null && each.message != null)
-        .toList();
-    for (var each in usableTranslations) {
-      for (var original in each.originalMessages) {
-        original.addTranslation(locale, each.message);
-      }
-    }
-    usableTranslations.sort((a, b) =>
-    for (var translation in usableTranslations) {
-      // Some messages we generate as methods in this class. Simpler ones
-      // we inline in the map from names to messages.
-      var messagesThatNeedMethods =
-          translation.originalMessages.where((each) => _hasArguments(each));
-      for (var original in messagesThatNeedMethods) {
-        result
-          ..write("  ")
-          ..write(
-              original.toCodeForLocale(locale, _methodNameFor(
-          ..write("\n\n");
-      }
-    }
-    // Some gyrations to prevent parts of the deferred libraries from being
-    // inlined into the main one, defeating the space savings. Issue 24356
-    result.write("""
-  final messages = _notInlinedMessages(_notInlinedMessages);
-  static _notInlinedMessages(_) => {
-    var entries = usableTranslations
-        .expand((translation) => translation.originalMessages)
-        .map((original) =>
-            '    "${original.escapeAndValidateString(}" '
-            ': ${_mapReference(original, locale)}');
-    result..write(entries.join(",\n"))..write("\n  };\n}\n");
-    // To preserve compatibility, we don't use the canonical version of the
-    // locale in the file name.
-    var filename = path.join(
-        targetDir, "${generatedFilePrefix}messages_$basicLocale.dart");
-    new File(filename).writeAsStringSync(result.toString());
-  }
-  /// This returns the mostly constant string used in
-  /// [generateIndividualMessageFile] for the beginning of the file,
-  /// parameterized by [locale].
-  String prologue(String locale) => """
-// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:intl/generate_localized.dart
-// This is a library that provides messages for a $locale locale. All the
-// messages from the main program should be duplicated here with the same
-// function name.
-import 'package:$intlImportPath/intl.dart';
-import 'package:$intlImportPath/message_lookup_by_library.dart';
-final messages = new MessageLookup();
-final _keepAnalysisHappy = Intl.defaultLocale;
-class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
-  get localeName => '$locale';
-  /// This section generates the messages_all.dart file based on the list of
-  /// [allLocales].
-  String generateMainImportFile() {
-    var output = new StringBuffer();
-    output.write(mainPrologue);
-    for (var locale in allLocales) {
-      var baseFile = '${generatedFilePrefix}messages_$locale.dart';
-      var file = importForGeneratedFile(baseFile);
-      output.write("import '$file' ");
-      if (useDeferredLoading) output.write("deferred ");
-      output.write("as ${_libraryName(locale)};\n");
-    }
-    output.write("\n");
-    output.write("Map<String, Function> _deferredLibraries = {\n");
-    for (var rawLocale in allLocales) {
-      var locale = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(rawLocale);
-      var loadOperation = (useDeferredLoading)
-          ? "  '$locale': () => ${_libraryName(locale)}.loadLibrary(),\n"
-          : "  '$locale': () => new Future.value(null),\n";
-      output.write(loadOperation);
-    }
-    output.write("};\n");
-    output.write("\nMessageLookupByLibrary _findExact(localeName) {\n"
-        "  switch (localeName) {\n");
-    for (var rawLocale in allLocales) {
-      var locale = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(rawLocale);
-      output.write(
-          "    case '$locale':\n      return ${_libraryName(locale)}.messages;\n");
-    }
-    output.write(closing);
-    return output.toString();
-  }
-  /// Constant string used in [generateMainImportFile] for the beginning of the
-  /// file.
-  get mainPrologue => """
-// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:intl/generate_localized.dart
-// This is a library that looks up messages for specific locales by
-// delegating to the appropriate library.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:$intlImportPath/intl.dart';
-import 'package:$intlImportPath/message_lookup_by_library.dart';
-import 'package:$intlImportPath/src/intl_helpers.dart';
-  /// Constant string used in [generateMainImportFile] as the end of the file.
-  static const closing = """
-    default:\n      return null;
-  }
-/// User programs should call this before using [localeName] for messages.
-Future initializeMessages(String localeName) {
-  var lib = _deferredLibraries[Intl.canonicalizedLocale(localeName)];
-  var load = lib == null ? new Future.value(false) : lib();
-  return load.then((_) {
-    initializeInternalMessageLookup(() => new CompositeMessageLookup());
-    messageLookup.addLocale(localeName, _findGeneratedMessagesFor);
-  });
-bool _messagesExistFor(String locale) {
-  var messages;
-  try {
-    messages = _findExact(locale);
-  } catch (e) {}
-  return messages != null;
-MessageLookupByLibrary _findGeneratedMessagesFor(locale) {
-  var actualLocale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, _messagesExistFor,
-      onFailure: (_) => null);
-  if (actualLocale == null) return null;
-  return _findExact(actualLocale);
-/// This represents a message and its translation. We assume that the
-/// translation has some identifier that allows us to figure out the original
-/// message it corresponds to, and that it may want to transform the translated
-/// text in some way, e.g. to turn whatever format the translation uses for
-/// variables into a Dart string interpolation. Specific translation mechanisms
-/// are expected to subclass this.
-abstract class TranslatedMessage {
-  /// The identifier for this message. In the simplest case, this is the name
-  /// parameter from the Intl.message call,
-  /// but it can be any identifier that this program and the output of the
-  /// translation can agree on as identifying a message.
-  final String id;
-  /// Our translated version of all the [originalMessages].
-  final Message translated;
-  /// The original messages that we are a translation of. There can
-  ///  be more than one original message for the same translation.
-  List<MainMessage> _originalMessages;
-  List<MainMessage> get originalMessages => _originalMessages;
-  set originalMessages(List<MainMessage> x) {
-    _originalMessages = x;
-  }
-  /// For backward compatibility, we still have the originalMessage API.
-  MainMessage get originalMessage => originalMessages.first;
-  set originalMessage(MainMessage m) {
-    originalMessages = [m];
-  }
-  TranslatedMessage(, this.translated);
-  Message get message => translated;
-  toString() => id.toString();
-/// We can't use a hyphen in a Dart library name, so convert the locale
-/// separator to an underscore.
-String _libraryName(String x) => 'messages_' + x.replaceAll('-', '_');
-bool _hasArguments(MainMessage message) => message.arguments.length != 0;
-///  Simple messages are printed directly in the map of message names to
-///  functions as a call that returns a lambda. e.g.
-///        "foo" : simpleMessage("This is foo"),
-///  This is helpful for the compiler.
-/// */
-String _mapReference(MainMessage original, String locale) {
-  if (!_hasArguments(original)) {
-    // No parameters, can be printed simply.
-    return 'MessageLookupByLibrary.simpleMessage("'
-        '${original.translations[locale]}")';
-  } else {
-    return _methodNameFor(;
-  }
-/// Generated method counter for use in [_methodNameFor].
-int _methodNameCounter = 0;
-/// A map from Intl message names to the generated method names
-/// for their translated versions.
-Map<String, String> _internalMethodNames = {};
-/// Generate a Dart method name of the form "m<number>".
-String _methodNameFor(String name) {
-  return _internalMethodNames.putIfAbsent(
-      name, () => "m${_methodNameCounter++}");
diff --git a/lib/src/icu_parser.dart b/lib/src/icu_parser.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 8603a3b..0000000
--- a/lib/src/icu_parser.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Contains a parser for ICU format plural/gender/select format for localized
-/// messages. See extract_to_arb.dart and make_hardcoded_translation.dart.
-library icu_parser;
-import 'package:intl/src/intl_message.dart';
-import 'package:petitparser/petitparser.dart';
-/// This defines a grammar for ICU MessageFormat syntax. Usage is
-///       new IcuParser.message.parse(<string>).value;
-/// The "parse" method will return a Success or Failure object which responds
-/// to "value".
-class IcuParser {
-  get openCurly => char("{");
-  get closeCurly => char("}");
-  get quotedCurly => (string("'{'") | string("'}'")).map((x) => x[1]);
-  get icuEscapedText => quotedCurly | twoSingleQuotes;
-  get curly => (openCurly | closeCurly);
-  get notAllowedInIcuText => curly | char("<");
-  get icuText => notAllowedInIcuText.neg();
-  get notAllowedInNormalText => char("{");
-  get normalText => notAllowedInNormalText.neg();
-  get messageText => (icuEscapedText | icuText).plus().map((x) => x.join());
-  get nonIcuMessageText => => x.join());
-  get twoSingleQuotes => string("''").map((x) => "'");
-  get number => digit().plus().flatten().trim().map(int.parse);
-  get id => (letter() & (word() | char("_")).star()).flatten().trim();
-  get comma => char(",").trim();
-  /// Given a list of possible keywords, return a rule that accepts any of them.
-  /// e.g., given ["male", "female", "other"], accept any of them.
-  asKeywords(list) =>, b) => a | b).flatten().trim();
-  get pluralKeyword => asKeywords(
-      ["=0", "=1", "=2", "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many", "other"]);
-  get genderKeyword => asKeywords(["female", "male", "other"]);
-  var interiorText = undefined();
-  get preface => (openCurly & id & comma).map((values) => values[1]);
-  get pluralLiteral => string("plural");
-  get pluralClause => (pluralKeyword & openCurly & interiorText & closeCurly)
-      .trim()
-      .map((result) => [result[0], result[2]]);
-  get plural =>
-      preface & pluralLiteral & comma & & closeCurly;
-  get intlPlural =>
- => new Plural.from(values.first, values[3], null));
-  get selectLiteral => string("select");
-  get genderClause => (genderKeyword & openCurly & interiorText & closeCurly)
-      .trim()
-      .map((result) => [result[0], result[2]]);
-  get gender =>
-      preface & selectLiteral & comma & & closeCurly;
-  get intlGender =>
- => new Gender.from(values.first, values[3], null));
-  get selectClause =>
-      (id & openCurly & interiorText & closeCurly).map((x) => [x.first, x[2]]);
-  get generalSelect =>
-      preface & selectLiteral & comma & & closeCurly;
-  get intlSelect => generalSelect
-      .map((values) => new Select.from(values.first, values[3], null));
-  get pluralOrGenderOrSelect => intlPlural | intlGender | intlSelect;
-  get contents => pluralOrGenderOrSelect | parameter | messageText;
-  get simpleText => (nonIcuMessageText | parameter | openCurly).plus();
-  get empty => epsilon().map((_) => '');
-  get parameter => (openCurly & id & closeCurly)
-      .map((param) => new VariableSubstitution.named(param[1], null));
-  /// The primary entry point for parsing. Accepts a string and produces
-  /// a parsed representation of it as a Message.
