blob: a09dcea4ed85fd2e7b024688dcb3f40c1e0a3d66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'base_client.dart';
import 'base_request.dart';
/// The base class for HTTP responses.
/// Subclasses of [BaseResponse] are usually not constructed manually; instead,
/// they're returned by [BaseClient.send] or other HTTP client methods.
abstract class BaseResponse {
/// The (frozen) request that triggered this response.
final BaseRequest? request;
/// The HTTP status code for this response.
final int statusCode;
/// The reason phrase associated with the status code.
final String? reasonPhrase;
/// The size of the response body, in bytes.
/// If the size of the request is not known in advance, this is `null`.
final int? contentLength;
// TODO(nweiz): automatically parse cookies from headers
// TODO(nweiz): make this a HttpHeaders object.
final Map<String, String> headers;
final bool isRedirect;
/// Whether the server requested that a persistent connection be maintained.
final bool persistentConnection;
this.headers = const {},
this.isRedirect = false,
this.persistentConnection = true,
this.reasonPhrase}) {
if (statusCode < 100) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid status code $statusCode.');
} else if (contentLength != null && contentLength! < 0) {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid content length $contentLength.');