blob: 2a0b6f57b03aa5b3202d446260393fa0763c6d2f [file] [log] [blame]
/// Tests for ICU compact format numbers (e.g. 1.2M instead of 1200000).
/// These tests check that the test cases match what ICU produces. They are not
/// testing the package:intl implementation, they only help verify consistent
/// behaviour across platforms.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi' as ffi;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'compact_number_test_data.dart' as testdata35;
import 'more_compact_number_test_data.dart' as more_testdata;
main() {
var problemLocales = [
// ICU produces numerals in Arabic script, package:intl uses Latin script.
// package:intl includes some tweaks to compact numbers for Bengali.
runICUTests(systemIcuVersion: 63, skipLocales: problemLocales);
void runICUTests(
{int systemIcuVersion = null,
String specialIcuLib = null,
List<String> skipLocales = null}) {
if (!setupICU(
systemIcuVersion: systemIcuVersion, specialIcuLibPath: specialIcuLib)) {
print("Skipping problem locales $skipLocales.");
.removeWhere((k, v) => skipLocales.contains(k));
test('UNumberFormatter simple integer formatting', () {
expect(FormatWithUnumf('en', 'precision-integer', 5142.3), '5,142');
void validate(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
validateShort(locale, expected);
validateLong(locale, expected);
void validateShort(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
test('Validate $locale SHORT', () {
for (var data in expected) {
var number = num.parse(data.first);
expect(FormatWithUnumf(locale, 'compact-short', number), data[1]);
void validateLong(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
test('Validate $locale LONG', () {
for (var data in expected) {
var number = num.parse(data.first);
expect(FormatWithUnumf(locale, 'compact-long', number), data[2]);
void validateFancy(more_testdata.CompactRoundingTestCase t) {
var locale = 'en';
var skel = 'compact-short';
if (t.minimumIntegerDigits != null) {
skel += ' integer-width/+' + '0' * t.minimumIntegerDigits;
if (t.significantDigits != null) {
skel += ' ' + '@' * t.significantDigits;
if (t.minimumFractionDigits != null) {
skel += ' .' + '0' * t.minimumFractionDigits;
var maxFD = t.maximumFractionDigits ?? 3;
skel += '#' * (maxFD - t.minimumFractionDigits);
} else if (t.maximumFractionDigits != null) {
skel += ' .' + '#' * t.maximumFractionDigits;
test(t.toString(), () {
expect(FormatWithUnumf(locale, skel, t.number), t.expected,
reason: 'Skeleton: $skel');
UErrorNameOp u_errorName;
UnumfOpenForSkeletonAndLocaleOp unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale;
UnumfOpenResultOp unumf_openResult;
UnumfFormatDoubleOp unumf_formatDouble;
UnumfFormatIntOp unumf_formatInt;
UnumfResultToStringOp unumf_resultToString;
UnumfCloseOp unumf_close;
UnumfCloseResultOp unumf_closeResult;
/// Sets up dart:ffi functions.
/// If [systemIcuVersion] is specified, and set to 63 for example, we load the
/// functions from and if available. If
/// libraries are lacking, function returns [false].
/// If [systemIcuVersion] is unspecified, we expect to find all functions in a
/// library with filename [specialIcuLibPath].
bool setupICU({int systemIcuVersion = null, String specialIcuLibPath = null}) {
ffi.DynamicLibrary libicui18n;
String icuVersionSuffix;
if (systemIcuVersion != null) {
icuVersionSuffix = '_$systemIcuVersion';
try {
ffi.DynamicLibrary libicuuc ='$systemIcuVersion');
u_errorName = libicuuc.lookupFunction<NativeUErrorNameOp, UErrorNameOp>(
libicui18n ='$systemIcuVersion');
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
print('Unable to test against ICU version $systemIcuVersion: $e');
return false;
} else {
icuVersionSuffix = '';
libicui18n =;
u_errorName = libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUErrorNameOp, UErrorNameOp>(
unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale = libicui18n.lookupFunction<
unumf_openResult =
libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUnumfOpenResultOp, UnumfOpenResultOp>(
unumf_formatDouble =
libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUnumfFormatDoubleOp, UnumfFormatDoubleOp>(
unumf_formatInt =
libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUnumfFormatIntOp, UnumfFormatIntOp>(
unumf_resultToString = libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUnumfResultToStringOp,
unumf_close = libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUnumfCloseOp, UnumfCloseOp>(
unumf_closeResult =
libicui18n.lookupFunction<NativeUnumfCloseResultOp, UnumfCloseResultOp>(
return true;
String FormatWithUnumf(String locale, String skeleton, num number) {
// // Setup:
// UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// UNumberFormatter* uformatter =
// unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(u"precision-integer", -1, "en", &ec);
// UFormattedNumber* uresult = unumf_openResult(&ec);
// if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
final cLocale = Utf8.allocate(locale);
final cSkeleton = Utf16.allocate(skeleton);
final cErrorCode = ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32>.allocate(count: 1);;
final uformatter =
unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale(cSkeleton, -1, cLocale, cErrorCode);;;
var errorCode = cErrorCode.load<int>();
expect(errorCode, lessThanOrEqualTo(0),
reason: u_errorName(errorCode).load<Utf8>().toString());
final uresult = unumf_openResult(cErrorCode);
errorCode = cErrorCode.load();
// Try to improve this once dart:ffi has extension methods:
expect(errorCode, lessThanOrEqualTo(0),
reason: u_errorName(errorCode).load<Utf8>().toString());
// // Format a double:
// unumf_formatDouble(uformatter, 5142.3, uresult, &ec);
// if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
if (number is double) {
unumf_formatDouble(uformatter, number, uresult, cErrorCode);
} else {
unumf_formatInt(uformatter, number, uresult, cErrorCode);
errorCode = cErrorCode.load();
expect(errorCode, lessThanOrEqualTo(0),
reason: u_errorName(errorCode).load<Utf8>().toString());
// // Export the string to a malloc'd buffer:
// int32_t len = unumf_resultToString(uresult, NULL, 0, &ec);
// // at this point, ec == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
// ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// UChar* buffer = (UChar*) malloc((len+1)*sizeof(UChar));
// unumf_resultToString(uresult, buffer, len+1, &ec);
// if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
// // buffer should equal "5,142"
final reqLen =
unumf_resultToString(uresult, ffi.nullptr.cast(), 0, cErrorCode);
errorCode = cErrorCode.load();
expect(errorCode, equals(15), // U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
reason: u_errorName(errorCode).load<Utf8>().toString());;
final buffer = ffi.Pointer<Utf16>.allocate(count: reqLen + 1);
unumf_resultToString(uresult, buffer, reqLen + 1, cErrorCode);
errorCode = cErrorCode.load();
expect(errorCode, lessThanOrEqualTo(0),
reason: u_errorName(errorCode).load<Utf8>().toString());
final bufferContent = buffer.load<Utf16>();
final result = bufferContent.toString();
// // Cleanup:
// unumf_close(uformatter);
// unumf_closeResult(uresult);
// free(buffer);
return result;
/// Represents a char* UTF-8 string in C memory.