-  get message => (pluralOrGenderOrSelect | empty)
-      .map((chunk) => Message.from(chunk, null));
-  /// Represents an ordinary message, i.e. not a plural/gender/select, although
-  /// it may have parameters.
-  get nonIcuMessage =>
-      (simpleText | empty).map((chunk) => Message.from(chunk, null));
-  get stuff => (pluralOrGenderOrSelect | empty)
-      .map((chunk) => Message.from(chunk, null));
-  IcuParser() {
-    // There is a cycle here, so we need the explicit set to avoid
-    // infinite recursion.
-    interiorText.set( | empty);
-  }
diff --git a/lib/src/intl_helpers.dart b/lib/src/intl_helpers.dart
index 8e3c0f0..9d9cb5f 100644
--- a/lib/src/intl_helpers.dart
+++ b/lib/src/intl_helpers.dart
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
   operator [](String key) =>
       (key == 'en_US') ? fallbackData : _throwException();
-  String lookupMessage(
-      String message_str, String locale, String name, List args, String meaning,
+  String lookupMessage(String message_str, String locale, String name,
+          List args, String meaning,
           {MessageIfAbsent ifAbsent}) =>
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
-  /// If a message is a string literal without interpolation, compute
-  /// a name based on that and the meaning, if present.
-  String computeMessageName(String name, String message_str, String meaning) {
-     if (name != null && name != "") return name;
-     var simpleName = message_str;
-     return meaning == null ? simpleName : "${simpleName}_${meaning}";
-  }
+/// If a message is a string literal without interpolation, compute
+/// a name based on that and the meaning, if present.
+String computeMessageName(String name, String text, String meaning) {
+  if (name != null && name != "") return name;
+  return meaning == null ? text : "${text}_${meaning}";
diff --git a/lib/src/intl_message.dart b/lib/src/intl_message.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ac177..0000000
--- a/lib/src/intl_message.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This provides classes to represent the internal structure of the
-/// arguments to `Intl.message`. It is used when parsing sources to extract
-/// messages or to generate code for message substitution. Normal programs
-/// using Intl would not import this library.
-/// While it's written
-/// in a somewhat abstract way, it has some assumptions about ICU-style
-/// message syntax for parameter substitutions, choices, selects, etc.
-/// For example, if we have the message
-///      plurals(num) => Intl.message("""${Intl.plural(num,
-///          zero : 'Is zero plural?',
-///          one : 'This is singular.',
-///          other : 'This is plural ($num).')
-///         }""",
-///         name: "plurals", args: [num], desc: "Basic plurals");
-/// That is represented as a MainMessage which has only one message component, a
-/// Plural, but also has a name, list of arguments, and a description.
-/// The Plural has three different clauses. The `zero` clause is
-/// a LiteralString containing 'Is zero plural?'. The `other` clause is a
-/// CompositeMessage containing three pieces, a LiteralString for
-/// 'This is plural (', a VariableSubstitution for `num`. amd a LiteralString
-/// for '.)'.
-/// This representation isn't used at runtime. Rather, we read some format
-/// from a translation file, parse it into these objects, and they are then
-/// used to generate the code representation above.
-library intl_message;
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
-/// A default function for the [Message.expanded] method.
-_nullTransform(msg, chunk) => chunk;
-/// An abstract superclass for Intl.message/plural/gender calls in the
-/// program's source text. We
-/// assemble these into objects that can be used to write out some translation
-/// format and can also print themselves into code.
-abstract class Message {
-  /// All [Message]s except a [MainMessage] are contained inside some parent,
-  /// terminating at an Intl.message call which supplies the arguments we
-  /// use for variable substitutions.
-  Message parent;
-  Message(this.parent);
-  /// We find the arguments from the top-level [MainMessage] and use those to
-  /// do variable substitutions. [MainMessage] overrides this to return
-  /// the actual arguments.
-  get arguments => parent == null ? const [] : parent.arguments;
-  /// We find the examples from the top-level [MainMessage] and use those
-  /// when writing out variables. [MainMessage] overrides this to return
-  /// the actual examples.
-  get examples => parent == null ? const [] : parent.examples;
-  /// The name of the top-level [MainMessage].
-  String get name => parent == null ? '<unnamed>' :;
-  static final _evaluator = new ConstantEvaluator();
-  String _evaluateAsString(expression) {
-    var result = expression.accept(_evaluator);
-    if (result == ConstantEvaluator.NOT_A_CONSTANT || result is! String) {
-      return null;
-    } else {
-      return result;
-    }
-  }
-  Map _evaluateAsMap(expression) {
-    var result = expression.accept(_evaluator);
-    if (result == ConstantEvaluator.NOT_A_CONSTANT || result is! Map) {
-      return null;
-    } else {
-      return result;
-    }
-  }
-  /// Verify that this looks like a correct
-  /// Intl.message/plural/gender/... invocation.
-  ///
-  /// We expect an invocation like
-  ///
-  ///       outerName(x) => Intl.message("foo \$x", ...)
-  ///
-  /// The [node] parameter is the Intl.message invocation node in the AST,
-  /// [arguments] is the list of arguments to that node (also reachable as
-  /// node.argumentList.arguments), [outerName] is the name of the containing
-  /// function, e.g. "outerName" in this case and [outerArgs] is the list of
-  /// arguments to that function. Of the optional parameters
-  /// [nameAndArgsGenerated] indicates if we are generating names and arguments
-  /// while rewriting the code in the transformer or a development-time rewrite,
-  /// so we should not expect them to be present. The [examplesRequired]
-  /// parameter indicates if we will fail if parameter examples are not provided
-  /// for messages with parameters.
-  String checkValidity(MethodInvocation node, List arguments, String outerName,
-      FormalParameterList outerArgs,
-      {bool nameAndArgsGenerated: false, bool examplesRequired: false}) {
-    // If we have parameters, we must specify args and name.
-    var hasArgs = arguments.any(
-        (each) => each is NamedExpression && == 'args');
-    var hasParameters = !outerArgs.parameters.isEmpty;
-    if (!nameAndArgsGenerated && !hasArgs && hasParameters) {
-      return "The 'args' argument for Intl.message must be specified";
-    }
-    var messageNameArgument = arguments.firstWhere(
-        (eachArg) =>
-            eachArg is NamedExpression && == 'name',
-        orElse: () => null);
-    var nameExpression = messageNameArgument?.expression;
-    String messageName;
-    String givenName;
-    //TODO(alanknight): If we generalize this to messages with parameters
-    // this check will need to change.
-    if (nameExpression == null) {
-      if (!hasParameters) {
-        // No name supplied, no parameters. Use the message as the name.
-        messageName = _evaluateAsString(arguments[0]);
-        outerName = messageName;
-      } else {
-        // We have no name and parameters, but the transformer generates the
-        // name.
-        if (nameAndArgsGenerated) {
-          givenName = outerName;
-          messageName = givenName;
-        } else {
-          return "The 'name' argument for Intl.message must be supplied for "
-              "messages with parameters";
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Name argument is supplied, use it.
-      givenName = _evaluateAsString(nameExpression);
-      messageName = givenName;
-    }
-    if (messageName == null) {
-      return "The 'name' argument for Intl.message must be a string literal";
-    }
-    var hasOuterName = outerName != null;
-    var simpleMatch = outerName == givenName || givenName == null;
-    var classPlusMethod = Message.classPlusMethodName(node, outerName);
-    var classMatch = classPlusMethod != null && (givenName == classPlusMethod);
-    if (!(hasOuterName && (simpleMatch || classMatch))) {
-      return "The 'name' argument for Intl.message must match either "
-          "the name of the containing function or <ClassName>_<methodName> ("
-          "was '$givenName' but must be '$outerName'  or '$classPlusMethod')";
-    }
-    var simpleArguments = arguments.where((each) =>
-        each is NamedExpression &&
-        ["desc", "name"].contains(;
-    var values = => each.expression).toList();
-    for (var arg in values) {
-      if (_evaluateAsString(arg) == null) {
-        return ("Intl.message arguments must be string literals: $arg");
-      }
-    }
-    if (hasParameters && examplesRequired) {
-      var exampleArg = arguments.where((each) =>
-          each is NamedExpression && == "examples");
-      var examples = => each.expression).toList();
-      if (examples.isEmpty) {
-        return "Examples must be provided for messages with parameters";
-      }
-      var map = _evaluateAsMap(examples.first);
-      if (map == null) {
-        return "Examples must be a Map literal, preferably const";
-      }
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  /// Return the name of the enclosing class (if any) plus method name, or null
-  /// if there's no enclosing class.
-  ///
-  /// For a method foo in class Bar we allow either "foo" or "Bar_Foo" as the
-  /// name.
-  static String classPlusMethodName(MethodInvocation node, String outerName) {
-    ClassDeclaration classNode(n) {
-      if (n == null) return null;
-      if (n is ClassDeclaration) return n;
-      return classNode(n.parent);
-    }
-    var classDeclaration = classNode(node);
-    return classDeclaration == null
-        ? null
-        : "${}_$outerName";
-  }
-  /// Turn a value, typically read from a translation file or created out of an
-  /// AST for a source program, into the appropriate
-  /// subclass. We expect to get literal Strings, variable substitutions
-  /// represented by integers, things that are already MessageChunks and
-  /// lists of the same.
-  static Message from(Object value, Message parent) {
-    if (value is String) return new LiteralString(value, parent);
-    if (value is int) return new VariableSubstitution(value, parent);
-    if (value is List) {
-      if (value.length == 1) return Message.from(value[0], parent);
-      var result = new CompositeMessage([], parent);
-      var items = => from(x, result)).toList();
-      result.pieces.addAll(items);
-      return result;
-    }
-    // We assume this is already a Message.
-    Message mustBeAMessage = value;
-    mustBeAMessage.parent = parent;
-    return mustBeAMessage;
-  }
-  /// Return a string representation of this message for use in generated Dart
-  /// code.
-  String toCode();
-  /// Escape the string for use in generated Dart code.
-  String escapeAndValidateString(String value) {
-    const Map<String, String> escapes = const {
-      r"\": r"\\",
-      '"': r'\"',
-      "\b": r"\b",
-      "\f": r"\f",
-      "\n": r"\n",
-      "\r": r"\r",
-      "\t": r"\t",
-      "\v": r"\v",
-      "'": r"\'",
-      r"$": r"\$"
-    };
-    String _escape(String s) => escapes[s] ?? s;
-    var escaped = value.splitMapJoin("", onNonMatch: _escape);
-    return escaped;
-  }
-  /// Expand this string out into a printed form. The function [f] will be
-  /// applied to any sub-messages, allowing this to be used to generate a form
-  /// suitable for a wide variety of translation file formats.
