blob: 5dcffcefc632593a9adfc56462cd7f0d55c4f53a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' show HashMap, UnmodifiableMapView;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show BytesBuilder;
import '../http_io.dart'
show Cookie, ContentType, HttpHeaders, HttpClient, HeaderValue;
import 'char_code.dart';
import 'http_date.dart';
import 'http_exception.dart';
class HttpHeadersImpl implements HttpHeaders {
final Map<String, List<String>> headers;
final String protocolVersion;
bool mutable = true; // Are the headers currently mutable?
List<String> _noFoldingHeaders;
int _contentLength = -1;
bool _persistentConnection = true;
bool _chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
String _host;
int _port;
final int _defaultPortForScheme;
{int defaultPortForScheme: HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT,
HttpHeadersImpl initialHeaders})
: headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(),
_defaultPortForScheme = defaultPortForScheme {
if (initialHeaders != null) {
initialHeaders.headers.forEach((name, value) => headers[name] = value);
_contentLength = initialHeaders._contentLength;
_persistentConnection = initialHeaders._persistentConnection;
_chunkedTransferEncoding = initialHeaders._chunkedTransferEncoding;
_host = initialHeaders._host;
_port = initialHeaders._port;
if (protocolVersion == "1.0") {
_persistentConnection = false;
_chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
List<String> operator [](String name) => headers[name.toLowerCase()];
String value(String name) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
List<String> values = headers[name];
if (values == null) return null;
if (values.length > 1) {
throw new HttpException("More than one value for header $name");
return values[0];
void add(String name, value) {
_addAll(_validateField(name), value);
void _addAll(String name, value) {
assert(name == _validateField(name));
if (value is Iterable) {
for (var v in value) {
_add(name, _validateValue(v));
} else {
_add(name, _validateValue(value));
void set(String name, Object value) {
name = _validateField(name);
if (name == HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING) {
_chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
_addAll(name, value);
void remove(String name, Object value) {
name = _validateField(name);
value = _validateValue(value);
List<String> values = headers[name];
if (values != null) {
int index = values.indexOf(value);
if (index != -1) {
values.removeRange(index, index + 1);
if (values.isEmpty) headers.remove(name);
if (name == HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING && value == "chunked") {
_chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
void removeAll(String name) {
name = _validateField(name);
void forEach(void f(String name, List<String> values)) {
void noFolding(String name) {
_noFoldingHeaders ??= new List<String>();
bool get persistentConnection => _persistentConnection;
void set persistentConnection(bool persistentConnection) {
if (persistentConnection == _persistentConnection) return;
if (persistentConnection) {
if (protocolVersion == "1.1") {
remove(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "close");
} else {
if (_contentLength == -1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Trying to set 'Connection: Keep-Alive' on HTTP 1.0 headers with "
"no ContentLength");
add(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "keep-alive");
} else {
if (protocolVersion == "1.1") {
add(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "close");
} else {
remove(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "keep-alive");
_persistentConnection = persistentConnection;
int get contentLength => _contentLength;
void set contentLength(int contentLength) {
if (protocolVersion == "1.0" &&
persistentConnection &&
contentLength == -1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Trying to clear ContentLength on HTTP 1.0 headers with "
"'Connection: Keep-Alive' set");
if (_contentLength == contentLength) return;
_contentLength = contentLength;
if (_contentLength >= 0) {
if (chunkedTransferEncoding) chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
_set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, contentLength.toString());
} else {
if (protocolVersion == "1.1") {
chunkedTransferEncoding = true;
bool get chunkedTransferEncoding => _chunkedTransferEncoding;
void set chunkedTransferEncoding(bool chunkedTransferEncoding) {
if (chunkedTransferEncoding && protocolVersion == "1.0") {
throw new HttpException(
"Trying to set 'Transfer-Encoding: Chunked' on HTTP 1.0 headers");
if (chunkedTransferEncoding == _chunkedTransferEncoding) return;
if (chunkedTransferEncoding) {
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING];
if ((values == null || values.last != "chunked")) {
// Headers does not specify chunked encoding - add it if set.
