blob: c8f4328d6219b42350fa57e8901d93f1dcc08a0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'utils.dart';
const _separator = 0x2F; // "/"
/// A node in the abstract syntax tree for a glob.
abstract class AstNode {
/// The cached regular expression that this AST was compiled into.
RegExp _regExp;
/// Whether this node matches case-sensitively or not.
final bool caseSensitive;
/// Whether this glob could match an absolute path.
/// Either this or [canMatchRelative] or both will be true.
bool get canMatchAbsolute => false;
/// Whether this glob could match a relative path.
/// Either this or [canMatchRelative] or both will be true.
bool get canMatchRelative => true;
/// Returns a new glob with all the options bubbled to the top level.
/// In particular, this returns a glob AST with two guarantees:
/// 1. There are no [OptionsNode]s other than the one at the top level.
/// 2. It matches the same set of paths as [this].
/// For example, given the glob `{foo,bar}/{click/clack}`, this would return
/// `{foo/click,foo/clack,bar/click,bar/clack}`.
OptionsNode flattenOptions() => OptionsNode([
SequenceNode([this], caseSensitive: caseSensitive)
], caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
/// Returns whether this glob matches [string].
bool matches(String string) {
if (_regExp == null) {
_regExp = RegExp('^${_toRegExp()}\$', caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
return _regExp.hasMatch(string);
/// Subclasses should override this to return a regular expression component.
String _toRegExp();
/// A sequence of adjacent AST nodes.
class SequenceNode extends AstNode {
/// The nodes in the sequence.
final List<AstNode> nodes;
bool get canMatchAbsolute => nodes.first.canMatchAbsolute;
bool get canMatchRelative => nodes.first.canMatchRelative;
SequenceNode(Iterable<AstNode> nodes, {bool caseSensitive = true})
: nodes = nodes.toList(),
OptionsNode flattenOptions() {
if (nodes.isEmpty) {
return OptionsNode([this], caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
var sequences =
nodes.first.flattenOptions() => sequence.nodes);
for (var node in nodes.skip(1)) {
// Concatenate all sequences in the next options node ([nextSequences])
// onto all previous sequences ([sequences]).
var nextSequences = node.flattenOptions().options;
sequences = sequences.expand((sequence) {
return {
return sequence.toList()..addAll(nextSequence.nodes);
return OptionsNode( {
// Combine any adjacent LiteralNodes in [sequence].
return SequenceNode(
sequence.fold<List<AstNode>>([], (combined, node) {
if (combined.isEmpty ||
combined.last is! LiteralNode ||
node is! LiteralNode) {
return combined..add(node);
combined[combined.length - 1] = LiteralNode(
// TODO(nweiz): Avoid casting when sdk#25565 is fixed.
(combined.last as LiteralNode).text +
(node as LiteralNode).text,
caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
return combined;
caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
}), caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
/// Splits this glob into components along its path separators.
/// For example, given the glob `foo/*/*.dart`, this would return three globs:
/// `foo`, `*`, and `*.dart`.
/// Path separators within options nodes are not split. For example,
/// `foo/{bar,baz/bang}/qux` will return three globs: `foo`, `{bar,baz/bang}`,
/// and `qux`.
/// [context] is used to determine what absolute roots look like for this
/// glob.
List<SequenceNode> split(p.Context context) {
var componentsToReturn = <SequenceNode>[];
List<AstNode> currentComponent;
addNode(AstNode node) {
if (currentComponent == null) currentComponent = [];
finishComponent() {
if (currentComponent == null) return;
.add(SequenceNode(currentComponent, caseSensitive: caseSensitive));
currentComponent = null;
for (var node in nodes) {
if (node is! LiteralNode) {
// TODO(nweiz): Avoid casting when sdk#25565 is fixed.
var literal = node as LiteralNode;
if (!literal.text.contains('/')) {
var text = literal.text;
if ( == text = text.replaceAll("/", "\\");
Iterable<String> components = context.split(text);
// If the first component is absolute, that means it's a separator (on
// Windows some non-separator things are also absolute, but it's invalid
// to have "C:" show up in the middle of a path anyway).
if (context.isAbsolute(components.first)) {
// If this is the first component, it's the root.
if (componentsToReturn.isEmpty && currentComponent == null) {
var root = components.first;
if ( == {
// Above, we switched to backslashes to make [context.split] handle
// roots properly. That means that if there is a root, it'll still
// have backslashes, where forward slashes are required for globs.