-  String expanded([Function f]);
-/// Abstract class for messages with internal structure, representing the
-/// main Intl.message call, plurals, and genders.
-abstract class ComplexMessage extends Message {
-  ComplexMessage(parent) : super(parent);
-  /// When we create these from strings or from AST nodes, we want to look up
-  /// and set their attributes by string names, so we override the indexing
-  /// operators so that they behave like maps with respect to those attribute
-  /// names.
-  operator [](String x);
-  /// When we create these from strings or from AST nodes, we want to look up
-  /// and set their attributes by string names, so we override the indexing
-  /// operators so that they behave like maps with respect to those attribute
-  /// names.
-  operator []=(String x, y);
-  List<String> get attributeNames;
-  /// Return the name of the message type, as it will be generated into an
-  /// ICU-type format. e.g. choice, select
-  String get icuMessageName;
-  /// Return the message name we would use for this when doing Dart code
-  /// generation, e.g. "Intl.plural".
-  String get dartMessageName;
-/// This represents a message chunk that is a list of multiple sub-pieces,
-/// each of which is in turn a [Message].
-class CompositeMessage extends Message {
-  List<Message> pieces;
-  CompositeMessage.withParent(parent) : super(parent);
-  CompositeMessage(this.pieces, ComplexMessage parent) : super(parent) {
-    pieces.forEach((x) => x.parent = this);
-  }
-  toCode() => => each.toCode()).join('');
-  toString() => "CompositeMessage(" + pieces.toString() + ")";
-  String expanded([Function f = _nullTransform]) =>
- => f(this, chunk)).join("");
-/// Represents a simple constant string with no dynamic elements.
-class LiteralString extends Message {
-  String string;
-  LiteralString(this.string, Message parent) : super(parent);
-  toCode() => escapeAndValidateString(string);
-  toString() => "Literal($string)";
-  String expanded([Function f = _nullTransform]) => f(this, string);
-/// Represents an interpolation of a variable value in a message. We expect
-/// this to be specified as an [index] into the list of variables, or else
-/// as the name of a variable that exists in [arguments] and we will
-/// compute the variable name or the index based on the value of the other.
-class VariableSubstitution extends Message {
-  VariableSubstitution(this._index, Message parent) : super(parent);
-  /// Create a substitution based on the name rather than the index. The name
-  /// may have been used as all upper-case in the translation tool, so we
-  /// save it separately and look it up case-insensitively once the parent
-  /// (and its arguments) are definitely available.
-  VariableSubstitution.named(String name, Message parent) : super(parent) {
-    _variableNameUpper = name.toUpperCase();
-  }
-  /// The index in the list of parameters of the containing function.
-  int _index;
-  int get index {
-    if (_index != null) return _index;
-    if (arguments.isEmpty) return null;
-    // We may have been given an all-uppercase version of the name, so compare
-    // case-insensitive.
-    _index = arguments
-        .map((x) => x.toUpperCase())
-        .toList()
-        .indexOf(_variableNameUpper);
-    if (_index == -1) {
-      throw new ArgumentError(
-          "Cannot find parameter named '$_variableNameUpper' in "
-          "message named '$name'. Available "
-          "parameters are $arguments");
-    }
-    return _index;
-  }
-  /// The variable name we get from parsing. This may be an all uppercase
-  /// version of the Dart argument name.
-  String _variableNameUpper;
-  /// The name of the variable in the parameter list of the containing function.
-  /// Used when generating code for the interpolation.
-  String get variableName =>
-      _variableName == null ? _variableName = arguments[index] : _variableName;
-  String _variableName;
-  // Although we only allow simple variable references, we always enclose them
-  // in curly braces so that there's no possibility of ambiguity with
-  // surrounding text.
-  toCode() => "\${${variableName}}";
-  toString() => "VariableSubstitution($index)";
-  String expanded([Function f = _nullTransform]) => f(this, index);
-class MainMessage extends ComplexMessage {
-  MainMessage() : super(null);
-  /// All the pieces of the message. When we go to print, these will
-  /// all be expanded appropriately. The exact form depends on what we're
-  /// printing it for See [expanded], [toCode].
-  List<Message> messagePieces = [];
-  /// The position in the source at which this message starts.
-  int sourcePosition;
-  /// The position in the source at which this message ends.
-  int endPosition;
-  /// Verify that this looks like a correct Intl.message invocation.
-  String checkValidity(MethodInvocation node, List arguments, String outerName,
-      FormalParameterList outerArgs,
-      {bool nameAndArgsGenerated: false, bool examplesRequired: false}) {
-    if (arguments.first is! StringLiteral) {
-      return "Intl.message messages must be string literals";
-    }
-    return super.checkValidity(node, arguments, outerName, outerArgs,
-        nameAndArgsGenerated: nameAndArgsGenerated,
-        examplesRequired: examplesRequired);
-  }
-  void addPieces(List<Object> messages) {
-    for (var each in messages) {
-      messagePieces.add(Message.from(each, this));
-    }
-  }
-  /// The description provided in the Intl.message call.
-  String description;
-  /// The examples from the Intl.message call
-  Map<String, dynamic> examples;
-  /// A field to disambiguate two messages that might have exactly the
-  /// same text. The two messages will also need different names, but
-  /// this can be used by machine translation tools to distinguish them.
-  String meaning;
-  /// The name, which may come from the function name, from the arguments
-  /// to Intl.message, or we may just re-use the message.
-  String _name;
-  /// A placeholder for any other identifier that the translation format
-  /// may want to use.
-  String id;
-  /// The arguments list from the Intl.message call.
-  List<String> arguments;
-  /// The locale argument from the Intl.message call
-  String locale;
-  /// When generating code, we store translations for each locale
-  /// associated with the original message.
-  Map<String, String> translations = new Map();
-  /// If the message was not given a name, we use the entire message string as
-  /// the name.
-  String get name => _name ?? "";
-  set name(String newName) {
-    _name = newName;
-  }
-  /// Does this message have an assigned name.
-  bool get hasName => _name != null;
-  /// Return the full message, with any interpolation expressions transformed
-  /// by [f] and all the results concatenated. The chunk argument to [f] may be
-  /// either a String, an int or an object representing a more complex
-  /// message entity.
-  /// See [messagePieces].
-  String expanded([Function f = _nullTransform]) =>
- => f(this, chunk)).join("");
-  /// Record the translation for this message in the given locale, after
-  /// suitably escaping it.
-  void addTranslation(String locale, Message translated) {
-    translated.parent = this;
-    translations[locale] = translated.toCode();
-  }
-  toCode() =>
-      throw new UnsupportedError("MainMessage.toCode requires a locale");
-  /// Generate code for this message, expecting it to be part of a map
-  /// keyed by name with values the function that calls Intl.message.
-  String toCodeForLocale(String locale, String name) {
-    var out = new StringBuffer()
-      ..write('static $name(')
-      ..write(arguments.join(", "))
-      ..write(') => "')
-      ..write(translations[locale])
-      ..write('";');
-    return out.toString();
-  }
-  turnInterpolationBackIntoStringForm(Message message, chunk) {
-    if (chunk is String) return escapeAndValidateString(chunk);
-    if (chunk is int) return r"${" + message.arguments[chunk] + "}";
-    if (chunk is Message) return chunk.toCode();
-    throw new ArgumentError.value(chunk, "Unexpected value in Intl.message");
-  }
-  String toOriginalCode() {
-    var out = new StringBuffer()..write("Intl.message('");
-    out.write(expanded(turnInterpolationBackIntoStringForm));
-    out.write("', ");
-    out.write("name: '$name', ");
-    out.write(locale == null ? "" : "locale: '$locale', ");
-    out.write(description == null
-        ? ""
-        : "desc: '${escapeAndValidateString(description)}', ");
-    // json is already mostly-escaped, but we need to handle interpolations.
-    var json = JSON.encode(examples).replaceAll(r"$", r"\$");
-    out.write(examples == null ? "" : "examples: const ${json}, ");
-    out.write(meaning == null
-        ? ""
-        : "meaning: '${escapeAndValidateString(meaning)}', ");
-    out.write("args: [${arguments.join(', ')}]");
-    out.write(")");
-    return out.toString();
-  }
-  /// The AST node will have the attribute names as strings, so we translate
-  /// between those and the fields of the class.
-  void operator []=(String attributeName, value) {
-    switch (attributeName) {
-      case "desc":
-        description = value;
-        return;
-      case "examples":
-        examples = value as Map<String, dynamic>;
-        return;
-      case "name":
-        name = value;
-        return;
-      // We use the actual args from the parser rather than what's given in the
-      // arguments to Intl.message.
-      case "args":
-        return;
-      case "meaning":
-        meaning = value;
-        return;
-      case "locale":
-        locale = value;
-        return;
-      default:
-        return;
-    }
-  }
-  /// The AST node will have the attribute names as strings, so we translate
-  /// between those and the fields of the class.
-  operator [](String attributeName) {
-    switch (attributeName) {
-      case "desc":
-        return description;
-      case "examples":
-        return examples;
-      case "name":
-        return name;
-      // We use the actual args from the parser rather than what's given in the
-      // arguments to Intl.message.
-      case "args":
-        return [];
-      case "meaning":
-        return meaning;
-      default:
-        return null;
-    }
-  }
-  // This is the top-level construct, so there's no meaningful ICU name.
-  get icuMessageName => '';
-  get dartMessageName => "message";
-  /// The parameters that the Intl.message call may provide.
-  get attributeNames => const ["name", "desc", "examples", "args", "meaning"];
-  String toString() =>
-      "Intl.message(${expanded()}, $name, $description, $examples, $arguments)";
-/// An abstract class to represent sub-sections of a message, primarily
-/// plurals and genders.
-abstract class SubMessage extends ComplexMessage {
-  SubMessage() : super(null);
-  /// Creates the sub-message, given a list of [clauses] in the sort of form
-  /// that we're likely to get them from parsing a translation file format,
-  /// as a list of [key, value] where value may in turn be a list.
-  SubMessage.from(this.mainArgument, List clauses, parent) : super(parent) {
-    for (var clause in clauses) {
-      this[clause.first] = (clause.last is List) ? clause.last : [clause.last];
-    }
-  }
-  toString() => expanded();
-  /// The name of the main argument, which is expected to have the value which
-  /// is one of [attributeNames] and is used to decide which clause to use.
-  String mainArgument;
-  /// Return the arguments that affect this SubMessage as a map of
-  /// argument names and values.
-  Map argumentsOfInterestFor(MethodInvocation node) {
-    var basicArguments = node.argumentList.arguments;
-    var others = basicArguments.where((each) => each is NamedExpression);
-    return new Map.fromIterable(others,
-        key: (node) =>,
-        value: (node) => node.expression);
-  }
-  /// Return the list of attribute names to use when generating code. This
-  ///  may be different from [attributeNames] if there are multiple aliases
-  ///  that map to the same clause.