_addValue(HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
contentLength = -1;
} else {
// Headers does specify chunked encoding - remove it if not set.
remove(HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
_chunkedTransferEncoding = chunkedTransferEncoding;
String get host => _host;
void set host(String host) {
_host = host;
int get port => _port;
void set port(int port) {
_port = port;
DateTime get ifModifiedSince {
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE];
if (values != null) {
try {
return HttpDate.parse(values[0]);
} on Exception {
return null;
return null;
void set ifModifiedSince(DateTime ifModifiedSince) {
// Format "ifModifiedSince" header with date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
String formatted = HttpDate.format(ifModifiedSince.toUtc());
_set(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, formatted);
DateTime get date {
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.DATE];
if (values != null) {
try {
return HttpDate.parse(values[0]);
} on Exception {
return null;
return null;
void set date(DateTime date) {
// Format "DateTime" header with date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
String formatted = HttpDate.format(date.toUtc());
_set("date", formatted);
DateTime get expires {
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.EXPIRES];
if (values != null) {
try {
return HttpDate.parse(values[0]);
} on Exception {
return null;
return null;
void set expires(DateTime expires) {
// Format "Expires" header with date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
String formatted = HttpDate.format(expires.toUtc());
_set(HttpHeaders.EXPIRES, formatted);
ContentType get contentType {
var values = headers["content-type"];
if (values != null) {
return ContentType.parse(values[0]);
} else {
return null;
void set contentType(ContentType contentType) {
_set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType.toString());
void clear() {
_contentLength = -1;
_persistentConnection = true;
_chunkedTransferEncoding = false;
_host = null;
_port = null;
// [name] must be a lower-case version of the name.
void _add(String name, value) {
assert(name == _validateField(name));
// Use the length as index on what method to call. This is notable
// faster than computing hash and looking up in a hash-map.
switch (name.length) {
case 4:
if (HttpHeaders.DATE == name) {
_addDate(name, value);
if (HttpHeaders.HOST == name) {
_addHost(name, value);
case 7:
if (HttpHeaders.EXPIRES == name) {
_addExpires(name, value);
case 10:
if (HttpHeaders.CONNECTION == name) {
_addConnection(name, value);
case 12:
if (HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE == name) {
_addContentType(name, value);
case 14:
if (HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH == name) {
_addContentLength(name, value);
case 17:
if (HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING == name) {
_addTransferEncoding(name, value);
if (HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE == name) {
_addIfModifiedSince(name, value);
_addValue(name, value);
void _addContentLength(String name, value) {
if (value is int) {
contentLength = value;
} else if (value is String) {
contentLength = int.parse(value);
} else {
throw new HttpException("Unexpected type for header named $name");
void _addTransferEncoding(String name, value) {
if (value == "chunked") {
chunkedTransferEncoding = true;
} else {
_addValue(HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING, value);
void _addDate(String name, value) {
if (value is DateTime) {
date = value;
} else if (value is String) {
_set(HttpHeaders.DATE, value);
} else {
throw new HttpException("Unexpected type for header named $name");
void _addExpires(String name, value) {
if (value is DateTime) {
expires = value;
} else if (value is String) {
_set(HttpHeaders.EXPIRES, value);
} else {
throw new HttpException("Unexpected type for header named $name");
void _addIfModifiedSince(String name, value) {
if (value is DateTime) {
ifModifiedSince = value;
} else if (value is String) {
_set(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, value);
} else {
throw new HttpException("Unexpected type for header named $name");
void _addHost(String name, value) {
if (value is String) {
int pos = value.indexOf(":");
if (pos == -1) {
_host = value;
_port = HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
} else {
if (pos > 0) {
_host = value.substring(0, pos);
} else {
_host = null;
if (pos + 1 == value.length) {
_port = HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
} else {
try {
_port = int.parse(value.substring(pos + 1));
} on FormatException {
_port = null;
_set(HttpHeaders.HOST, value);
} else {
throw new HttpException("Unexpected type for header named $name");
void _addConnection(String name, value) {
var lowerCaseValue = value.toLowerCase();
if (lowerCaseValue == 'close') {
_persistentConnection = false;
} else if (lowerCaseValue == 'keep-alive') {
_persistentConnection = true;
_addValue(name, value);
void _addContentType(String name, value) {
_set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, value);
void _addValue(String name, Object value) {
List<String> values = headers[name];
if (values == null) {
values = new List<String>();
headers[name] = values;
if (value is DateTime) {
} else if (value is String) {
} else {
void _set(String name, String value) {
assert(name == _validateField(name));
List<String> values = new List<String>();
headers[name] = values;
_checkMutable() {
if (!mutable) throw new HttpException("HTTP headers are not mutable");
_updateHostHeader() {
bool defaultPort = _port == null || _port == _defaultPortForScheme;
_set("host", defaultPort ? host : "$host:$_port");
_foldHeader(String name) {
if (name == HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE ||
(_noFoldingHeaders != null && _noFoldingHeaders.indexOf(name) != -1)) {
return false;
return true;
void finalize() {
mutable = false;
void build(BytesBuilder builder) {
for (String name in headers.keys) {
List<String> values = headers[name];
bool fold = _foldHeader(name);
var nameData = name.codeUnits;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (fold) {
} else {
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
headers.forEach((String name, List<String> values) {
sb..write(name)..write(": ");
bool fold = _foldHeader(name);
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (fold) {
sb.write(", ");
} else {
sb..write("\n")..write(name)..write(": ");
return sb.toString();
List<Cookie> parseCookies() {
// Parse a Cookie header value according to the rules in RFC 6265.
