Further simplify `NumberFormat` initialization; make fields that can be final, final.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 328333657
diff --git a/lib/src/intl/compact_number_format.dart b/lib/src/intl/compact_number_format.dart
index ceb13d1..fd53814 100644
--- a/lib/src/intl/compact_number_format.dart
+++ b/lib/src/intl/compact_number_format.dart
@@ -130,91 +130,17 @@
   _CompactStyle styleForSign(number) => this;
   List<_CompactStyle> get allStyles => [this];
-/// Enumerates the different formats supported.
-enum _CompactFormatType {
+  static final _regex = RegExp('([^0]*)(0+)(.*)');
-class _CompactNumberFormat extends NumberFormat {
-  /// A default, using the decimal pattern, for the `getPattern` constructor parameter.
-  static String _forDecimal(NumberSymbols symbols) => symbols.DECIMAL_PATTERN;
-  List<_CompactStyleBase> _styles = [];
-  _CompactNumberFormat(
-      {String locale,
-      _CompactFormatType formatType,
-      String name,
-      String currencySymbol,
-      String Function(NumberSymbols) getPattern = _forDecimal,
-      int decimalDigits,
-      bool lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol = false,
-      bool isForCurrency = false})
-      : super._forPattern(locale, getPattern,
-            name: name,
-            currencySymbol: currencySymbol,
-            decimalDigits: decimalDigits,
-            lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol: lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol,
-            isForCurrency: isForCurrency) {
-    significantDigits = 3;
-    turnOffGrouping();
-    /// Map from magnitude to formatting pattern for that magnitude.
-    ///
-    /// The magnitude is the exponent when using the normalized scientific
-    /// notation (so numbers from 1000 to 9999 correspond to magnitude 3).
-    ///
-    /// These patterns are taken from the appropriate CompactNumberSymbols
-    Map<int, String> _patterns;
-    switch (formatType) {
-      case _CompactFormatType.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN:
-        _patterns = _compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN;
-        break;
-      // TODO(alanknight): Long formats may have different forms for different
-      // plural cases (e.g. million/millions).
-      case _CompactFormatType.COMPACT_DECIMAL_LONG_PATTERN:
-        _patterns = _compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_LONG_PATTERN ??
-            _compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN;
-        break;
-        _patterns = _compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_CURRENCY_PATTERN;
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw ArgumentError.notNull('formatType');
-    }
-    _patterns.forEach((int exponent, String pattern) {
-      if (pattern.contains(';')) {
-        var patterns = pattern.split(';');
-        _styles.add(_CompactStyleWithNegative(
-            _createStyle(patterns.first, exponent),
-            _createStyle(patterns.last, exponent)));
-      } else {
-        _styles.add(_createStyle(pattern, exponent));
-      }
-    });
-    // Reverse the styles so that we look through them from largest to smallest.
-    _styles = _styles.reversed.toList();
-    // Add a fallback style that just prints the number.
-    _styles.add(_CompactStyle());
-  }
-  final _regex = RegExp('([^0]*)(0+)(.*)');
-  final _justZeros = RegExp(r'^0*$');
+  static final _justZeros = RegExp(r'^0*$');
   /// Does pattern have any additional characters or is it just zeros.
-  bool _hasNonZeroContent(String pattern) => !_justZeros.hasMatch(pattern);
+  static bool _hasNonZeroContent(String pattern) =>
+      !_justZeros.hasMatch(pattern);
   /// Creates a [_CompactStyle] instance for pattern with [normalizedExponent].
-  _CompactStyle _createStyle(String pattern, int normalizedExponent) {
+  static _CompactStyle createStyle(String pattern, int normalizedExponent) {
     var match = _regex.firstMatch(pattern);
     var integerDigits = match.group(2).length;
     var prefix = match.group(1);
@@ -237,6 +163,121 @@
         suffix: suffix,
         divisor: divisor);
+/// Enumerates the different formats supported.
+enum _CompactFormatType {
+class _CompactNumberFormat extends NumberFormat {
+  /// A default, using the decimal pattern, for the `getPattern` constructor parameter.
+  static String _forDecimal(NumberSymbols symbols) => symbols.DECIMAL_PATTERN;
+  final List<_CompactStyleBase> _styles;
+  factory _CompactNumberFormat(
+      {String locale,
+      _CompactFormatType formatType,
+      String name,
+      String currencySymbol,
+      String Function(NumberSymbols) getPattern = _forDecimal,
+      int decimalDigits,
+      bool lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol = false,
+      bool isForCurrency = false}) {
+    // Initialization copied from `NumberFormat` constructor.
+    // TODO(davidmorgan): deduplicate.
