blob: 4018ba51d6a490e97a252c2c92a2abf257e18951 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Locale extensions as defined for [Unicode Locale
/// Identifiers](
/// These extensions cover Locale information that aren't captured by the
/// language, script, region and variants subtags of the Unicode Language
/// Identifier. Please see the Unicode Technical Standard linked above.
class LocaleExtensions {
/// Constructor.
/// Keys in each of the maps passed to this contructor must be syntactically
/// valid extension keys, and must already be normalized (correct case).
Map<String, String> uExtensions,
Map<String, String> tExtensions,
Map<String, String> otherExtensions,
: _uExtensions = _sortedUnmodifiable(uExtensions),
_tExtensions = _sortedUnmodifiable(tExtensions),
_otherExtensions = _sortedUnmodifiable(otherExtensions) {
// Debug-mode asserts to ensure all parameters are normalized and UTS #35
// compliant.
uExtensions == null ||
uExtensions.entries.every((e) {
if (!_uExtensionsValidKeysRE.hasMatch(e.key)) return false;
// TODO(hugovdm) reconsider this representation: "true" values are
// suppressed in canonical Unicode BCP47 Locale Identifiers, but
// we may choose to represent them as "true" in memory.
if (e.value == '' && e.key != '') return true;
if (!_uExtensionsValidValuesRE.hasMatch(e.value)) return false;
return true;
'uExtensions keys must match '
'RegExp/${_uExtensionsValidKeysRE.pattern}/. '
'uExtensions values must match '
'RegExp/${_uExtensionsValidValuesRE.pattern}/. '
'uExtensions.entries: ${uExtensions.entries}.');
tExtensions == null ||
tExtensions.entries.every((e) {
if (!_tExtensionsValidKeysRE.hasMatch(e.key)) return false;
if (e.key == '') {
if (!_validTlangRE.hasMatch(e.value)) return false;
} else {
if (!_tExtensionsValidValuesRE.hasMatch(e.value)) return false;
return true;
'tExtensions keys must match '
'RegExp/${_tExtensionsValidKeysRE.pattern}/. '
'tExtensions values other than tlang must match '
'RegExp/${_tExtensionsValidValuesRE.pattern}/. '
'Entries: ${tExtensions.entries}.');
otherExtensions == null ||
otherExtensions.entries.every((e) {
if (!_otherExtensionsValidKeysRE.hasMatch(e.key)) return false;
if (!_otherExtensionsValidValuesRE.hasMatch(e.value))
return false;
return true;
'otherExtensions keys must match '
'RegExp/${_otherExtensionsValidKeysRE.pattern}. '
'otherExtensions values must match '
'RegExp/${_otherExtensionsValidValuesRE.pattern}. '
'Entries: ${otherExtensions.entries}.');
_xExtensions == null || _validXExtensionsRE.hasMatch(_xExtensions),
'_xExtensions must match RegExp/${_validXExtensionsRE.pattern}/ '
'but is "$_xExtensions".');
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches keys considered valid for
/// [_uExtensions], does not imply keys are valid as per Unicode LDML spec!
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _uExtensionsValidKeysRE = RegExp(r'^$|^[a-z\d][a-z]$');
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches values considered valid for
/// [_uExtensions], does not imply values are valid as per Unicode LDML spec!
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _uExtensionsValidValuesRE =
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches keys considered valid for
/// [_tExtensions], does not imply keys are valid as per Unicode LDML spec!
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _tExtensionsValidKeysRE = RegExp(r'^$|^[a-z]\d$');
/// For debug/assert-use only! With the exception of `tlang`, matches values
/// considered valid for [_tExtensions], does not imply values are valid as
/// per Unicode LDML spec!
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _tExtensionsValidValuesRE =
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches keys considered valid for
/// [_otherExtensions], does not imply keys are valid as per Unicode LDML
/// spec!
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _otherExtensionsValidKeysRE = RegExp(r'^[a-svwyz]$');
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches values considered valid for
/// [_otherExtensions], does not imply values are valid as per Unicode LDML
/// spec!
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _otherExtensionsValidValuesRE =
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches values valid for [_xExtensions].
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _validXExtensionsRE =
/// For debug/assert-use only! Matches values valid for tlang.
// Must be static to get tree-shaken away in production code.
static final _validTlangRE = RegExp(
// Full string match start
// Language is required in a tlang identifier.
r'([a-z]{2,3}|[a-z]{5,8})' // Language
// Optional script
// Optional region
// Any number of variant subtags
// Full string match end
/// `-u-` extension, with keys in sorted order. Attributes are stored under
/// the zero-length string as key. Keywords (consisting of `key` and `type`)
/// are stored under normalized (lowercased) `key`. See
/// for
/// details.
Map<String, String> _uExtensions;
/// `-t-` extension, with keys in sorted order. tlang attributes are stored
/// under the zero-length string as key. See
/// for
/// details.
Map<String, String> _tExtensions;
/// Other extensions, with keys in sorted order. See
/// for details.
Map<String, String> _otherExtensions;
/// -x- extension values. See
/// for details.
String _xExtensions;
/// List of subtags in the [Unicode Locale
/// Identifier](
/// extensions, including private use extensions.
/// This covers everything after the unicode_language_id. If there are no
/// extensions (i.e. the Locale Identifier has only language, script, region
/// and/or variants), this will be an empty list.
/// These subtags are sorted and normalized, ready for joining with a
/// unicode_language_id and '-' as delimiter to provide a UTS #35 compliant
/// normalized Locale Identifier.
List<String> get subtags {
final List<String> result = [];
final List<String> resultVWYZ = [];
_otherExtensions.forEach((singleton, value) {
final int letter = (singleton.codeUnitAt(0) - 0x61) & 0xFFFF;
// 't', 'u' and 'x' are handled by other members.
assert(letter < 26 && letter != 19 && letter != 20 && letter != 23);
if (letter < 19) {
result.addAll([singleton, value]);
} else {
resultVWYZ.addAll([singleton, value]);
if (_tExtensions.isNotEmpty) {
_tExtensions.forEach((key, value) {
if (key != '') result.add(key);
if (_uExtensions.isNotEmpty) {
_uExtensions.forEach((key, value) {
if (key != '') result.add(key);
if (value != '') result.add(value);
if (resultVWYZ.isNotEmpty) {
if (_xExtensions != null) {
return result;
/// Creates an unmodifiable and sorted version of `unsorted`.
Map<String, String> _sortedUnmodifiable(Map<String, String> unsorted) {
if (unsorted == null) {
return const {};
Map<String, String> map = {};
for (var key in unsorted.keys.toList()..sort()) {
map[key] = unsorted[key];
return Map.unmodifiable(map);