blob: 8ec50d8463858e64b3cb9a0af4a1c60bd70b9b4f [file] [log] [blame]
/// Tests for ECMAScript compact format numbers (e.g. 1.2M instead of 1200000).
/// These tests check that the test cases match what ECMAScript produces. They
/// are not testing the package:intl implementation, they only help verify
/// consistent behaviour across platforms.
/// We use @Tags rather than @TestOn to be able to specify something that can be
/// ignored when using a build system that can't read dart_test.yaml. This
/// depends on
@Tags(const ['unifiedNumberFormat'])
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'compact_number_test_data.dart' as testdata35;
import 'more_compact_number_test_data.dart' as more_testdata;
main() {
var ecmaProblemLocalesShort = [
// Not supported in Chrome:
'af', 'az', 'be', 'br', 'bs', 'eu', 'ga', 'gl', 'gsw', 'haw', 'hy', 'is',
'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'ky', 'ln', 'lo', 'mk', 'mn', 'mt', 'my', 'ne', 'no',
'no-NO', 'or', 'pa', 'si', 'sq', 'ur', 'uz', 'ps',
var ecmaProblemLocalesLong = ecmaProblemLocalesShort +
// Short happens to match 'en', but actually not in Chrome:
'chr', 'cy', 'tl', 'zu'
String fixLocale(String locale) {
return locale.replaceAll('_', '-');
void validate(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
validateShort(fixLocale(locale), expected);
validateLong(fixLocale(locale), expected);
void validateShort(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
if (ecmaProblemLocalesShort.contains(locale)) {
print("Skipping problem locale '$locale' for SHORT compact number tests");
var options = js.newObject();
js.setProperty(options, 'notation', 'compact');
test('Validate $locale SHORT', () {
for (var data in expected) {
var number = num.parse(data.first);
js.callMethod(number, 'toLocaleString', [locale, options]), data[1]);
void validateLong(String locale, List<List<String>> expected) {
if (ecmaProblemLocalesLong.contains(locale)) {
print("Skipping problem locale '$locale' for LONG compact number tests");
var options = js.newObject();
js.setProperty(options, 'notation', 'compact');
js.setProperty(options, 'compactDisplay', 'long');
test('Validate $locale LONG', () {
for (var data in expected) {
var number = num.parse(data.first);
js.callMethod(number, 'toLocaleString', [locale, options]), data[2]);
void validateMore(more_testdata.CompactRoundingTestCase t) {
var options = js.newObject();
js.setProperty(options, 'notation', 'compact');
if (t.maximumIntegerDigits != null)
js.setProperty(options, 'maximumIntegerDigits', t.maximumIntegerDigits);
if (t.minimumIntegerDigits != null)
js.setProperty(options, 'minimumIntegerDigits', t.minimumIntegerDigits);
if (t.maximumFractionDigits != null)
js.setProperty(options, 'maximumFractionDigits', t.maximumFractionDigits);
if (t.minimumFractionDigits != null)
js.setProperty(options, 'minimumFractionDigits', t.minimumFractionDigits);
if (t.minimumExponentDigits != null)
js.setProperty(options, 'minimumExponentDigits', t.minimumExponentDigits);
if (t.significantDigits != null) {
js.setProperty(options, 'minimumSignificantDigits', t.significantDigits);
js.setProperty(options, 'maximumSignificantDigits', t.significantDigits);
test(t.toString(), () {
expect(js.callMethod(t.number, 'toLocaleString', ['en-US', options]),