var cookies = new List<Cookie>();
void parseCookieString(String s) {
int index = 0;
bool done() => index == -1 || index == s.length;
void skipWS() {
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] != " " && s[index] != "\t") return;
String parseName() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == " " || s[index] == "\t" || s[index] == "=") break;
return s.substring(start, index);
String parseValue() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == " " || s[index] == "\t" || s[index] == ";") break;
return s.substring(start, index);
bool expect(String expected) {
if (done()) return false;
if (s[index] != expected) return false;
return true;
while (!done()) {
if (done()) return;
String name = parseName();
if (!expect("=")) {
index = s.indexOf(';', index);
String value = parseValue();
try {
cookies.add(new CookieImpl(name, value));
} catch (_) {
// Skip it, invalid cookie data.
if (done()) return;
if (!expect(";")) {
index = s.indexOf(';', index);
List<String> values = headers[HttpHeaders.COOKIE];
if (values != null) {
values.forEach((headerValue) => parseCookieString(headerValue));
return cookies;
static String _validateField(String field) {
for (var i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
if (!CharCode.isTokenChar(field.codeUnitAt(i))) {
throw new FormatException(
"Invalid HTTP header field name: ${jsonEncode(field)}");
return field.toLowerCase();
static T _validateValue<T>(T value) {
if (value is String) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (!CharCode.isValueChar(value.codeUnitAt(i))) {
throw new FormatException(
"Invalid HTTP header field value: ${jsonEncode(value)}");
return value;
class HeaderValueImpl implements HeaderValue {
String _value;
Map<String, String> _parameters;
Map<String, String> _unmodifiableParameters;
HeaderValueImpl([this._value = "", Map<String, String> parameters]) {
if (parameters != null) {
_parameters = new HashMap<String, String>.from(parameters);
static HeaderValueImpl parse(String value,
{String parameterSeparator: ";",
String valueSeparator,
bool preserveBackslash: false}) {
// Parse the string.
var result = new HeaderValueImpl();
result._parse(value, parameterSeparator, valueSeparator, preserveBackslash);
return result;
String get value => _value;
void _ensureParameters() {
_parameters ??= new HashMap<String, String>();
Map<String, String> get parameters {
_unmodifiableParameters ??= new UnmodifiableMapView(_parameters);
return _unmodifiableParameters;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (parameters != null && parameters.isNotEmpty) {
_parameters.forEach((String name, String value) {
sb..write("; ")..write(name)..write("=")..write(value);
return sb.toString();
void _parse(String s, String parameterSeparator, String valueSeparator,
bool preserveBackslash) {
int index = 0;
bool done() => index == s.length;
void skipWS() {
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] != " " && s[index] != "\t") return;
String parseValue() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == " " ||
s[index] == "\t" ||
s[index] == valueSeparator ||
s[index] == parameterSeparator) break;
return s.substring(start, index);
void expect(String expected) {
if (done() || s[index] != expected) {
throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value");
void maybeExpect(String expected) {
if (s[index] == expected) index++;
void parseParameters() {
var parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
_parameters = new UnmodifiableMapView(parameters);
String parseParameterName() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == " " ||
s[index] == "\t" ||
s[index] == "=" ||
s[index] == parameterSeparator ||
s[index] == valueSeparator) break;
return s.substring(start, index).toLowerCase();
String parseParameterValue() {
if (!done() && s[index] == "\"") {
// Parse quoted value.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == "\\") {
if (index + 1 == s.length) {
throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value");
if (preserveBackslash && s[index + 1] != "\"") {
} else if (s[index] == "\"") {
return sb.toString();
} else {
// Parse non-quoted value.