-  List<String> get codeAttributeNames;
-  String expanded([Function transform = _nullTransform]) {
-    fullMessageForClause(String key) =>
-        key + '{' + transform(parent, this[key]).toString() + '}';
-    var clauses = attributeNames
-        .where((key) => this[key] != null)
-        .map(fullMessageForClause)
-        .toList();
-    return "{$mainArgument,$icuMessageName, ${clauses.join("")}}";
-  }
-  String toCode() {
-    var out = new StringBuffer();
-    out.write('\${');
-    out.write(dartMessageName);
-    out.write('(');
-    out.write(mainArgument);
-    var args = codeAttributeNames.where((attribute) => this[attribute] != null);
-    args.fold(
-        out, (buffer, arg) => buffer..write(", $arg: '${this[arg].toCode()}'"));
-    out.write(")}");
-    return out.toString();
-  }
-/// Represents a message send of [Intl.gender] inside a message that is to
-/// be internationalized. This corresponds to an ICU message syntax "select"
-/// with "male", "female", and "other" as the possible options.
-class Gender extends SubMessage {
-  Gender();
-  /// Create a new Gender providing [mainArgument] and the list of possible
-  /// clauses. Each clause is expected to be a list whose first element is a
-  /// variable name and whose second element is either a [String] or
-  /// a list of strings and [Message] or [VariableSubstitution].
-  Gender.from(String mainArgument, List clauses, Message parent)
-      : super.from(mainArgument, clauses, parent);
-  Message female;
-  Message male;
-  Message other;
-  String get icuMessageName => "select";
-  String get dartMessageName => 'Intl.gender';
-  get attributeNames => ["female", "male", "other"];
-  get codeAttributeNames => attributeNames;
-  /// The node will have the attribute names as strings, so we translate
-  /// between those and the fields of the class.
-  void operator []=(String attributeName, rawValue) {
-    var value = Message.from(rawValue, this);
-    switch (attributeName) {
-      case "female":
-        female = value;
-        return;
-      case "male":
-        male = value;
-        return;
-      case "other":
-        other = value;
-        return;
-      default:
-        return;
-    }
-  }
-  Message operator [](String attributeName) {
-    switch (attributeName) {
-      case "female":
-        return female;
-      case "male":
-        return male;
-      case "other":
-        return other;
-      default:
-        return other;
-    }
-  }
-class Plural extends SubMessage {
-  Plural();
-  Plural.from(String mainArgument, List clauses, Message parent)
-      : super.from(mainArgument, clauses, parent);
-  Message zero;
-  Message one;
-  Message two;
-  Message few;
-  Message many;
-  Message other;
-  String get icuMessageName => "plural";
-  String get dartMessageName => "Intl.plural";
-  get attributeNames => ["=0", "=1", "=2", "few", "many", "other"];
-  get codeAttributeNames => ["zero", "one", "two", "few", "many", "other"];
-  /// The node will have the attribute names as strings, so we translate
-  /// between those and the fields of the class.
-  void operator []=(String attributeName, rawValue) {
-    var value = Message.from(rawValue, this);
-    switch (attributeName) {
-      case "zero":
-        zero = value;
-        return;
-      case "=0":
-        zero = value;
-        return;
-      case "one":
-        one = value;
-        return;
-      case "=1":
-        one = value;
-        return;
-      case "two":
-        two = value;
-        return;
-      case "=2":
-        two = value;
-        return;
-      case "few":
-        few = value;
-        return;
-      case "many":
-        many = value;
-        return;
-      case "other":
-        other = value;
-        return;
-      default:
-        return;
-    }
-  }
-  Message operator [](String attributeName) {
-    switch (attributeName) {
-      case "zero":
-        return zero;
-      case "=0":
-        return zero;
-      case "one":
-        return one;
-      case "=1":
-        return one;
-      case "two":
-        return two;
-      case "=2":
-        return two;
-      case "few":
-        return few;
-      case "many":
-        return many;
-      case "other":
-        return other;
-      default:
-        return other;
-    }
-  }
-/// Represents a message send of [] inside a message that is to
-/// be internationalized. This corresponds to an ICU message syntax "select"
-/// with arbitrary options.
-class Select extends SubMessage {
-  Select();
-  /// Create a new [Select] providing [mainArgument] and the list of possible
-  /// clauses. Each clause is expected to be a list whose first element is a
-  /// variable name and whose second element is either a String or
-  /// a list of strings and [Message]s or [VariableSubstitution]s.
-  Select.from(String mainArgument, List clauses, Message parent)
-      : super.from(mainArgument, clauses, parent);
-  Map<String, Message> cases = new Map<String, Message>();
-  String get icuMessageName => "select";
-  String get dartMessageName => '';
-  get attributeNames => cases.keys;
-  get codeAttributeNames => attributeNames;
-  void operator []=(String attributeName, rawValue) {
-    var value = Message.from(rawValue, this);
-    cases[attributeName] = value;
-  }
-  Message operator [](String attributeName) {
-    var exact = cases[attributeName];
-    return exact == null ? cases["other"] : exact;
-  }
-  /// Return the arguments that we care about for the select. In this
-  /// case they will all be passed in as a Map rather than as the named
-  /// arguments used in Plural/Gender.
-  Map argumentsOfInterestFor(MethodInvocation node) {
-    MapLiteral casesArgument = node.argumentList.arguments[1];
-    return new Map.fromIterable(casesArgument.entries,
-        key: (node) => node.key.value, value: (node) => node.value);
-  }
-  /// Write out the generated representation of this message. This differs
-  /// from Plural/Gender in that it prints a literal map rather than
-  /// named arguments.
-  String toCode() {
-    var out = new StringBuffer();
-    out.write('\${');
-    out.write(dartMessageName);
-    out.write('(');
-    out.write(mainArgument);
-    var args = codeAttributeNames;
-    out.write(", {");
-    args.fold(out,
-        (buffer, arg) => buffer..write("'$arg': '${this[arg].toCode()}', "));
-    out.write("})}");
-    return out.toString();
-  }
diff --git a/lib/src/message_rewriter.dart b/lib/src/message_rewriter.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d512bd..0000000
--- a/lib/src/message_rewriter.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Code to rewrite Intl.message calls adding the name and args parameters
-/// automatically, primarily used by the transformer.
-import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
-import 'package:intl/extract_messages.dart';
-/// Rewrite all Intl.message/plural/etc. calls in [source], adding "name"
-/// and "args" parameters if they are not provided.
-/// Return the modified source code. If there are errors parsing, list
-/// [sourceName] in the error message.
-String rewriteMessages(String source, String sourceName) {
-  var messages = findMessages(source, sourceName);
-  messages.sort((a, b) => a.sourcePosition.compareTo(b.sourcePosition));
-  var start = 0;
-  var newSource = new StringBuffer();
-  for (var message in messages) {
-    if (message.arguments.isNotEmpty) {
-      newSource.write(source.substring(start, message.sourcePosition));
-    // TODO(alanknight): We could generate more efficient code than the
-    // original here, dispatching more directly to the MessageLookup.
-    newSource.write(message.toOriginalCode());
-    start = message.endPosition;
-    }
-  }
-  newSource.write(source.substring(start));
-  return newSource.toString();
-/// Find all the messages in the [source] text.
-/// Report errors as coming from [sourceName]
-List findMessages(String source, String sourceName) {
-  var extraction = new MessageExtraction();
-  try {
-    extraction.root = parseCompilationUnit(source, name: sourceName);
-  } on AnalyzerErrorGroup catch (e) {
-    extraction.onMessage("Error in parsing $sourceName, no messages extracted.");
-    extraction.onMessage("  $e");
-    return [];
-  }
-  extraction.origin = sourceName;
-  var visitor = new MessageFindingVisitor(extraction);
-  visitor.generateNameAndArgs = true;
-  extraction.root.accept(visitor);
-  return visitor.messages.values.toList();
diff --git a/lib/transformer.dart b/lib/transformer.dart
index 38dc8d0..4031f0a 100644
--- a/lib/transformer.dart
+++ b/lib/transformer.dart
@@ -1,26 +1,12 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+/// This is a redirector so that people can continue, in google3, to depend on
+/// the transformer as -intl, not needing to change it to intl_translation.
+// Note that this is not exported into the opensource version, and would not
+// work there, since it depends on a library not in ourpubspec. It is a complete
+// hack and google3 specific. Fortunately, transformers in general are
+// deprecated so it should go away soon.
-/// A transformer for Intl messages, supplying the name and arguments
-/// automatically.
-library intl_transformer;
+// TODO(alanknight): Remove this.
+library transformer_forwarder;
-import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
-import 'src/message_rewriter.dart';
-/// Rewrites Intl.message calls to automatically insert the name and args
-/// parameters.
-class IntlMessageTransformer extends Transformer {
-  IntlMessageTransformer.asPlugin();
-  String get allowedExtensions => ".dart";
-  apply(Transform transform) async {
-    var content = await transform.primaryInput.readAsString();
-    var id =;
-    var newContent = rewriteMessages(content, '$id');
-    transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, newContent));
-  }
+export 'package:intl_translation/transformer.dart';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index d0f4687..0cff830 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: intl
-version: 0.13.1
+version: 0.14.0
 author: Dart Team <>
 description: Contains code to deal with internationalized/localized messages, date and number formatting and parsing, bi-directional text, and other internationalization issues.
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
   sdk: '>=1.12.0 <2.0.0'
-  analyzer: '>=0.13.2 <0.29.0'
-  args: '>=0.12.1 <0.14.0'
-  path: '>=0.9.0 <2.0.0'
-  petitparser: '>=1.1.3 <2.0.0'
-  barback: ^0.15.2
   fixnum: '>=0.9.0 <0.11.0'
   unittest: '>=0.10.0 <0.12.0'
@@ -21,15 +16,4 @@
     - test/date_time_format_file_even_test.dart
     - test/date_time_format_file_odd_test.dart
     - test/find_default_locale_standalone_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/examples_parsing_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/failed_extraction_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/make_hardcoded_translation.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/message_extraction_no_deferred_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/message_extraction_test.dart
-    - test/message_extraction/really_fail_extraction_test.dart
     - test/intl_message_basic_example_test.dart # invalid import under pub's package-layout
-- intl:
-    $include:
-    - test/messages_with_transformer/transformer_test.dart
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/ b/test/message_extraction/
deleted file mode 100755
index 82c8b87..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# The message_extraction_test.dart test uses a temporary directory and spawns 
-# separate processes for each step. This can make it very painful to debug the
-# steps. 
