blob: ee9814f15f2ada12c63899c96b1cf0d2709e204a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:glob/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_descriptor/test_descriptor.dart' as d;
void main() {
setUp(() async {
await d.dir("foo", [
d.dir("baz", [d.file("bang"), d.file("qux")])
group("list()", () {
test("fails if the context doesn't match the system context", () {
expect(new Glob("*", context: p.url).list, throwsStateError);
test("reports exceptions for non-existent case-sensitive directories", () {
expect(new Glob("non/existent/**", caseSensitive: true).list().toList(),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
test("reports exceptions for non-existent case-insensitive directories",
() {
expect(new Glob("non/existent/**", caseSensitive: false).list().toList(),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
group("listSync()", () {
test("fails if the context doesn't match the system context", () {
expect(new Glob("*", context: p.url).listSync, throwsStateError);
test("reports exceptions for non-existent case-sensitive directories", () {
expect(new Glob("non/existent/**", caseSensitive: true).listSync,
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
test("reports exceptions for non-existent case-insensitive directories",
() {
expect(new Glob("non/existent/**", caseSensitive: false).listSync,
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
group("when case-sensitive", () {
test("lists literals case-sensitively", () {
expect(new Glob("foo/BAZ/qux", caseSensitive: true).listSync,
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
test("lists ranges case-sensitively", () {
expect(new Glob("foo/[BX][A-Z]z/qux", caseSensitive: true).listSync,
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
test("options preserve case-sensitivity", () {
expect(new Glob("foo/{BAZ,ZAP}/qux", caseSensitive: true).listSync,
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<FileSystemException>()));
syncAndAsync((ListFn list) {
group("literals", () {
test("lists a single literal", () async {
await list("foo/baz/qux"), equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
test("lists a non-matching literal", () async {
expect(await list("foo/baz/nothing"), isEmpty);
group("star", () {
test("lists within filenames but not across directories", () async {
expect(await list("foo/b*"),
unorderedEquals([p.join("foo", "bar"), p.join("foo", "baz")]));
test("lists the empy string", () async {
expect(await list("foo/bar*"), equals([p.join("foo", "bar")]));
group("double star", () {
test("lists within filenames", () async {
await list("foo/baz/**"),
[p.join("foo", "baz", "qux"), p.join("foo", "baz", "bang")]));
test("lists the empty string", () async {
expect(await list("foo/bar**"), equals([p.join("foo", "bar")]));
test("lists recursively", () async {
await list("foo/**"),
p.join("foo", "bar"),
p.join("foo", "baz"),
p.join("foo", "baz", "qux"),
p.join("foo", "baz", "bang")
test("combines with literals", () async {
await list("foo/ba**"),
p.join("foo", "bar"),
p.join("foo", "baz"),
p.join("foo", "baz", "qux"),
p.join("foo", "baz", "bang")
test("lists recursively in the middle of a glob", () async {
await d.dir("deep", [
d.dir("a", [
d.dir("b", [
d.dir("c", [d.file("d"), d.file("long-file")]),
d.dir("long-dir", [d.file("x")])
await list("deep/**/?/?"),
p.join("deep", "a", "b", "c"),
p.join("deep", "a", "b", "c", "d")
group("any char", () {
test("matches a character", () async {
expect(await list("foo/ba?"),
unorderedEquals([p.join("foo", "bar"), p.join("foo", "baz")]));
test("doesn't match a separator", () async {
expect(await list("foo?bar"), isEmpty);
group("range", () {
test("matches a range of characters", () async {
expect(await list("foo/ba[a-z]"),
unorderedEquals([p.join("foo", "bar"), p.join("foo", "baz")]));
test("matches a specific list of characters", () async {
expect(await list("foo/ba[rz]"),
unorderedEquals([p.join("foo", "bar"), p.join("foo", "baz")]));
test("doesn't match outside its range", () async {
await list("foo/ba[a-x]"), unorderedEquals([p.join("foo", "bar")]));
test("doesn't match outside its specific list", () async {