var val = parseValue();
return val == "" ? null : val;
while (!done()) {
if (done()) return;
String name = parseParameterName();
if (done()) {
parameters[name] = null;
if (done()) {
parameters[name] = null;
String value = parseParameterValue();
if (name == 'charset' && this is ContentTypeImpl && value != null) {
// Charset parameter of ContentTypes are always lower-case.
value = value.toLowerCase();
parameters[name] = value;
if (done()) return;
// TODO: Implement support for multi-valued parameters.
if (s[index] == valueSeparator) return;
_value = parseValue();
if (done()) return;
class ContentTypeImpl extends HeaderValueImpl implements ContentType {
String _primaryType = "";
String _subType = "";
ContentTypeImpl(String primaryType, String subType, String charset,
Map<String, String> parameters)
: _primaryType = primaryType,
_subType = subType,
super("") {
_primaryType ??= _primaryType = "";
_subType ??= "";
_value = "$_primaryType/$_subType";
if (parameters != null) {
parameters.forEach((String key, String value) {
String lowerCaseKey = key.toLowerCase();
if (lowerCaseKey == "charset") {
value = value.toLowerCase();
this._parameters[lowerCaseKey] = value;
if (charset != null) {
this._parameters["charset"] = charset.toLowerCase();
static ContentTypeImpl parse(String value) {
var result = new ContentTypeImpl._();
result._parse(value, ";", null, false);
int index = result._value.indexOf("/");
if (index == -1 || index == (result._value.length - 1)) {
result._primaryType = result._value.trim().toLowerCase();
result._subType = "";
} else {
result._primaryType =
result._value.substring(0, index).trim().toLowerCase();
result._subType = result._value.substring(index + 1).trim().toLowerCase();
return result;
String get mimeType => '$primaryType/$subType';
String get primaryType => _primaryType;
String get subType => _subType;
String get charset => parameters["charset"];
class CookieImpl implements Cookie {
String name;
String value;
DateTime expires;
int maxAge;
String domain;
String path;
bool httpOnly = false;
bool secure = false;
CookieImpl([, this.value]) {
// Default value of httponly is true.
httpOnly = true;
CookieImpl.fromSetCookieValue(String value) {
// Parse the 'set-cookie' header value.
// Parse a 'set-cookie' header value according to the rules in RFC 6265.
void _parseSetCookieValue(String s) {
int index = 0;
bool done() => index == s.length;
String parseName() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == "=") break;
return s.substring(start, index).trim();
String parseValue() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == ";") break;
return s.substring(start, index).trim();
void parseAttributes() {
String parseAttributeName() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == "=" || s[index] == ";") break;
return s.substring(start, index).trim().toLowerCase();
String parseAttributeValue() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == ";") break;
return s.substring(start, index).trim().toLowerCase();
while (!done()) {
String name = parseAttributeName();
String value = "";
if (!done() && s[index] == "=") {
index++; // Skip the = character.
value = parseAttributeValue();
if (name == "expires") {
expires = parseCookieDate(value);
} else if (name == "max-age") {
maxAge = int.parse(value);
} else if (name == "domain") {
domain = value;
} else if (name == "path") {
path = value;
} else if (name == "httponly") {
httpOnly = true;
} else if (name == "secure") {
secure = true;
if (!done()) index++; // Skip the ; character
name = parseName();
if (done() || name.isEmpty) {
throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value [$s]");
index++; // Skip the = character.
value = parseValue();
if (done()) return;
index++; // Skip the ; character.