+    locale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, NumberFormat.localeExists);
+    var symbols = numberFormatSymbols[locale];
+    var localeZero = symbols.ZERO_DIGIT.codeUnitAt(0);
+    var zeroOffset = localeZero - NumberFormat._zero;
+    name ??= symbols.DEF_CURRENCY_CODE;
+    if (currencySymbol == null && lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol) {
+      currencySymbol = NumberFormat._simpleCurrencySymbols[name];
+    }
+    currencySymbol ??= name;
+    var pattern = getPattern(symbols);
+    // CompactNumberFormat initialization.
+    /// Map from magnitude to formatting pattern for that magnitude.
+    ///
+    /// The magnitude is the exponent when using the normalized scientific
+    /// notation (so numbers from 1000 to 9999 correspond to magnitude 3).
+    ///
+    /// These patterns are taken from the appropriate CompactNumberSymbols
+    Map<int, String> patterns;
+    var compactSymbols = compactNumberSymbols[locale];
+    var styles = <_CompactStyleBase>[];
+    switch (formatType) {
+      case _CompactFormatType.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN:
+        patterns = compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN;
+        break;
+      // TODO(alanknight): Long formats may have different forms for different
+      // plural cases (e.g. million/millions).
+      case _CompactFormatType.COMPACT_DECIMAL_LONG_PATTERN:
+        patterns = compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_LONG_PATTERN ??
+            compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_PATTERN;
+        break;
+        patterns = compactSymbols.COMPACT_DECIMAL_SHORT_CURRENCY_PATTERN;
+        break;
+      default:
+        throw ArgumentError.notNull('formatType');
+    }
+    patterns.forEach((int exponent, String pattern) {
+      if (pattern.contains(';')) {
+        var patterns = pattern.split(';');
+        styles.add(_CompactStyleWithNegative(
+            _CompactStyle.createStyle(patterns.first, exponent),
+            _CompactStyle.createStyle(patterns.last, exponent)));
+      } else {
+        styles.add(_CompactStyle.createStyle(pattern, exponent));
+      }
+    });
+    // Reverse the styles so that we look through them from largest to smallest.
+    styles = styles.reversed.toList();
+    // Add a fallback style that just prints the number.
+    styles.add(_CompactStyle());
+    return _CompactNumberFormat._(
+        name,
+        currencySymbol,
+        isForCurrency,
+        locale,
+        localeZero,
+        pattern,
+        symbols,
+        zeroOffset,
+        _NumberFormatParser.parse(symbols, pattern, isForCurrency,
+            currencySymbol, name, decimalDigits),
+        styles);
+  }
+  _CompactNumberFormat._(
+      String currencyName,
+      String currencySymbol,
+      bool isForCurrency,
+      String locale,
+      int localeZero,
+      String pattern,
+      NumberSymbols symbols,
+      int zeroOffset,
+      _NumberFormatParseResult result,
+      // Fields introduced in this class.
+      this._styles)
+      : super._(currencyName, currencySymbol, isForCurrency, locale, localeZero,
+            pattern, symbols, zeroOffset, result) {
+    significantDigits = 3;
+    turnOffGrouping();
+  }
   /// The style in which we will format a particular number.
@@ -367,8 +408,4 @@
       return null;
-  /// The [CompactNumberSymbols] instance that corresponds to the [_locale] this
-  /// [NumberFormat] instance was configured for.
-  CompactNumberSymbols get _compactSymbols => compactNumberSymbols[_locale];
diff --git a/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart b/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart
index bfa4237..be92ab8 100644
--- a/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart
+++ b/lib/src/intl/number_format.dart
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
 /// equivalent to "#E0" and does not take into account significant digits.
 class NumberFormat {
   /// Variables to determine how number printing behaves.
-  String _negativePrefix;
-  String _positivePrefix;
-  String _negativeSuffix;
-  String _positiveSuffix;
+  final String _negativePrefix;
+  final String _positivePrefix;
+  final String _negativeSuffix;
+  final String _positiveSuffix;
   /// How many numbers in a group when using punctuation to group digits in
   /// large numbers. e.g. in en_US: "1,000,000" has a grouping size of 3 digits
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@
   int _finalGroupingSize;
   /// Set to true if the format has explicitly set the grouping size.
-  bool _decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
-  bool _useSignForPositiveExponent;
-  bool _useExponentialNotation;
+  final bool _decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
+  final bool _useSignForPositiveExponent;
+  final bool _useExponentialNotation;
   /// Explicitly store if we are a currency format, and so should use the
   /// appropriate number of decimal digits for a currency.
   // TODO(alanknight): Handle currency formats which are specified in a raw
   /// pattern, not using one of the currency constructors.