-# This script runs the steps individually, putting the files in the current
-# directory. You can run the script to run the test locally, or use this to
-# run individual steps or create them as launches in the editor.
-dart ../../bin/extract_to_arb.dart sample_with_messages.dart \
-dart make_hardcoded_translation.dart intl_messages.arb
-dart ../../bin/generate_from_arb.dart --generated-file-prefix=foo_ \
-sample_with_messages.dart part_of_sample_with_messages.dart \
-translation_fr.arb translation_de_DE.arb
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after.dart b/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index cda5bae..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// A test library that should fail because there is a plural with text
-/// following the plural expression.
-library embedded_plural_text_after;
-import "package:intl/intl.dart";
-embeddedPlural2(n) => Intl.message(
-    "${Intl.plural(n, zero: 'none', one: 'one', other: 'some')} plus text.",
-    name: 'embeddedPlural2', desc: 'An embedded plural', args: [n]);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9c16f..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_after_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library embedded_plural_text_after_test;
-import "failed_extraction_test.dart";
-import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
-main() {
-  test("Expect failure because of embedded plural with text after it", () {
-    List<String> specialFiles = ['embedded_plural_text_after.dart'];
-    runTestWithWarnings(
-        warningsAreErrors: true,
-        expectedExitCode: 1,
-        embeddedPlurals: false,
-        sourceFiles: specialFiles);
-  });
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before.dart b/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 4843831..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// A test library that should fail because there is a plural with text
-/// before the plural expression.
-library embedded_plural_text_before;
-import "package:intl/intl.dart";
-embeddedPlural(n) => Intl.message(
-    "There are ${Intl.plural(n, zero: 'nothing', one: 'one', other: 'some')}.",
-    name: 'embeddedPlural', desc: 'An embedded plural', args: [n]);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 75b411c..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/embedded_plural_text_before_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library embedded_plural_text_before_test;
-import "failed_extraction_test.dart";
-import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
-main() {
-  test("Expect failure because of embedded plural with text before it", () {
-    List<String> files = ['embedded_plural_text_before.dart'];
-    runTestWithWarnings(
-        warningsAreErrors: true,
-        expectedExitCode: 1,
-        embeddedPlurals: false,
-        sourceFiles: files);
-  });
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/examples_parsing_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/examples_parsing_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f61add1..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/examples_parsing_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// Test for parsing the examples argument from an Intl.message call. Very
-/// minimal so far.
-import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
-import 'package:intl/extract_messages.dart';
-import '../data_directory.dart';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import 'dart:io';
-main() {
-  test("Message examples are correctly extracted", () {
-    var file = path.join(intlDirectory, 'test', 'message_extraction',
-        'sample_with_messages.dart');
-    var extraction = new MessageExtraction();
-    var messages = extraction.parseFile(new File(file));
-    expect(messages['message2'].examples, {"x": 3});
-  });
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/failed_extraction_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/failed_extraction_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b2758a7..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/failed_extraction_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library failed_extraction_test;
-import "message_extraction_test.dart";
-import "dart:io";
-import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
-main() {
-  test("Expect warnings but successful extraction", () {
-    runTestWithWarnings(warningsAreErrors: false, expectedExitCode: 0);
-  });
-const List<String> defaultFiles = const [
-  "sample_with_messages.dart",
-  "part_of_sample_with_messages.dart"
-void runTestWithWarnings({bool warningsAreErrors, int expectedExitCode,
-    bool embeddedPlurals: true, List<String> sourceFiles: defaultFiles}) {
-  verify(ProcessResult result) {
-    try {
-      expect(result.exitCode, expectedExitCode);
-    } finally {
-      deleteGeneratedFiles();
-    }
-  }
-  copyFilesToTempDirectory();
-  var program = asTestDirPath("../../bin/extract_to_arb.dart");
-  List<String> args = ["--output-dir=$tempDir"];
-  if (warningsAreErrors) {
-    args.add('--warnings-are-errors');
-  }
-  if (!embeddedPlurals) {
-    args.add('--no-embedded-plurals');
-  }
-  var files =;
-  List<String> allArgs = [program]
-    ..addAll(args)
-    ..addAll(files);
-  var callback = expectAsync(verify) as ThenArgument;
-  run(null, allArgs).then(callback);
-typedef dynamic ThenArgument(ProcessResult _);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/foo_messages_all.dart b/test/message_extraction/foo_messages_all.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 06b482e..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/foo_messages_all.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library keep_the_static_analysis_from_complaining;
-initializeMessages(_) => throw new UnimplementedError(
-    "This entire file is only here to make the static"
-    " analysis happy. It will be generated during actual tests.");
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/make_hardcoded_translation.dart b/test/message_extraction/make_hardcoded_translation.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3af44..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/make_hardcoded_translation.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dart
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This simulates a translation process, reading the messages generated from
-/// extract_message.dart for the files sample_with_messages.dart and
-/// part_of_sample_with_messages.dart and writing out hard-coded translations
-/// for German and French locales.
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import 'package:args/args.dart';
-/// A list of the French translations that we will produce.
-var french = {
-  "types": r"{a}, {b}, {c}",
-  "This string extends across multiple lines.":
-      "Cette message prend plusiers lignes.",
-  "message2": r"Un autre message avec un seul paramètre {x}",
-  "alwaysTranslated": "Cette chaîne est toujours traduit",
-  "message1": "Il s'agit d'un message",
-  "\"So-called\"": "\"Soi-disant\"",
-  "trickyInterpolation": r"L'interpolation est délicate "
-      r"quand elle se termine une phrase comme {s}.",
-  "message3": "Caractères qui doivent être échapper, par exemple barres \\ "
-      "dollars \${ (les accolades sont ok), et xml/html réservés <& et "
-      "des citations \" "
-      "avec quelques paramètres ainsi {a}, {b}, et {c}",
-  "YouveGotMessages_method": "Cela vient d'une méthode",
-  "nonLambda": "Cette méthode n'est pas un lambda",
-  "staticMessage": "Cela vient d'une méthode statique",
-  "notAlwaysTranslated": "Ce manque certaines traductions",
-  "thisNameIsNotInTheOriginal": "Could this lead to something malicious?",
-  "Ancient Greek hangman characters: 𐅆𐅇.":
-      "Anciens caractères grecs jeux du pendu: 𐅆𐅇.",
-  "escapable": "Escapes: \n\r\f\b\t\v.",
-  "sameContentsDifferentName": "Bonjour tout le monde",
-  "differentNameSameContents": "Bonjour tout le monde",
-  "rentToBePaid": "loyer",
-  "rentAsVerb": "louer",
-  "plurals": "{num,plural, =0{Est-ce que nulle est pluriel?}=1{C'est singulier}"
-      "other{C'est pluriel ({num}).}}",
-  "whereTheyWentMessage": "{gender,select, male{{name} est allé à sa {place}}"
-      "female{{name} est allée à sa {place}}other{{name}"
-      " est allé à sa {place}}}",
-  // Gratuitously different translation for testing. Ignoring gender of place.
-  "nestedMessage": "{combinedGender,select, "
-      "other{"
-      "{number,plural, "
-      "=0{Personne n'avait allé à la {place}}"
-      "=1{{names} était allé à la {place}}"
-      "other{{names} étaient allés à la {place}}"
-      "}"
-      "}"
-      "female{"
-      "{number,plural, "
-      "=1{{names} était allée à la {place}}"
-      "other{{names} étaient allées à la {place}}"
-      "}"
-      "}"
-      "}",
-  "outerPlural": "{n,plural, =0{rien}=1{un}other{quelques-uns}}",
-  "outerGender": "{g,select, male {homme} female {femme} other {autre}}",
-  "pluralThatFailsParsing": "{noOfThings,plural, "
-      "=1{1 chose:}other{{noOfThings} choses:}}",
-  "nestedOuter": "{number,plural, other{"
-      "{gen,select, male{{number} homme}other{{number} autre}}}}",
-  "outerSelect": "{currency,select, CDN{{amount} dollars Canadiens}"
-      "other{{amount} certaine devise ou autre.}}}",
-  "nestedSelect": "{currency,select, CDN{{amount,plural, "
-      "=1{{amount} dollar Canadien}"
-      "other{{amount} dollars Canadiens}}}"
-      "other{N'importe quoi}"
-      "}}",
-  "literalDollar": "Cinq sous est US\$0.05",
-  r"'<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'": r"interessant (fr): '<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'"
-/// A list of the German translations that we will produce.
-var german = {
-  "types": r"{a}, {b}, {c}",
-  "This string extends across multiple lines.":
-      "Dieser String erstreckt sich über mehrere Zeilen erstrecken.",
-  "message2": r"Eine weitere Meldung mit dem Parameter {x}",
-  "alwaysTranslated": "Diese Zeichenkette wird immer übersetzt",
-  "message1": "Dies ist eine Nachricht",
-  "\"So-called\"": "\"Sogenannt\"",
-  "trickyInterpolation": r"Interpolation ist schwierig, wenn es einen Satz "
-      "wie dieser endet {s}.",
-  "message3": "Zeichen, die Flucht benötigen, zB Schrägstriche \\ Dollar "
-      "\${ (geschweiften Klammern sind ok) und xml reservierte Zeichen <& und "
-      "Zitate \" Parameter {a}, {b} und {c}",
-  "YouveGotMessages_method": "Dies ergibt sich aus einer Methode",
-  "nonLambda": "Diese Methode ist nicht eine Lambda",
-  "staticMessage": "Dies ergibt sich aus einer statischen Methode",
-  "thisNameIsNotInTheOriginal": "Could this lead to something malicious?",
-  "Ancient Greek hangman characters: 𐅆𐅇.":
-      "Antike griechische Galgenmännchen Zeichen: 𐅆𐅇",
-  "escapable": "Escapes: \n\r\f\b\t\v.",
-  "sameContentsDifferentName": "Hallo Welt",
-  "differentNameSameContents": "Hallo Welt",
-  "rentToBePaid": "Miete",
-  "rentAsVerb": "mieten",
-  "plurals": "{num,plural, =0{Ist Null Plural?}=1{Dies ist einmalig}"
-      "other{Dies ist Plural ({num}).}}",
-  "whereTheyWentMessage": "{gender,select, male{{name} ging zu seinem {place}}"
-      "female{{name} ging zu ihrem {place}}other{{name} ging zu seinem {place}}}",
-  //Note that we're only using the gender of the people. The gender of the
-  //place also matters, but we're not dealing with that here.