// So we switch it back here.
root = root.replaceAll("\\", "/");
addNode(LiteralNode(root, caseSensitive: caseSensitive));
components = components.skip(1);
if (components.isEmpty) continue;
// For each component except the last one, add a separate sequence to
// [sequences] containing only that component.
for (var component in components.take(components.length - 1)) {
addNode(LiteralNode(component, caseSensitive: caseSensitive));
// For the final component, only end its sequence (by adding a new empty
// sequence) if it ends with a separator.
addNode(LiteralNode(components.last, caseSensitive: caseSensitive));
if (literal.text.endsWith('/')) finishComponent();
return componentsToReturn;
String _toRegExp() => => node._toRegExp()).join();
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is SequenceNode &&
const IterableEquality().equals(nodes, other.nodes);
int get hashCode => const IterableEquality().hash(nodes);
String toString() => nodes.join();
/// A node matching zero or more non-separator characters.
class StarNode extends AstNode {
StarNode({bool caseSensitive = true}) : super._(caseSensitive);
String _toRegExp() => '[^/]*';
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is StarNode;
int get hashCode => 0;
String toString() => '*';
/// A node matching zero or more characters that may be separators.
class DoubleStarNode extends AstNode {
/// The path context for the glob.
/// This is used to determine what absolute paths look like.
final p.Context _context;
DoubleStarNode(this._context, {bool caseSensitive = true})
: super._(caseSensitive);
String _toRegExp() {
// Double star shouldn't match paths with a leading "../", since these paths
// wouldn't be listed with this glob. We only check for "../" at the
// beginning since the paths are normalized before being checked against the
// glob.
var buffer = StringBuffer()..write(r'(?!^(?:\.\./|');
// A double star at the beginning of the glob also shouldn't match absolute
// paths, since those also wouldn't be listed. Which root patterns we look
// for depends on the style of path we're matching.
if ( == p.Style.posix) {
} else if ( == {
} else {
assert( == p.Style.url);
// Use `[^]` rather than `.` so that it matches newlines as well.
return buffer.toString();
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is DoubleStarNode;
int get hashCode => 1;
String toString() => '**';
/// A node matching a single non-separator character.
class AnyCharNode extends AstNode {
AnyCharNode({bool caseSensitive = true}) : super._(caseSensitive);
String _toRegExp() => '[^/]';
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is AnyCharNode;
int get hashCode => 2;
String toString() => '?';
/// A node matching a single character in a range of options.
class RangeNode extends AstNode {
/// The ranges matched by this node.
/// The ends of the ranges are unicode code points.
final Set<Range> ranges;
/// Whether this range was negated.
final bool negated;
RangeNode(Iterable<Range> ranges, {this.negated, bool caseSensitive = true})
: ranges = ranges.toSet(),
OptionsNode flattenOptions() {
if (negated || ranges.any((range) => !range.isSingleton)) {
return super.flattenOptions();
// If a range explicitly lists a set of characters, return each character as
// a separate expansion.
return OptionsNode( {
return SequenceNode([
caseSensitive: caseSensitive)
], caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
}), caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
String _toRegExp() {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
var containsSeparator = ranges.any((range) => range.contains(_separator));
if (!negated && containsSeparator) {
// Add `(?!/)` because ranges are never allowed to match separators.
if (negated) {
// If the range doesn't itself exclude separators, exclude them ourselves,
// since ranges are never allowed to match them.
if (!containsSeparator) buffer.write('/');
for (var range in ranges) {
var start = String.fromCharCodes([range.min]);
if (range.isSingleton) continue;
return buffer.toString();
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is RangeNode &&
other.negated == negated &&
SetEquality().equals(ranges, other.ranges);
int get hashCode => (negated ? 1 : 3) * const SetEquality().hash(ranges);
String toString() {
var buffer = StringBuffer()..write('[');
for (var range in ranges) {
if (range.isSingleton) continue;
return buffer.toString();
/// A node that matches one of several options.
class OptionsNode extends AstNode {
/// The options to match.
final List<SequenceNode> options;
bool get canMatchAbsolute => options.any((node) => node.canMatchAbsolute);
bool get canMatchRelative => options.any((node) => node.canMatchRelative);
OptionsNode(Iterable<SequenceNode> options, {bool caseSensitive = true})
: options = options.toList(),
OptionsNode flattenOptions() =>
OptionsNode(options.expand((option) => option.flattenOptions().options),
caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
String _toRegExp() =>
'(?:${ => option._toRegExp()).join("|")})';
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is OptionsNode &&
const UnorderedIterableEquality().equals(options, other.options);
int get hashCode => const UnorderedIterableEquality().hash(options);
String toString() => '{${options.join(',')}}';
/// A node that matches a literal string.
class LiteralNode extends AstNode {
/// The string to match.
final String text;
/// The path context for the glob.
/// This is used to determine whether this could match an absolute path.
final p.Context _context;
bool get canMatchAbsolute {
var nativeText = == ? text.replaceAll('/', '\\') : text;
return _context.isAbsolute(nativeText);
bool get canMatchRelative => !canMatchAbsolute;
LiteralNode(this.text, {p.Context context, bool caseSensitive = true})
: _context = context,
String _toRegExp() => regExpQuote(text);
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is LiteralNode && other.text == text;
int get hashCode => text.hashCode;
String toString() => text;