class Utf8 extends ffi.Struct<Utf8> {
int char;
/// Allocate a [CString] and populates it with [dartStr].
/// This [CString] is not managed by an [Arena]. Please ensure to [free] the
/// memory manually!
static ffi.Pointer<Utf8> allocate(String dartStr) {
List<int> units = Utf8Encoder().convert(dartStr);
ffi.Pointer<Utf8> str = ffi.Pointer<Utf8>.allocate(count: units.length + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < units.length; ++i) {
str.elementAt(i).load<Utf8>().char = units[i];
str.elementAt(units.length).load<Utf8>().char = 0;
return str;
/// Read the string for C memory into Dart.
String toString() {
final str = addressOf;
if (str == ffi.nullptr) return null;
int len = 0;
while (str.elementAt(++len).load<Utf8>().char != 0);
List<int> units = List(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
units[i] = str.elementAt(i).load<Utf8>().char;
return Utf8Decoder().convert(units);
/// Represents a UChar* in C memory.
class Utf16 extends ffi.Struct<Utf16> {
int char;
/// Allocates a Pointer<Utf16> and populates it with [dartStr].
/// Please ensure to [free] the memory manually!
static ffi.Pointer<Utf16> allocate(String dartStr) {
List<int> units = dartStr.codeUnits;
ffi.Pointer<Utf16> str =
ffi.Pointer<Utf16>.allocate(count: (units.length + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < units.length; ++i) {
str.elementAt(i).load<Utf16>().char = units[i];
str.elementAt(units.length).load<Utf16>().char = 0;
return str;
/// Read the string for C memory into Dart.
String toString() {
final str = addressOf;
if (str == ffi.nullptr) return null;
int len = 0;
while (str.elementAt(++len).load<Utf16>().char != 0);
List<int> units = List(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
units[i] = str.elementAt(i).load<Utf16>().char;
return String.fromCharCodes(units);
/// C signature for
/// [u_errorName()](
typedef NativeUErrorNameOp = ffi.Pointer<Utf8> Function(ffi.Int32 code);
/// Dart signature for
/// [u_errorName()](
typedef UErrorNameOp = ffi.Pointer<Utf8> Function(int code);
/// [UNumberFormatter](
class UNumberFormatter extends ffi.Struct<UNumberFormatter> {}
/// [UFormattedNumber](
class UFormattedNumber extends ffi.Struct<UFormattedNumber> {}
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale()](
typedef NativeUnumfOpenForSkeletonAndLocaleOp
= ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> Function(
ffi.Pointer<Utf16> skeleton,
ffi.Int32 skeletonLen,
ffi.Pointer<Utf8> locale,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocale()](
typedef UnumfOpenForSkeletonAndLocaleOp
= ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> Function(ffi.Pointer<Utf16> skeleton,
int skeletonLen, ffi.Pointer<Utf8> locale, ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_openResult()](
typedef NativeUnumfOpenResultOp = ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_openResult()](
typedef UnumfOpenResultOp = ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> Function(
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_formatDouble()](
typedef NativeUnumfFormatDoubleOp = ffi.Void Function(
ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> uformatter,
ffi.Double value,
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_formatDouble()](
typedef UnumfFormatDoubleOp = Function(
ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> uformatter,
double value,
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_formatInt()](
typedef NativeUnumfFormatIntOp = ffi.Void Function(
ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> uformatter,
ffi.Int32 value,
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_formatInt()](
typedef UnumfFormatIntOp = Function(
ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> uformatter,
int value,
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_resultToString()](
typedef NativeUnumfResultToStringOp = ffi.Int32 Function(
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult,
ffi.Pointer<Utf16> buffer,
ffi.Int32 bufferCapacity,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_resultToString()](
typedef UnumfResultToStringOp = int Function(
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult,
ffi.Pointer<Utf16> buffer,
int bufferCapacity,
ffi.Pointer<ffi.Int32> ec);
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_close()](
typedef NativeUnumfCloseOp = ffi.Void Function(
ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> uformatter);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_close()](
typedef UnumfCloseOp = Function(ffi.Pointer<UNumberFormatter> uformatter);
/// C signature for
/// [unumf_closeResult()](
typedef NativeUnumfCloseResultOp = ffi.Void Function(
ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult);
/// Dart signature for
/// [unumf_closeResult()](
typedef UnumfCloseResultOp = Function(ffi.Pointer<UFormattedNumber> uresult);