-  "nestedMessage": "{combinedGender,select, "
-      "other{"
-      "{number,plural, "
-      "=0{Niemand ging zu {place}}"
-      "=1{{names} ging zum {place}}"
-      "other{{names} gingen zum {place}}"
-      "}"
-      "}"
-      "female{"
-      "{number,plural, "
-      "=1{{names} ging in dem {place}}"
-      "other{{names} gingen zum {place}}"
-      "}"
-      "}"
-      "}",
-  "outerPlural": "{n,plural, =0{Null}=1{ein}other{einige}}",
-  "outerGender": "{g,select, male{Mann}female{Frau}other{andere}}",
-  "pluralThatFailsParsing": "{noOfThings,plural, "
-      "=1{eins:}other{{noOfThings} Dinge:}}",
-  "nestedOuter": "{number,plural, other{"
-      "{gen,select, male{{number} Mann}other{{number} andere}}}}",
-  "outerSelect": "{currency,select, CDN{{amount} Kanadischen dollar}"
-      "other{{amount} einige Währung oder anderen.}}}",
-  "nestedSelect": "{currency,select, CDN{{amount,plural, "
-      "=1{{amount} Kanadischer dollar}"
-      "other{{amount} Kanadischen dollar}}}"
-      "other{whatever}"
-      "}",
-  "literalDollar": "Fünf Cent US \$ 0.05",
-  r"'<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'": r"interessant (de): '<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'"
-/// The output directory for translated files.
-String targetDir;
-/// Generate a translated json version from [originals] in [locale] looking
-/// up the translations in [translations].
-void translate(Map originals, String locale, Map translations) {
-  var translated = {"_locale": locale};
-  originals.forEach((name, text) {
-    translated[name] = translations[name];
-  });
-  var file = new File(path.join(targetDir, 'translation_$locale.arb'));
-  file.writeAsStringSync(JSON.encode(translated));
-main(List<String> args) {
-  if (args.length == 0) {
-    print('Usage: make_hardcoded_translation [--output-dir=<dir>] '
-        '[originalFile.arb]');
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  var parser = new ArgParser();
-  parser.addOption("output-dir",
-      defaultsTo: '.', callback: (value) => targetDir = value);
-  parser.parse(args);
-  var fileArgs = args.where((x) => x.contains('.arb'));
-  var messages = JSON.decode(new File(fileArgs.first).readAsStringSync());
-  translate(messages, "fr", french);
-  translate(messages, "de_DE", german);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/message_extraction_no_deferred_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/message_extraction_no_deferred_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 68936f1..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/message_extraction_no_deferred_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// A test for message extraction and code generation not using deferred
-/// loading for the generated code.
-library message_extraction_no_deferred_test;
-import 'message_extraction_test.dart' as mainTest;
-main(arguments) {
-  mainTest.useDeferredLoading = false;
-  mainTest.main(arguments);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/message_extraction_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/message_extraction_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index d22e1e3..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/message_extraction_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library message_extraction_test;
-import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:convert';
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-import '../data_directory.dart';
-final dart = Platform.executable;
-/// Should we use deferred loading.
-bool useDeferredLoading = true;
-String get _deferredLoadPrefix => useDeferredLoading ? '' : 'no-';
-String get deferredLoadArg => '--${_deferredLoadPrefix}use-deferred-loading';
-/// The VM arguments we were given, most important package-root.
-final vmArgs = Platform.executableArguments;
-/// For testing we move the files into a temporary directory so as not to leave
-/// generated files around after a failed test. For debugging, we omit that
-/// step if [useLocalDirectory] is true. The place we move them to is saved as
-/// [tempDir].
-String get tempDir => _tempDir == null ? _tempDir = _createTempDir() : _tempDir;
-var _tempDir;
-_createTempDir() => useLocalDirectory
-    ? '.'
-    : Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('message_extraction_test').path;
-var useLocalDirectory = false;
-/// Translate a relative file path into this test directory. This is
-/// applied to all the arguments of [run]. It will ignore a string that
-/// is an absolute path or begins with "--", because some of the arguments
-/// might be command-line options.
-String asTestDirPath([String s]) {
-  if (s == null || s.startsWith("--") || path.isAbsolute(s)) return s;
-  return path.join(intlDirectory, 'test', 'message_extraction', s);
-/// Translate a relative file path into our temp directory. This is
-/// applied to all the arguments of [run]. It will ignore a string that
-/// is an absolute path or begins with "--", because some of the arguments
-/// might be command-line options.
-String asTempDirPath([String s]) {
-  if (s == null || s.startsWith("--") || path.isAbsolute(s)) return s;
-  return path.join(tempDir, s);
-typedef ProcessResult ThenResult(ProcessResult _);
-main(arguments) {
-  // If debugging, use --local to avoid copying everything to temporary
-  // directories to make it even harder to debug. Note that this will also
-  // not delete the generated files, so may require manual cleanup.
-  if (arguments.contains("--local")) {
-    print("Testing using local directory for generated files");
-    useLocalDirectory = true;
-  }
-  setUp(copyFilesToTempDirectory);
-  tearDown(deleteGeneratedFiles);
-  test("Test round trip message extraction, translation, code generation, "
-      "and printing", () {
-    var makeSureWeVerify = expectAsync(runAndVerify) as ThenResult;
-    return extractMessages(null).then((result) {
-      return generateTranslationFiles(result);
-    }).then((result) {
-      return generateCodeFromTranslation(result);
-    }).then(makeSureWeVerify).then(checkResult);
-  });
-void copyFilesToTempDirectory() {
-  if (useLocalDirectory) return;
-  var files = [
-    asTestDirPath('sample_with_messages.dart'),
-    asTestDirPath('part_of_sample_with_messages.dart'),
-    asTestDirPath('verify_messages.dart'),
-    asTestDirPath('run_and_verify.dart'),
-    asTestDirPath('embedded_plural_text_before.dart'),
-    asTestDirPath('embedded_plural_text_after.dart'),
-    asTestDirPath('print_to_list.dart')
-  ];
-  for (var filename in files) {
-    var file = new File(filename);
-    file.copySync(path.join(tempDir, path.basename(filename)));
-  }
-void deleteGeneratedFiles() {
-  if (useLocalDirectory) return;
-  try {
-    new Directory(tempDir).deleteSync(recursive: true);
-  } on Error catch (e) {
-    print("Failed to delete $tempDir");
-    print("Exception:\n$e");
-  }
-/// Run the process with the given list of filenames, which we assume
-/// are in dir() and need to be qualified in case that's not our working
-/// directory.
-Future<ProcessResult> run(
-    ProcessResult previousResult, List<String> filenames) {
-  // If there's a failure in one of the sub-programs, print its output.
-  checkResult(previousResult);
-  var filesInTheRightDirectory = filenames
-      .map((x) => asTempDirPath(x))
-      .map((x) => path.normalize(x))
-      .toList();
-  // Inject the script argument --output-dir in between the script and its
-  // arguments.
-  List<String> args = []
-    ..addAll(vmArgs)
-    ..add(filesInTheRightDirectory.first)
-    ..addAll(["--output-dir=$tempDir"])
-    ..addAll(filesInTheRightDirectory.skip(1));
-  var result =
-, args, stdoutEncoding: UTF8, stderrEncoding: UTF8);
-  return result;
-checkResult(ProcessResult previousResult) {
-  if (previousResult != null) {
-    if (previousResult.exitCode != 0) {
-      print("Error running sub-program:");
-    }
-    print(previousResult.stdout);
-    print(previousResult.stderr);
-    print("exitCode=${previousResult.exitCode}");
-    // Fail the test.
-    expect(previousResult.exitCode, 0);
-  }
-Future<ProcessResult> extractMessages(ProcessResult previousResult) => run(
-    previousResult, [
-  asTestDirPath('../../bin/extract_to_arb.dart'),
-  '--suppress-warnings',
-  'sample_with_messages.dart',
-  'part_of_sample_with_messages.dart'
-Future<ProcessResult> generateTranslationFiles(ProcessResult previousResult) =>
-    run(previousResult, [
-  asTestDirPath('make_hardcoded_translation.dart'),
-  'intl_messages.arb'
-Future<ProcessResult> generateCodeFromTranslation(
-    ProcessResult previousResult) => run(previousResult, [
-  asTestDirPath('../../bin/generate_from_arb.dart'),
-  deferredLoadArg,
-  '--generated-file-prefix=foo_',
-  'sample_with_messages.dart',
-  'part_of_sample_with_messages.dart',
-  'translation_fr.arb',
-  'translation_de_DE.arb'
-Future<ProcessResult> runAndVerify(ProcessResult previousResult) =>
-    run(previousResult, [asTempDirPath('run_and_verify.dart')]);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart b/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 31cddcc..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/part_of_sample_with_messages.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.part of sample;
-part of sample;
-class Person {
-  String name;
-  String gender;
-  Person(, this.gender);
-class YouveGotMessages {
-  // A static message, rather than a standalone function.
-  static staticMessage() =>
-      Intl.message("This comes from a static method", name: 'staticMessage');
-  // An instance method, rather than a standalone function.
-  method() => Intl.message("This comes from a method",
-      name: 'YouveGotMessages_method', desc: 'This is a method with a '
-      'long description which spans '
-      'multiple lines.');
-  // A non-lambda, i.e. not using => syntax, and with an additional statement
-  // before the Intl.message call.
-  nonLambda() {
-    var aTrueValue = true;
-    var msg = Intl.message("This method is not a lambda", name: 'nonLambda');
-    expect(aTrueValue, isTrue,
-        reason: 'Parser should not fail with additional code.');
-    return msg;
-  }
-  plurals(num) => Intl.message("""${Intl.plural(num,
-         zero : 'Is zero plural?',
-         one : 'This is singular.',
-         other : 'This is plural ($num).')
-        }""", name: "plurals", args: [num], desc: "Basic plurals");
-  whereTheyWent(Person person, String place) =>
-      whereTheyWentMessage(, person.gender, place);
-  whereTheyWentMessage(String name, String gender, String place) {
-    return Intl.message("${Intl.gender(gender,
-            male: '$name went to his $place',
-            female: '$name went to her $place',
-            other: '$name went to its $place')
-        }",
-        name: "whereTheyWentMessage",
-        args: [name, gender, place],
-        desc: 'A person went to some place that they own, e.g. their room');
-  }
-  // English doesn't do enough with genders, so this example is French.
-  nested(List people, String place) {
-    var names = =>", ");
-    var number = people.length;
-    var combinedGender =
-        people.every((x) => x.gender == "female") ? "female" : "other";
-    if (number == 0) combinedGender = "other";
-    nestedMessage(names, number, combinedGender, place) => Intl.message(
-        '''${Intl.gender(combinedGender,
-          other: '${Intl.plural(number,
-            zero: "Personne n'est allé au $place",
-            one: "${names} est allé au $place",
-            other: "${names} sont allés au $place")}',
-          female: '${Intl.plural(number,
-            one: "$names est allée au $place",
-          other: "$names sont allées au $place")}'
-        )}''',
-        name: "nestedMessage", args: [names, number, combinedGender, place]);
-    return nestedMessage(names, number, combinedGender, place);
-  }
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/print_to_list.dart b/test/message_extraction/print_to_list.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f5446d4..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/print_to_list.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/// This provides a way for a test to print to an internal list so the
-/// results can be verified rather than writing to and reading a file.
