Making the nested functions in the docs code examples compile.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 209022015
diff --git a/ b/
index 48410e6..ddd698c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
       remainingEmailsMessage(int howMany, String userName) =>
-          "${Intl.plural(howMany,
+          '''${Intl.plural(howMany,
               zero: 'There are no emails left for $userName.',
               one: 'There is $howMany email left for $userName.',
-              other: 'There are $howMany emails left for $userName.')}",
+              other: 'There are $howMany emails left for $userName.')}''',
         name: "remainingEmailsMessage",
         args: [howMany, userName],
         desc: "How many emails remain after archiving.",
diff --git a/lib/intl.dart b/lib/intl.dart
index 1d8e2b8..8f3c488 100644
--- a/lib/intl.dart
+++ b/lib/intl.dart
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
 ///          examples: const {'date' : 'June 8, 2012'});
 ///      print(today(new;
-///      howManyPeople(numberOfPeople, place) => Intl.plural(
-///            zero: 'I see no one at all',
-///            one: 'I see $numberOfPeople other person',
-///            other: 'I see $numberOfPeople other people')} in $place.''',
-///          name: 'msg',
+///      howManyPeople(numberOfPeople, place) => Intl.plural(numberOfPeople,
+///            zero: 'I see no one at all in $place.',
+///            one: 'I see $numberOfPeople other person in $place.',
+///            other: 'I see $numberOfPeople other people in $place.',
+///          name: 'howManyPeople',
 ///          args: [numberOfPeople, place],
 ///          desc: 'Description of how many people are seen in a place.',
 ///          examples: const {'numberOfPeople': 3, 'place': 'London'});
diff --git a/test/compact_number_test_data.dart b/test/compact_number_test_data.dart
old mode 100644
new mode 100755