blob: 339f06513e58f8b144e3f83b2db4f69d5311c271 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import '../copy/web_socket_impl.dart';
/// A [StreamChannel] implementation of the WebSocket protocol.
/// This is not specific to `dart:io` or to any particular HTTP API. Because of
/// that, it doesn't handle the initial [WebSocket handshake][]. This needs to
/// be handled manually by the user of the code. Once that's been done, [new
/// WebSocketChannel] can be called with the underlying socket and it will
/// handle the remainder of the protocol.
/// [WebSocket handshake]:
class WebSocketChannel extends StreamChannelMixin {
/// The underlying web socket.
/// This is essentially a copy of `dart:io`'s WebSocket implementation, with
/// the IO-specific pieces factored out.
final WebSocketImpl _webSocket;
/// The interval for sending ping signals.
/// If a ping message is not answered by a pong message from the peer, the
/// `WebSocket` is assumed disconnected and the connection is closed with a
/// [WebSocketStatus.GOING_AWAY] close code. When a ping signal is sent, the
/// pong message must be received within [pingInterval].
/// There are never two outstanding pings at any given time, and the next ping
/// timer starts when the pong is received.
/// By default, the [pingInterval] is `null`, indicating that ping messages
/// are disabled.
Duration get pingInterval => _webSocket.pingInterval;
set pingInterval(Duration value) => _webSocket.pingInterval = value;
/// The [close code][] set when the WebSocket connection is closed.
/// [close code]:
/// Before the connection has been closed, this will be `null`.
int get closeCode => _webSocket.closeCode;
/// The [close reason][] set when the WebSocket connection is closed.
/// [close reason]:
/// Before the connection has been closed, this will be `null`.
String get closeReason => _webSocket.closeReason;
Stream get stream => new StreamView(_webSocket);
/// The sink for sending values to the other endpoint.
/// This has additional arguments to [WebSocketSink.close] arguments that
/// provide the remote endpoint reasons for closing the connection.
WebSocketSink get sink => new WebSocketSink._(_webSocket);
/// Signs a `Sec-WebSocket-Key` header sent by a WebSocket client as part of
/// the [initial handshake].
/// The return value should be sent back to the client in a
/// `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` header.
/// [initial handshake]:
static String signKey(String key) {
var hash = new SHA1();
// We use [codeUnits] here rather than UTF-8-decoding the string because
// [key] is expected to be base64 encoded, and so will be pure ASCII.
hash.add((key + webSocketGUID).codeUnits);
return CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(hash.close());
/// Creates a new WebSocket handling messaging across an existing socket.
/// Because this is HTTP-API-agnostic, the initial [WebSocket handshake][]
/// must have already been completed on the socket before this is called.
/// If [stream] is also a [StreamSink] (for example, if it's a "dart:io"
/// `Socket`), it will be used for both sending and receiving data. Otherwise,
/// it will be used for receiving data and [sink] will be used for sending it.
/// [protocol] should be the protocol negotiated by this handshake, if any.
/// If this is a WebSocket server, [serverSide] should be `true` (the
/// default); if it's a client, [serverSide] should be `false`.
/// [WebSocket handshake]:
WebSocketChannel(StreamChannel<List<int>> channel,
{String protocol, bool serverSide: true})
: _webSocket = new WebSocketImpl.fromSocket(, channel.sink, protocol, serverSide);
/// The sink exposed by a [CompatibleWebSocket].
/// This is like a normal [StreamSink], except that it supports extra arguments
/// to [close].
class WebSocketSink extends DelegatingStreamSink {
final WebSocketImpl _webSocket;
WebSocketSink._(WebSocketImpl webSocket)
: super(webSocket),
_webSocket = webSocket;
/// Closes the web socket connection.
/// [closeCode] and [closeReason] are the [close code][] and [reason][] sent
/// to the remote peer, respectively. If they are omitted, the peer will see
/// a "no status received" code with no reason.
/// [close code]:
/// [reason]:
Future close([int closeCode, String closeReason]) =>
_webSocket.close(closeCode, closeReason);