-library print_to_list.dart;
-List<String> lines = [];
-void printOut(String s) {
-  lines.add(s);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/really_fail_extraction_test.dart b/test/message_extraction/really_fail_extraction_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f5251..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/really_fail_extraction_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library really_fail_extraction_test;
-import "failed_extraction_test.dart";
-import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
-main() {
-  test("Expect failure because warnings are errors", () {
-    runTestWithWarnings(warningsAreErrors: true, expectedExitCode: 1);
-  });
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/run_and_verify.dart b/test/message_extraction/run_and_verify.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ef9a1a0..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/run_and_verify.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-library verify_and_run;
-import 'sample_with_messages.dart' as sample;
-import 'verify_messages.dart';
-main() {
-  sample.main().then(verifyResult);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/sample_with_messages.dart b/test/message_extraction/sample_with_messages.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c22380f..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/sample_with_messages.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This is a program with various [Intl.message] messages. It just prints
-/// all of them, and is used for testing of message extraction, translation,
-/// and code generation.
-library sample;
-import "package:intl/intl.dart";
-import "foo_messages_all.dart";
-import "print_to_list.dart";
-import "dart:async";
-import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
-part 'part_of_sample_with_messages.dart';
-message1() => Intl.message("This is a message", name: 'message1', desc: 'foo');
-message2(x) => Intl.message("Another message with parameter $x",
-    name: 'mess' 'age2',
-    desc: 'Description ' '2',
-    args: [x],
-    examples: {'x': 3});
-// A string with multiple adjacent strings concatenated together, verify
-// that the parser handles this properly.
-multiLine() => Intl.message("This "
-    "string "
-    "extends "
-    "across "
-    "multiple "
-    "lines.");
-get interestingCharactersNoName =>
-    Intl.message("'<>{}= +-_\$()&^%\$#@!~`'", desc: "interesting characters");
-// Have types on the enclosing function's arguments.
-types(int a, String b, List c) =>
-    Intl.message("$a, $b, $c", name: 'types', args: [a, b, c]);
-// This string will be printed with a French locale, so it will always show
-// up in the French version, regardless of the current locale.
-alwaysTranslated() => Intl.message("This string is always translated",
-    locale: 'fr', name: 'alwaysTranslated');
-// Test interpolation with curly braces around the expression, but it must
-// still be just a variable reference.
-trickyInterpolation(s) =>
-    Intl.message("Interpolation is tricky when it ends a sentence like ${s}.",
-        name: 'trickyInterpolation', args: [s]);
-get leadingQuotes => Intl.message("\"So-called\"");
-// A message with characters not in the basic multilingual plane.
-originalNotInBMP() => Intl.message("Ancient Greek hangman characters: 𐅆𐅇.");
-// A string for which we don't provide all translations.
-notAlwaysTranslated() => Intl.message("This is missing some translations",
-    name: "notAlwaysTranslated");
-// This is invalid and should be recognized as such, because the message has
-// to be a literal. Otherwise, interpolations would be outside of the function
-// scope.
-var someString = "No, it has to be a literal string";
-noVariables() => Intl.message(someString, name: "noVariables");
-// This is unremarkable in English, but the translated versions will contain
-// characters that ought to be escaped during code generation.
-escapable() => Intl.message("Escapable characters here: ", name: "escapable");
-outerPlural(n) => Intl.plural(n,
-    zero: 'none',
-    one: 'one',
-    other: 'some',
-    name: 'outerPlural',
-    desc: 'A plural with no enclosing message',
-    args: [n]);
-outerGender(g) => Intl.gender(g,
-    male: 'm',
-    female: 'f',
-    other: 'o',
-    name: 'outerGender',
-    desc: 'A gender with no enclosing message',
-    args: [g]);
-pluralThatFailsParsing(noOfThings) => Intl.plural(noOfThings,
-    one: "1 thing:",
-    other: "$noOfThings things:",
-    name: "pluralThatFailsParsing",
-    args: [noOfThings],
-    desc: "How many things are there?");
-// A standalone gender message where we don't provide name or args. This should
-// be rejected by validation code.
-invalidOuterGender(g) => Intl.gender(g, other: 'o');
-// A general select
-outerSelect(currency, amount) =>
-    currency,
-    {
-      "CDN": "$amount Canadian dollars",
-      "other": "$amount some currency or other."
-    },
-    name: "outerSelect",
-    args: [currency, amount]);
-// A select with a plural inside the expressions.
-nestedSelect(currency, amount) =>
-    currency,
-    {
-      "CDN": """${Intl.plural(amount, one: '$amount Canadian dollar',
-          other: '$amount Canadian dollars')}""",
-      "other": "Whatever",
-    },
-    name: "nestedSelect",
-    args: [currency, amount]);
-// A trivial nested plural/gender where both are done directly rather than
-// in interpolations.
-nestedOuter(number, gen) => Intl.plural(number,
-    other: Intl.gender(gen, male: "$number male", other: "$number other"),
-    name: 'nestedOuter',
-    args: [number, gen]);
-sameContentsDifferentName() => Intl.message("Hello World",
-    name: "sameContentsDifferentName",
-    desc: "One of two messages with the same contents, but different names");
-differentNameSameContents() => Intl.message("Hello World",
-    name: "differentNameSameContents",
-    desc: "One of two messages with the same contents, but different names");
-/// Distinguish two messages with identical text using the meaning parameter.
-rentToBePaid() => Intl.message("rent",
-    name: "rentToBePaid",
-    meaning: 'Money for rent',
-    desc: "Money to be paid for rent");
-rentAsVerb() => Intl.message("rent",
-    name: "rentAsVerb",
-    meaning: 'rent as a verb',
-    desc: "The action of renting, as in rent a car");
-literalDollar() => Intl.message("Five cents is US\$0.05",
-    name: "literalDollar", desc: "Literal dollar sign with valid number");
-printStuff(Intl locale) {
-  // Use a name that's not a literal so this will get skipped. Then we have
-  // a name that's not in the original but we include it in the French
-  // translation. Because it's not in the original it shouldn't get included
-  // in the generated catalog and shouldn't get translated.
-  if (locale.locale == 'fr') {
-    var badName = "thisNameIsNotInTheOriginal";
-    var notInOriginal = Intl.message("foo", name: badName);
-    if (notInOriginal != "foo") {
-      throw "You shouldn't be able to introduce a new message in a translation";
-    }
-  }
-  // A function that is assigned to a variable. It's also nested
-  // within another function definition.
-  message3(a, b, c) => Intl.message(
-      "Characters that need escaping, e.g slashes \\ dollars \${ (curly braces "
-      "are ok) and xml reserved characters <& and quotes \" "
-      "parameters $a, $b, and $c",
-      name: 'message3',
-      args: [a, b, c]);
-  var messageVariable = message3;
-  printOut("-------------------------------------------");
-  printOut("Printing messages for ${locale.locale}");
-  Intl.withLocale(locale.locale, () {
-    printOut(message1());
-    printOut(message2("hello"));
-    printOut(messageVariable(1, 2, 3));
-    printOut(multiLine());
-    printOut(types(1, "b", ["c", "d"]));
-    printOut(leadingQuotes);
-    printOut(alwaysTranslated());
-    printOut(trickyInterpolation("this"));
-    var thing = new YouveGotMessages();
-    printOut(thing.method());
-    printOut(thing.nonLambda());
-    printOut(YouveGotMessages.staticMessage());
-    printOut(notAlwaysTranslated());
-    printOut(originalNotInBMP());
-    printOut(escapable());
-    printOut(thing.plurals(0));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(1));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(2));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(3));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(4));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(5));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(6));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(7));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(8));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(9));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(10));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(11));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(20));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(100));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(101));
-    printOut(thing.plurals(100000));
-    var alice = new Person("Alice", "female");
-    var bob = new Person("Bob", "male");
-    var cat = new Person("cat", null);
-    printOut(thing.whereTheyWent(alice, "house"));
-    printOut(thing.whereTheyWent(bob, "house"));
-    printOut(thing.whereTheyWent(cat, "litter box"));
-    printOut(thing.nested([alice, bob], "magasin"));
-    printOut(thing.nested([alice], "magasin"));
-    printOut(thing.nested([], "magasin"));
-    printOut(thing.nested([bob, bob], "magasin"));
-    printOut(thing.nested([alice, alice], "magasin"));
-    printOut(outerPlural(0));
-    printOut(outerPlural(1));
-    printOut(outerGender("male"));
-    printOut(outerGender("female"));
-    printOut(nestedOuter(7, "male"));
-    printOut(outerSelect("CDN", 7));
-    printOut(outerSelect("EUR", 5));
-    printOut(nestedSelect("CDN", 1));
-    printOut(nestedSelect("CDN", 2));
-    printOut(pluralThatFailsParsing(1));
-    printOut(pluralThatFailsParsing(2));
-    printOut(differentNameSameContents());
-    printOut(sameContentsDifferentName());
-    printOut(rentAsVerb());
-    printOut(rentToBePaid());
-    printOut(literalDollar());
-    printOut(interestingCharactersNoName);
-  });
-var localeToUse = 'en_US';
-main() {
-  var fr = new Intl("fr");
-  var english = new Intl("en_US");
-  var de = new Intl("de_DE");
-  // Throw in an initialize of a null locale to make sure it doesn't throw.
-  initializeMessages(null);
-  // Verify that a translated message isn't initially present.
-  var messageInGerman = Intl.withLocale('de_DE', message1);
-  expect(messageInGerman, "This is a message");
-  var f1 = initializeMessages(fr.locale)
-      // Since English has the one message which is always translated, we
-      // can't print it until French is ready.