-  bool _isForCurrency;
+  final bool _isForCurrency;
   int maximumIntegerDigits;
   int minimumIntegerDigits;
@@ -106,20 +106,20 @@
   /// For percent and permille, what are we multiplying by in order to
   /// get the printed value, e.g. 100 for percent.
-  int _multiplier;
+  final int _multiplier;
   /// How many digits are there in the [_multiplier].
-  int _multiplierDigits;
+  final int _multiplierDigits;
   /// Stores the pattern used to create this format. This isn't used, but
   /// is helpful in debugging.
-  String _pattern;
+  final String _pattern;
   /// The locale in which we print numbers.
   final String _locale;
   /// Caches the symbols used for our locale.
-  NumberSymbols _symbols;
+  final NumberSymbols _symbols;
   /// The name of the currency to print, in ISO 4217 form.
   String currencyName;
@@ -127,12 +127,7 @@
   /// The symbol to be used when formatting this as currency.
   /// For example, "$", "US$", or "€".
-  String _currencySymbol;
-  /// The symbol to be used when formatting this as currency.
-  ///
-  /// For example, "$", "US$", or "€".
-  String get currencySymbol => _currencySymbol;
+  final String currencySymbol;
   /// The number of decimal places to use when formatting.
@@ -149,9 +144,7 @@
   ///       NumberFormat.currency(locale: 'en_US')
   /// will format with two, which is the default for that locale.
-  int get decimalDigits => _decimalDigits;
-  int _decimalDigits;
+  final int decimalDigits;
   /// Transient internal state in which to build up the result of the format
   /// operation. We can have this be just an instance variable because Dart is
@@ -166,21 +159,22 @@
       NumberFormat._forPattern(locale, (x) => newPattern);
   /// Create a number format that prints as DECIMAL_PATTERN.
-  NumberFormat.decimalPattern([String locale])
-      : this._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.DECIMAL_PATTERN);
+  factory NumberFormat.decimalPattern([String locale]) =>
+      NumberFormat._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.DECIMAL_PATTERN);
   /// Create a number format that prints as PERCENT_PATTERN.
-  NumberFormat.percentPattern([String locale])
-      : this._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.PERCENT_PATTERN);
+  factory NumberFormat.percentPattern([String locale]) =>
+      NumberFormat._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.PERCENT_PATTERN);
   /// Create a number format that prints as PERCENT_PATTERN.
-  NumberFormat.decimalPercentPattern({String locale, int decimalDigits})
-      : this._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.PERCENT_PATTERN,
-            decimalDigits: decimalDigits);
+  factory NumberFormat.decimalPercentPattern(
+          {String locale, int decimalDigits}) =>
+      NumberFormat._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.PERCENT_PATTERN,
+          decimalDigits: decimalDigits);
   /// Create a number format that prints as SCIENTIFIC_PATTERN.
-  NumberFormat.scientificPattern([String locale])
-      : this._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.SCIENTIFIC_PATTERN);
+  factory NumberFormat.scientificPattern([String locale]) =>
+      NumberFormat._forPattern(locale, (x) => x.SCIENTIFIC_PATTERN);
   /// A regular expression to validate currency names are exactly three
   /// alphabetic characters.
@@ -242,17 +236,18 @@
   /// format. This is useful if you have your own locale data which includes
   /// unsupported formats (e.g. accounting format for currencies.)
   // TODO(alanknight): Should we allow decimalDigits on other numbers.
-  NumberFormat.currency(
-      {String locale,
-      String name,
-      String symbol,
-      int decimalDigits,
-      String customPattern})
-      : this._forPattern(locale, (x) => customPattern ?? x.CURRENCY_PATTERN,
-            name: name,
-            currencySymbol: symbol,
-            decimalDigits: decimalDigits,
-            isForCurrency: true);
+  factory NumberFormat.currency(
+          {String locale,
+          String name,
+          String symbol,
+          int decimalDigits,
+          String customPattern}) =>
+      NumberFormat._forPattern(
+          locale, (x) => customPattern ?? x.CURRENCY_PATTERN,
+          name: name,
+          currencySymbol: symbol,
+          decimalDigits: decimalDigits,
+          isForCurrency: true);
   /// Creates a [NumberFormat] for currencies, using the simple symbol for the
   /// currency if one is available (e.g. $, €), so it should only be used if the
@@ -483,58 +478,65 @@
   /// The [currencySymbol] can either be specified directly, or we can pass a
   /// function [computeCurrencySymbol] that will compute it later, given other
   /// information, typically the verified locale.
