Enable a test that was skipped due to an old browser

Add missing dependency in pubspec
Remove unneeded dart_test.yaml file

PiperOrigin-RevId: 338101758
diff --git a/dart_test.yaml b/dart_test.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index b7f5396..0000000
--- a/dart_test.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  chrome_beta:
-    name: Chrome Beta
-    extends: chrome
-    settings:
-      executable: google-chrome-beta
-  chrome_unstable:
-    name: Chrome Unstable
-    extends: chrome
-    settings:
-      executable: google-chrome-unstable
-  # Due to depending on
-  # https://github.com/tc39/proposal-unified-intl-numberformat, these tests pass
-  # on Chrome 77.0.3860.5 dev, whereas they don't pass on Chrome 76, and appear
-  # to not yet pass on Chrome 77.0.3824.6.
-  unifiedNumberFormat: {test_on: "chrome_unstable || chrome_beta"}
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index b102659..5210876 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   fixnum: '>=0.9.0 <0.11.0'
+  js: 0.6.3-nullsafety
   test: ^1.16.0-nullsafety.4
diff --git a/test/number_format_compact_web_test.dart b/test/number_format_compact_web_test.dart
index 2508eb6..8738a14 100644
--- a/test/number_format_compact_web_test.dart
+++ b/test/number_format_compact_web_test.dart
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
-/// Tests for compact number formatting in pure Dart and in ECMAScript.
-/// TODO(b/36488375): run all these tests against both implementations to prove
-/// consistency when the bug is fixed. Also fix documentation and perhaps
-/// merge tests: these tests currently also touch non-compact currency
-/// formatting.
-/// We use @Tags rather than @TestOn to be able to specify something that can be
-/// ignored when using a build system that can't read dart_test.yaml. This
-/// depends on https://github.com/tc39/proposal-unified-intl-numberformat.
+// Tests for compact number formatting in pure Dart and in ECMAScript.
+// TODO(b/36488375): run all these tests against both implementations to prove
+// consistency when the bug is fixed. Also fix documentation and perhaps
+// merge tests: these tests currently also touch non-compact currency
+// formatting.
 import 'package:intl/intl.dart' as intl;
 import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js;
 import 'package:test/test.dart';