Automatically generate versioned formulas.

The stable releases now have versioned formulas automatically generated
and with a major.minor alias for that release series, so people can
continue to receive updates on their release or pin a very specific
build if it's needed.

The versioned formulas are currently up to date and this changelist
includes the result of running the script on the latest releases.

The --no-commit option is added for testing since it is very convenient
to just have the files not change but not having code changes mixed with
experimental outputs.

Delete the --revision option as it's not useful anymore and difficult
to implement with useful semantics.

Fixes: b/296366712
Change-Id: I8e04aba462f433f1dad513d482f090e0cee060dd
Reviewed-by: William Hesse <>
Commit-Queue: Jonas Termansen <>
24 files changed
tree: 9cfbfbb88e4d072bd0ef07743ff569bd890ed6da
  1. .github/
  2. Aliases/
  3. bin/
  4. Formula/
  5. lib/
  6. test/
  7. .gitignore
  8. analysis_options.yaml
  11. OWNERS
  12. pubspec.lock
  13. pubspec.yaml

Dart for Homebrew

This is the official Dart tap for homebrew.

Mac users can use these formulae to easily install and update Dart SDK. Both dev and stable channels are supported.

Initial setup

If you don't have homebrew, install it from their homepage.

Then, add this tap:

brew tap dart-lang/dart


To install the Dart SDK:

brew install dart

Tip: Once installed, homebrew will print the path to the Dart SDK. Use this path to configure Dart support in your IDE (like WebStorm).


Simply run:

brew update
brew upgrade dart

Dev Releases

To install dev channel releases, instead of the stable ones, add a --head flag after the brew commands:

brew install dart --head

Note, when updating dev releases, homebrew doesn't always update to the latest version (see In order to upgrade to the latest dev release, run:

brew reinstall dart

Specific stable versions

To install a specific dart version run brew install dart@2.8. This installs the latest 2.8 release including security patches, i.e. 2.8.1.

To use the specific version in your IDE or in scripts use the SDK you find under /usr/local/opt/dart@2.8/libexec.

It is supported to install multiple dart versions in parallel. The dart executable in PATH will continue to link to the dart or dart-beta formula. Installing dart@2.8 alone doesn't add the dart executable to the user PATH.

SDK path

Many tools, such as editors, ask you to specify the Dart SDK installation directory. After installing via homebrew you can use the path HOMEBREW_INSTALL/opt/dart/libexec, where HOMEBREW_INSTALL is the path to your homebrew installation directory (running brew --prefix on the command line will display it).