-      .then((_) => printStuff(english))
-      .then((_) => printStuff(fr));
-  var f2 = initializeMessages('de-de').then((_) => printStuff(de));
-  return Future.wait([f1, f2]);
diff --git a/test/message_extraction/verify_messages.dart b/test/message_extraction/verify_messages.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b68abcd..0000000
--- a/test/message_extraction/verify_messages.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-library verify_messages;
-import "print_to_list.dart";
-import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";
-verifyResult(ignored) {
-  test("Verify message translation output", actuallyVerifyResult);
-actuallyVerifyResult() {
-  var lineIterator;
-  verify(String s) {
-    lineIterator.moveNext();
-    var value = lineIterator.current;
-    expect(value, s);
-  }
-  var expanded = lines.expand((line) => line.split("\n")).toList();
-  lineIterator = expanded.iterator..moveNext();
-  verify("Printing messages for en_US");
-  verify("This is a message");
-  verify("Another message with parameter hello");
-  verify("Characters that need escaping, e.g slashes \\ dollars \${ "
-      "(curly braces are ok) and xml reserved characters <& and "
-      "quotes \" parameters 1, 2, and 3");
-  verify("This string extends across multiple lines.");
-  verify("1, b, [c, d]");
-  verify('"So-called"');
-  verify("Cette chaîne est toujours traduit");
-  verify("Interpolation is tricky when it ends a sentence like this.");
-  verify("This comes from a method");
-  verify("This method is not a lambda");
-  verify("This comes from a static method");
-  verify("This is missing some translations");
-  verify("Ancient Greek hangman characters: 𐅆𐅇.");
-  verify("Escapable characters here: ");
-  verify('Is zero plural?');
-  verify('This is singular.');
-  verify('This is plural (2).');
-  verify('This is plural (3).');
-  verify('This is plural (4).');
-  verify('This is plural (5).');
-  verify('This is plural (6).');
-  verify('This is plural (7).');
-  verify('This is plural (8).');
-  verify('This is plural (9).');
-  verify('This is plural (10).');
-  verify('This is plural (11).');
-  verify('This is plural (20).');
-  verify('This is plural (100).');
-  verify('This is plural (101).');
-  verify('This is plural (100000).');
-  verify('Alice went to her house');
-  verify('Bob went to his house');
-  verify('cat went to its litter box');
-  verify('Alice, Bob sont allés au magasin');
-  verify('Alice est allée au magasin');
-  verify('Personne n\'est allé au magasin');
-  verify('Bob, Bob sont allés au magasin');
-  verify('Alice, Alice sont allées au magasin');
-  verify('none');
-  verify('one');
-  verify('m');
-  verify('f');
-  verify('7 male');
-  verify('7 Canadian dollars');
-  verify('5 some currency or other.');
-  verify('1 Canadian dollar');
-  verify('2 Canadian dollars');
-  verify('1 thing:');
-  verify('2 things:');
-  verify('Hello World');
-  verify('Hello World');
-  verify('rent');
-  verify('rent');
-  verify('Five cents is US\$0.05');
-  verify(r"'<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'");
-  var fr_lines =
-      expanded.skip(1).skipWhile((line) => !line.contains('----')).toList();
-  lineIterator = fr_lines.iterator..moveNext();
-  verify("Printing messages for fr");
-  verify("Il s'agit d'un message");
-  verify("Un autre message avec un seul paramètre hello");
-  verify("Caractères qui doivent être échapper, par exemple barres \\ "
-      "dollars \${ (les accolades sont ok), et xml/html réservés <& et "
-      "des citations \" "
-      "avec quelques paramètres ainsi 1, 2, et 3");
-  verify("Cette message prend plusiers lignes.");
-  verify("1, b, [c, d]");
-  verify('"Soi-disant"');
-  verify("Cette chaîne est toujours traduit");
-  verify("L'interpolation est délicate quand elle se termine une "
-      "phrase comme this.");
-  verify("Cela vient d'une méthode");
-  verify("Cette méthode n'est pas un lambda");
-  verify("Cela vient d'une méthode statique");
-  verify("Ce manque certaines traductions");
-  verify("Anciens caractères grecs jeux du pendu: 𐅆𐅇.");
-  verify("Escapes: ");
-  verify("\r\f\b\t\v.");
-  verify('Est-ce que nulle est pluriel?');
-  verify('C\'est singulier');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (2).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (3).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (4).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (5).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (6).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (7).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (8).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (9).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (10).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (11).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (20).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (100).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (101).');
-  verify('C\'est pluriel (100000).');
-  verify('Alice est allée à sa house');
-  verify('Bob est allé à sa house');
-  verify('cat est allé à sa litter box');
-  verify('Alice, Bob étaient allés à la magasin');
-  verify('Alice était allée à la magasin');
-  verify('Personne n\'avait allé à la magasin');
-  verify('Bob, Bob étaient allés à la magasin');
-  verify('Alice, Alice étaient allées à la magasin');
-  verify('rien');
-  verify('un');
-  verify('homme');
-  verify('femme');
-  verify('7 homme');
-  verify('7 dollars Canadiens');
-  verify('5 certaine devise ou autre.');
-  verify('1 dollar Canadien');
-  verify('2 dollars Canadiens');
-  verify('1 chose:');
-  verify('2 choses:');
-  verify('Bonjour tout le monde');
-  verify('Bonjour tout le monde');
-  verify('louer');
-  verify('loyer');
-  // Using a non-French format for the currency to test interpolation.
-  verify('Cinq sous est US\$0.05');
-  verify(r"interessant (fr): '<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'");
-  var de_lines =
-      fr_lines.skip(1).skipWhile((line) => !line.contains('----')).toList();
-  lineIterator = de_lines.iterator..moveNext();
-  verify("Printing messages for de_DE");
-  verify("Dies ist eine Nachricht");
-  verify("Eine weitere Meldung mit dem Parameter hello");
-  verify("Zeichen, die Flucht benötigen, zB Schrägstriche \\ Dollar "
-      "\${ (geschweiften Klammern sind ok) und xml reservierte Zeichen <& und "
-      "Zitate \" Parameter 1, 2 und 3");
-  verify("Dieser String erstreckt sich über mehrere "
-      "Zeilen erstrecken.");
-  verify("1, b, [c, d]");
-  verify('"Sogenannt"');
-  // This is correct, the message is forced to French, even in a German locale.
-  verify("Cette chaîne est toujours traduit");
-  verify(
-      "Interpolation ist schwierig, wenn es einen Satz wie dieser endet this.");
-  verify("Dies ergibt sich aus einer Methode");
-  verify("Diese Methode ist nicht eine Lambda");
-  verify("Dies ergibt sich aus einer statischen Methode");
-  verify("This is missing some translations");
-  verify("Antike griechische Galgenmännchen Zeichen: 𐅆𐅇");
-  verify("Escapes: ");
-  verify("\r\f\b\t\v.");
-  verify('Ist Null Plural?');
-  verify('Dies ist einmalig');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (2).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (3).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (4).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (5).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (6).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (7).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (8).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (9).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (10).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (11).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (20).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (100).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (101).');
-  verify('Dies ist Plural (100000).');
-  verify('Alice ging zu ihrem house');
-  verify('Bob ging zu seinem house');
-  verify('cat ging zu seinem litter box');
-  verify('Alice, Bob gingen zum magasin');
-  verify('Alice ging in dem magasin');
-  verify('Niemand ging zu magasin');
-  verify('Bob, Bob gingen zum magasin');
-  verify('Alice, Alice gingen zum magasin');
-  verify('Null');
-  verify('ein');
-  verify('Mann');
-  verify('Frau');
-  verify('7 Mann');
-  verify('7 Kanadischen dollar');
-  verify('5 einige Währung oder anderen.');
-  verify('1 Kanadischer dollar');
-  verify('2 Kanadischen dollar');
-  verify('eins:');
-  verify('2 Dinge:');
-  verify('Hallo Welt');
-  verify('Hallo Welt');
-  verify('mieten');
-  verify('Miete');
-  verify('Fünf Cent US \$ 0.05');
-  verify(r"interessant (de): '<>{}= +-_$()&^%$#@!~`'");
diff --git a/test/messages_with_transformer/messages_all.dart b/test/messages_with_transformer/messages_all.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index b51ae4c..0000000
--- a/test/messages_with_transformer/messages_all.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:intl/generate_localized.dart
-/// This is a library that looks up messages for specific locales by
-/// delegating to the appropriate library.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'package:intl/message_lookup_by_library.dart';
-import 'package:intl/src/intl_helpers.dart';
-import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
-import 'messages_zz.dart' deferred as messages_zz;
-Map<String, Function> _deferredLibraries = {
-  'zz' : () => messages_zz.loadLibrary(),
-MessageLookupByLibrary _findExact(localeName) {
-  switch (localeName) {
-    case 'zz' : return messages_zz.messages;
-    default: return null;
-  }
-/// User programs should call this before using [localeName] for messages.
-Future initializeMessages(String localeName) {
-  initializeInternalMessageLookup(() => new CompositeMessageLookup());
-  var lib = _deferredLibraries[Intl.canonicalizedLocale(localeName)];
-  var load = lib == null ? new Future.value(false) : lib();
-  return load.then((_) =>
-      messageLookup.addLocale(localeName, _findGeneratedMessagesFor));
-MessageLookupByLibrary _findGeneratedMessagesFor(locale) {
-  var actualLocale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, (x) => _findExact(x) != null,
-      onFailure: (_) => null);
-  if (actualLocale == null) return null;
-  return _findExact(actualLocale);
diff --git a/test/messages_with_transformer/messages_zz.dart b/test/messages_with_transformer/messages_zz.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2d054..0000000
--- a/test/messages_with_transformer/messages_zz.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/// DO NOT EDIT. This is code generated via package:intl/generate_localized.dart
-/// This is a library that provides messages for a zz locale. All the
-/// messages from the main program should be duplicated here with the same
-/// function name.
-import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
-import 'package:intl/message_lookup_by_library.dart';
-final messages = new MessageLookup();
-final _keepAnalysisHappy = Intl.defaultLocale;
-class MessageLookup extends MessageLookupByLibrary {
-  get localeName => 'zz';
-  final messages = _notInlinedMessages(_notInlinedMessages);
-  static _notInlinedMessages(_) => {
-    "foo" : MessageLookupByLibrary.simpleMessage("bar")
-  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/messages_with_transformer/ b/test/messages_with_transformer/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f02a29..0000000
--- a/test/messages_with_transformer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# This test is just trying to verify that the transformer runs,
-# so we generate the translated messages once and just use them.
-# If the transformer successfully invokes them then we're good.
-# To regenerate the code you can run the lines in this script,
-# although translation_zz.arb must be manually created.
-dart ../../bin/extract_to_arb.dart --transformer main.dart
-# manually edit to create translation_zz.arb
-dart ../../bin/generate_from_arb.dart translation_zz.arb transformer_test.dart
diff --git a/test/messages_with_transformer/transformer_test.dart b/test/messages_with_transformer/transformer_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 08d902b..0000000
--- a/test/messages_with_transformer/transformer_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
-import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
-import 'messages_all.dart';
-foo() => Intl.message("foo");
-main() async {
-  await initializeMessages("zz");
-test("Message without name/args", () {
-  Intl.defaultLocale = "zz";
-  expect(foo(), "bar");
-  });
\ No newline at end of file