Add a skip argument to Intl.message (and others) that still validates the message but filters them from the extracted message output. This will allow defining the message format with text that isn't finalized without wasting resources having the placeholder translated.

Created by MOE:
diff --git a/ b/
index 8412782..8ed4b8e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
  * Update for Dart 2.0 fixed-size integers.
  * Add missing support for specifying decimalDigits in compactSimpleCurrency.
  * Fix doc comments for DateFormat (Pull request #156)
+ * Added a skip argument to not output the message in the extract step.
 ## 0.15.2
  * Group the padding digits to the left of the number, if present. e.g. 00,001.
diff --git a/lib/intl.dart b/lib/intl.dart
index 13b15c9..222aa93 100644
--- a/lib/intl.dart
+++ b/lib/intl.dart
@@ -155,22 +155,29 @@
   /// particular, everything must be literal and cannot refer to variables
   /// outside the scope of the enclosing function. The [examples] map must be a
   /// valid const literal map. Similarly, the [desc] argument must be a single,
-  /// simple string. These two arguments will not be used at runtime but will be
-  /// extracted from the source code and used as additional data for
-  /// translators. For more information see the "Messages" section of the main
+  /// simple string and [skip] a boolean literal. These three arguments will not
+  /// be used at runtime but will be extracted from the source code and used as
+  /// additional data for translators. For more information see the "Messages"
+  /// section of the main
   /// [package documentation] (
   /// The [name] and [args] arguments are required, and are used at runtime
   /// to look up the localized version and pass the appropriate arguments to it.
   /// We may in the future modify the code during compilation to make manually
   /// passing those arguments unnecessary.
+  ///
+  /// The [skip] arg will still validate the message, but will be filtered from
+  /// the extracted message output. This can be useful to set up placeholder
+  /// messages during development whose text aren't finalized yet without having
+  /// the placeholder automatically translated.
   static String message(String message_str,
           {String desc: '',
           Map<String, dynamic> examples: const {},
           String locale,
           String name,
           List args,
-          String meaning}) =>
+          String meaning,
+          bool skip}) =>
       _message(message_str, locale, name, args, meaning);
   /// Omit the compile-time only parameters so dart2js can see to drop them.
@@ -275,7 +282,8 @@
       String locale,
       String name,
       List args,
-      String meaning}) {
+      String meaning,
+      bool skip}) {
     // Call our internal method, dropping examples and desc because they're not
     // used at runtime and we want them to be optimized away.
     return _plural(howMany,
@@ -386,7 +394,8 @@
       String locale,
       String name,
       List args,
-      String meaning}) {
+      String meaning,
+      bool skip}) {
     // Call our internal method, dropping args and desc because they're not used
     // at runtime and we want them to be optimized away.
     return _gender(targetGender,
@@ -447,7 +456,8 @@
       String locale,
       String name,
       List args,
-      String meaning}) {
+      String meaning,
+      bool skip}) {
     return _select(choice, cases,
         locale: locale, name: name, args: args, meaning: meaning);