await list("foo/ba[rx]"), unorderedEquals([p.join("foo", "bar")]));
test("the same file shouldn't be non-recursively listed multiple times",
() async {
await d.dir("multi", [
d.dir("start-end", [d.file("file")])
expect(await list("multi/{start-*/f*,*-end/*e}"),
equals([p.join("multi", "start-end", "file")]));
test("the same file shouldn't be recursively listed multiple times",
() async {
await d.dir("multi", [
d.dir("a", [
d.dir("b", [
d.dir("c", [d.file("file")])
d.dir("x", [
d.dir("y", [d.file("file")])
await list("multi/{*/*/*/file,a/**/file}"),
p.join("multi", "a", "b", "file"),
p.join("multi", "a", "b", "c", "file"),
p.join("multi", "a", "x", "y", "file")
group("with symlinks", () {
setUp(() async {
await new Link(p.join(d.sandbox, "dir", "link"))
.create(p.join(d.sandbox, "foo", "baz"), recursive: true);
test("follows symlinks by default", () async {
await list("dir/**"),
p.join("dir", "link"),
p.join("dir", "link", "bang"),
p.join("dir", "link", "qux")
test("doesn't follow symlinks with followLinks: false", () async {
expect(await list("dir/**", followLinks: false),
equals([p.join("dir", "link")]));
test("shouldn't crash on broken symlinks", () async {
await new Directory(p.join(d.sandbox, "foo")).delete(recursive: true);
expect(await list("dir/**"), equals([p.join("dir", "link")]));
test("always lists recursively with recursive: true", () async {
await list("foo", recursive: true),
p.join("foo", "bar"),
p.join("foo", "baz"),
p.join("foo", "baz", "qux"),
p.join("foo", "baz", "bang")
test("lists an absolute glob", () async {
var pattern =
separatorToForwardSlash(p.absolute(p.join(d.sandbox, 'foo/baz/**')));
var result = await list(pattern);
[p.join("foo", "baz", "bang"), p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
// Regression test for #4.
test("lists an absolute case-insensitive glob", () async {
var pattern =
separatorToForwardSlash(p.absolute(p.join(d.sandbox, 'foo/Baz/**')));
await list(pattern, caseSensitive: false),
[p.join("foo", "baz", "bang"), p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
test("lists a subdirectory that sometimes exists", () async {
await d.dir("top", [
d.dir("dir1", [
d.dir("subdir", [d.file("file")])
d.dir("dir2", [])
expect(await list("top/*/subdir/**"),
equals([p.join("top", "dir1", "subdir", "file")]));
group("when case-insensitive", () {
test("lists literals case-insensitively", () async {
expect(await list("foo/baz/qux", caseSensitive: false),
equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
expect(await list("foo/BAZ/qux", caseSensitive: false),
equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
test("lists ranges case-insensitively", () async {
expect(await list("foo/[bx][a-z]z/qux", caseSensitive: false),
equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
expect(await list("foo/[BX][A-Z]z/qux", caseSensitive: false),
equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
test("options preserve case-insensitivity", () async {
expect(await list("foo/{bar,baz}/qux", caseSensitive: false),
equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
expect(await list("foo/{BAR,BAZ}/qux", caseSensitive: false),
equals([p.join("foo", "baz", "qux")]));
typedef FutureOr<List<String>> ListFn(String glob,
{bool recursive, bool followLinks, bool caseSensitive});
/// Runs [callback] in two groups with two values of [listFn]: one that uses
/// [Glob.list], one that uses [Glob.listSync].
void syncAndAsync(FutureOr callback(ListFn listFn)) {
group("async", () {
callback((pattern, {recursive: false, followLinks: true, caseSensitive}) {
var glob =
new Glob(pattern, recursive: recursive, caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
return glob
.list(root: d.sandbox, followLinks: followLinks)
.map((entity) => p.relative(entity.path, from: d.sandbox))
group("sync", () {
callback((pattern, {recursive: false, followLinks: true, caseSensitive}) {
var glob =
new Glob(pattern, recursive: recursive, caseSensitive: caseSensitive);
return glob
.listSync(root: d.sandbox, followLinks: followLinks)
.map((entity) => p.relative(entity.path, from: d.sandbox))