-  NumberFormat._forPattern(String locale, _PatternGetter getPattern,
+  factory NumberFormat._forPattern(String locale, _PatternGetter getPattern,
       {String name,
       String currencySymbol,
       int decimalDigits,
       bool lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol = false,
-      bool isForCurrency = false})
-      : _locale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, localeExists),
-        _isForCurrency = isForCurrency {
-    _symbols = numberFormatSymbols[_locale];
-    _localeZero = _symbols.ZERO_DIGIT.codeUnitAt(0);
-    _zeroOffset = _localeZero - _zero;
-    currencyName = name ?? _symbols.DEF_CURRENCY_CODE;
-    _currencySymbol = currencySymbol;
-    if (_currencySymbol == null && lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol) {
-      _currencySymbol = _simpleCurrencySymbols[currencyName];
+      bool isForCurrency = false}) {
+    locale = Intl.verifiedLocale(locale, localeExists);
+    var symbols = numberFormatSymbols[locale];
+    var localeZero = symbols.ZERO_DIGIT.codeUnitAt(0);
+    var zeroOffset = localeZero - _zero;
+    name ??= symbols.DEF_CURRENCY_CODE;
+    if (currencySymbol == null && lookupSimpleCurrencySymbol) {
+      currencySymbol = _simpleCurrencySymbols[name];
-    _currencySymbol ??= currencyName;
+    currencySymbol ??= name;
     var pattern = getPattern(symbols);
-    // Save pattern with spaces converted to hard spaces, just for debugging.
-    _pattern = pattern?.replaceAll(' ', '\u00a0');
-    var result = _NumberFormatParser.parse(symbols, pattern, _isForCurrency,
-        _currencySymbol, currencyName, decimalDigits);
-    _positivePrefix = result.positivePrefix;
-    _negativePrefix = result.negativePrefix;
-    _positiveSuffix = result.positiveSuffix;
-    _negativeSuffix = result.negativeSuffix;
-    _multiplier = result.multiplier;
-    _multiplierDigits = result.multiplierDigits;
-    _useExponentialNotation = result.useExponentialNotation;
-    minimumExponentDigits = result.minimumExponentDigits;
-    maximumIntegerDigits = result.maximumIntegerDigits;
-    minimumIntegerDigits = result.minimumIntegerDigits;
-    maximumFractionDigits = result.maximumFractionDigits;
-    minimumFractionDigits = result.minimumFractionDigits;
-    _groupingSize = result.groupingSize;
-    _finalGroupingSize = result.finalGroupingSize;
-    _useSignForPositiveExponent = result.useSignForPositiveExponent;
-    _decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = result.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
-    _decimalDigits = result.decimalDigits;
+    return NumberFormat._(
+        name,
+        currencySymbol,
+        isForCurrency,
+        locale,
+        localeZero,
+        pattern,
+        symbols,
+        zeroOffset,
+        _NumberFormatParser.parse(symbols, pattern, isForCurrency,
+            currencySymbol, name, decimalDigits));
+  NumberFormat._(
+      this.currencyName,
+      this.currencySymbol,
+      this._isForCurrency,
+      this._locale,
+      this._localeZero,
+      this._pattern,
+      this._symbols,
+      this._zeroOffset,
+      _NumberFormatParseResult result)
+      : _positivePrefix = result.positivePrefix,
+        _negativePrefix = result.negativePrefix,
+        _positiveSuffix = result.positiveSuffix,
+        _negativeSuffix = result.negativeSuffix,
+        _multiplier = result.multiplier,
+        _multiplierDigits = result.multiplierDigits,
+        _useExponentialNotation = result.useExponentialNotation,
+        minimumExponentDigits = result.minimumExponentDigits,
+        maximumIntegerDigits = result.maximumIntegerDigits,
+        minimumIntegerDigits = result.minimumIntegerDigits,
+        maximumFractionDigits = result.maximumFractionDigits,
+        minimumFractionDigits = result.minimumFractionDigits,
+        _groupingSize = result.groupingSize,
+        _finalGroupingSize = result.finalGroupingSize,
+        _useSignForPositiveExponent = result.useSignForPositiveExponent,
+        _decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = result.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown,
+        decimalDigits = result.decimalDigits;
   /// A number format for compact representations, e.g. "1.2M" instead
   /// of "1,200,000".
   factory NumberFormat.compact({String locale}) {
@@ -947,13 +949,13 @@
   /// The code point for the locale's zero digit.
   ///  Initialized when the locale is set.
-  int _localeZero = 0;
+  final int _localeZero;
   /// The difference between our zero and '0'.
   /// In other words, a constant _localeZero - _zero. Initialized when
   /// the locale is set.
-  int _zeroOffset = 0;
+  final int _zeroOffset;
   /// Returns the prefix for [x] based on whether it's positive or negative.
   /// In en_US this would be '' and '-' respectively.