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (expires != null) {
sb..write("; Expires=")..write(HttpDate.format(expires));
if (maxAge != null) {
sb..write("; Max-Age=")..write(maxAge);
if (domain != null) {
sb..write("; Domain=")..write(domain);
if (path != null) {
sb..write("; Path=")..write(path);
if (secure) sb.write("; Secure");
if (httpOnly) sb.write("; HttpOnly");
return sb.toString();
void _validate() {
const SEPERATORS = const [
for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
int codeUnit = name.codeUnits[i];
if (codeUnit <= 32 ||
codeUnit >= 127 ||
SEPERATORS.indexOf(name[i]) >= 0) {
throw new FormatException(
"Invalid character in cookie name, code unit: '$codeUnit'");
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
int codeUnit = value.codeUnits[i];
if (!(codeUnit == 0x21 ||
(codeUnit >= 0x23 && codeUnit <= 0x2B) ||
(codeUnit >= 0x2D && codeUnit <= 0x3A) ||
(codeUnit >= 0x3C && codeUnit <= 0x5B) ||
(codeUnit >= 0x5D && codeUnit <= 0x7E))) {
throw new FormatException(
"Invalid character in cookie value, code unit: '$codeUnit'");
// Parse a cookie date string.
DateTime parseCookieDate(String date) {
const List monthsLowerCase = const [
int position = 0;
void error() {
throw new HttpException("Invalid cookie date $date");
bool isEnd() => position == date.length;
bool isDelimiter(String s) {
int char = s.codeUnitAt(0);
if (char == 0x09) return true;
if (char >= 0x20 && char <= 0x2F) return true;
if (char >= 0x3B && char <= 0x40) return true;
if (char >= 0x5B && char <= 0x60) return true;
if (char >= 0x7B && char <= 0x7E) return true;
return false;
bool isNonDelimiter(String s) {
int char = s.codeUnitAt(0);
if (char >= 0x00 && char <= 0x08) return true;
if (char >= 0x0A && char <= 0x1F) return true;
if (char >= 0x30 && char <= 0x39) return true; // Digit
if (char == 0x3A) return true; // ':'
if (char >= 0x41 && char <= 0x5A) return true; // Alpha
if (char >= 0x61 && char <= 0x7A) return true; // Alpha
if (char >= 0x7F && char <= 0xFF) return true; // Alpha
return false;
bool isDigit(String s) {
int char = s.codeUnitAt(0);
if (char > 0x2F && char < 0x3A) return true;
return false;
int getMonth(String month) {
if (month.length < 3) return -1;
return monthsLowerCase.indexOf(month.substring(0, 3));
int toInt(String s) {
int index = 0;
// ignore: empty_statements
for (; index < s.length && isDigit(s[index]); index++);
return int.parse(s.substring(0, index));
var tokens = <String>[];
while (!isEnd()) {
while (!isEnd() && isDelimiter(date[position])) position++;
int start = position;
while (!isEnd() && isNonDelimiter(date[position])) position++;
tokens.add(date.substring(start, position).toLowerCase());
while (!isEnd() && isDelimiter(date[position])) position++;
String timeStr;
String dayOfMonthStr;
String monthStr;
String yearStr;
for (var token in tokens) {
if (token.isEmpty) continue;
if (timeStr == null &&
token.length >= 5 &&
isDigit(token[0]) &&
(token[1] == ":" || (isDigit(token[1]) && token[2] == ":"))) {
timeStr = token;
} else if (dayOfMonthStr == null && isDigit(token[0])) {
dayOfMonthStr = token;
} else if (monthStr == null && getMonth(token) >= 0) {
monthStr = token;
} else if (yearStr == null &&
token.length >= 2 &&
isDigit(token[0]) &&
isDigit(token[1])) {
yearStr = token;
if (timeStr == null ||
dayOfMonthStr == null ||
monthStr == null ||
yearStr == null) {
int year = toInt(yearStr);
if (year >= 70 && year <= 99)
year += 1900;
else if (year >= 0 && year <= 69) year += 2000;
if (year < 1601) error();
int dayOfMonth = toInt(dayOfMonthStr);
if (dayOfMonth < 1 || dayOfMonth > 31) error();
int month = getMonth(monthStr) + 1;
var timeList = timeStr.split(":");
if (timeList.length != 3) error();
int hour = toInt(timeList[0]);
int minute = toInt(timeList[1]);
int second = toInt(timeList[2]);
if (hour > 23) error();
if (minute > 59) error();
if (second > 59) error();
return new DateTime.utc(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, 0);