blob: a7b92f65a27a73ac89852d140c6756b5dacf6cd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'src/ast.dart';
import 'src/list_tree.dart';
import 'src/parser.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
/// Regular expression used to quote globs.
final _quoteRegExp = RegExp(r'[*{[?\\}\],\-()]');
/// A glob for matching and listing files and directories.
/// A glob matches an entire string as a path. Although the glob pattern uses
/// POSIX syntax, it can match against POSIX, Windows, or URL paths. The format
/// it expects paths to use is based on the `context` parameter to [];
/// it defaults to the current system's syntax.
/// Paths are normalized before being matched against a glob, so for example the
/// glob `foo/bar` matches the path `foo/./bar`. A relative glob can match an
/// absolute path and vice versa; globs and paths are both interpreted as
/// relative to `context.current`, which defaults to the current working
/// directory.
/// When used as a [Pattern], a glob will return either one or zero matches for
/// a string depending on whether the entire string matches the glob. These
/// matches don't currently have capture groups, although this may change in the
/// future.
class Glob implements Pattern {
/// The pattern used to create this glob.
final String pattern;
/// The context in which paths matched against this glob are interpreted.
final p.Context context;
/// If true, a path matches if it matches the glob itself or is recursively
/// contained within a directory that matches.
final bool recursive;
/// Whether the glob matches paths case-sensitively.
bool get caseSensitive => _ast.caseSensitive;
/// The parsed AST of the glob.
final AstNode _ast;
/// The underlying object used to implement [list] and [listSync].
/// This should not be read directly outside of [_listTreeForFileSystem].
ListTree? _listTree;
/// Keeps track of the previous file system used. If this changes then the
/// [_listTree] must be invalidated.
/// This is handled inside of [_listTreeForFileSystem].
FileSystem? _previousFileSystem;
/// Whether [context]'s current directory is absolute.
bool get _contextIsAbsolute =>
_contextIsAbsoluteCache ??= context.isAbsolute(context.current);
bool? _contextIsAbsoluteCache;
/// Whether [pattern] could match absolute paths.
bool get _patternCanMatchAbsolute =>
_patternCanMatchAbsoluteCache ??= _ast.canMatchAbsolute;
bool? _patternCanMatchAbsoluteCache;
/// Whether [pattern] could match relative paths.
bool get _patternCanMatchRelative =>
_patternCanMatchRelativeCache ??= _ast.canMatchRelative;
bool? _patternCanMatchRelativeCache;
/// Returns [contents] with characters that are meaningful in globs
/// backslash-escaped.
static String quote(String contents) =>
contents.replaceAllMapped(_quoteRegExp, (match) => '\\${match[0]}');
/// Creates a new glob with [pattern].
/// Paths matched against the glob are interpreted according to [context]. It
/// defaults to the system context.
/// If [recursive] is true, this glob matches and lists not only the files and
/// directories it explicitly matches, but anything beneath those as well.
/// If [caseSensitive] is true, this glob matches and lists only files whose
/// case matches that of the characters in the glob. Otherwise, it matches
/// regardless of case. This defaults to `false` when [context] is Windows and
/// `true` otherwise.
factory Glob(String pattern,
{p.Context? context, bool recursive = false, bool? caseSensitive}) {
context ??= p.context;
caseSensitive ??= == ? false : true;
if (recursive) pattern += '{,/**}';
var parser = Parser(pattern, context, caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
return Glob._(pattern, context, parser.parse(), recursive);
Glob._(this.pattern, this.context, this._ast, this.recursive);
/// Lists all [FileSystemEntity]s beneath [root] that match the glob in the
/// provided [fileSystem].
/// This works much like [Directory.list], but it only lists directories that
/// could contain entities that match the glob. It provides no guarantees
/// about the order of the returned entities, although it does guarantee that
/// only one entity with a given path will be returned.
/// [root] defaults to the current working directory.
/// [followLinks] works the same as for [Directory.list].
Stream<FileSystemEntity> listFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem,
{String? root, bool followLinks = true}) {
if ( != {
throw StateError("Can't list glob \"$this\"; it matches "
'${} paths, but this platform uses ${} paths.');
return _listTreeForFileSystem(fileSystem)
.list(root: root, followLinks: followLinks);
/// Synchronously lists all [FileSystemEntity]s beneath [root] that match the
/// glob in the provided [fileSystem].
/// This works much like [Directory.listSync], but it only lists directories
/// that could contain entities that match the glob. It provides no guarantees
/// about the order of the returned entities, although it does guarantee that
/// only one entity with a given path will be returned.
/// [root] defaults to the current working directory.
/// [followLinks] works the same as for [Directory.list].
List<FileSystemEntity> listFileSystemSync(FileSystem fileSystem,
{String? root, bool followLinks = true}) {
if ( != {
throw StateError("Can't list glob \"$this\"; it matches "
'${} paths, but this platform uses ${} paths.');
return _listTreeForFileSystem(fileSystem)
.listSync(root: root, followLinks: followLinks);
/// Returns whether this glob matches [path].
bool matches(String path) => matchAsPrefix(path) != null;
Match? matchAsPrefix(String path, [int start = 0]) {
// Globs are like anchored RegExps in that they only match entire paths, so
// if the match starts anywhere after the first character it can't succeed.
if (start != 0) return null;
if (_patternCanMatchAbsolute &&
(_contextIsAbsolute || context.isAbsolute(path))) {
var absolutePath = context.normalize(context.absolute(path));
if (_ast.matches(toPosixPath(context, absolutePath))) {
return GlobMatch(path, this);
if (_patternCanMatchRelative) {
var relativePath = context.relative(path);
if (_ast.matches(toPosixPath(context, relativePath))) {
return GlobMatch(path, this);
return null;
Iterable<Match> allMatches(String path, [int start = 0]) {
var match = matchAsPrefix(path, start);
return match == null ? [] : [match];
String toString() => pattern;
/// Handles getting a possibly cached [ListTree] for a [fileSystem].
ListTree _listTreeForFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem) {
// Don't use cached trees for in memory file systems to avoid memory leaks.
if (fileSystem is MemoryFileSystem) return ListTree(_ast, fileSystem);
// Throw away our cached `_listTree` if the file system is different.
if (fileSystem != _previousFileSystem) {
_listTree = null;
_previousFileSystem = fileSystem;
return _listTree ??= ListTree(_ast, fileSystem);