blob: 04513263e62deda483c284f85a2be7d53975f45d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'clock.dart';
import 'common.dart';
import 'memory_directory.dart';
import 'memory_file.dart';
import 'memory_file_stat.dart';
import 'memory_link.dart';
import 'node.dart';
import 'style.dart';
import 'utils.dart' as utils;
const String _thisDir = '.';
const String _parentDir = '..';
/// An implementation of [FileSystem] that exists entirely in memory with an
/// internal representation loosely based on the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
/// [MemoryFileSystem] is suitable for mocking and tests, as well as for
/// caching or staging before writing or reading to a live system.
/// This implementation of the [FileSystem] interface does not directly use
/// any `dart:io` APIs; it merely uses the library's enum values and interfaces.
/// As such, it is suitable for use in the browser.
abstract class MemoryFileSystem implements StyleableFileSystem {
/// Creates a new `MemoryFileSystem`.
/// The file system will be empty, and the current directory will be the
/// root directory.
/// The clock will be a real-time clock; file modification times will
/// reflect the real time as reported by the operating system.
/// If [style] is specified, the file system will use the specified path
/// style. The default is [FileSystemStyle.posix].
factory MemoryFileSystem({
FileSystemStyle style = FileSystemStyle.posix,
}) =>
style: style,
clock: const Clock.realTime(),
/// Creates a new `MemoryFileSystem` that has a fake clock.
/// The file system will be empty, and the current directory will be the
/// root directory.
/// The clock will increase monotonically each time it is used, disconnected
/// from any real-world clock.
/// If [style] is specified, the file system will use the specified path
/// style. The default is [FileSystemStyle.posix].
factory MemoryFileSystem.test({
FileSystemStyle style = FileSystemStyle.posix,
}) =>
style: style,
clock: Clock.monotonicTest(),
/// Internal implementation of [MemoryFileSystem].
class _MemoryFileSystem extends FileSystem
implements MemoryFileSystem, NodeBasedFileSystem {
_MemoryFileSystem({ = FileSystemStyle.posix,
@required this.clock,
}) : assert(style != null),
assert(clock != null) {
_root = RootNode(this);
_context = style.contextFor(style.root);
RootNode _root;
String _systemTemp;
p.Context _context;
final Clock clock;
final FileSystemStyle style;
RootNode get root => _root;
String get cwd => _context.current;
Directory directory(dynamic path) => MemoryDirectory(this, getPath(path));
File file(dynamic path) => MemoryFile(this, getPath(path));
Link link(dynamic path) => MemoryLink(this, getPath(path));
p.Context get path => _context;
/// Gets the system temp directory. This directory will be created on-demand
/// in the root of the file system. Once created, its location is fixed for
/// the life of the process.
Directory get systemTempDirectory {
_systemTemp ??= directory(style.root).createTempSync('.tmp_').path;
return directory(_systemTemp)..createSync();
Directory get currentDirectory => directory(cwd);
set currentDirectory(dynamic path) {
String value;
if (path is io.Directory) {
value = path.path;
} else if (path is String) {
value = path;
} else {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid type for "path": ${path?.runtimeType}');
value = directory(value).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
Node node = findNode(value);
checkExists(node, () => value);
utils.checkIsDir(node, () => value);
_context = style.contextFor(value);
Future<io.FileStat> stat(String path) async => statSync(path);
io.FileStat statSync(String path) {
try {
return findNode(path)?.stat ?? MemoryFileStat.notFound;
} on io.FileSystemException {
return MemoryFileStat.notFound;
Future<bool> identical(String path1, String path2) async =>
identicalSync(path1, path2);
bool identicalSync(String path1, String path2) {
Node node1 = findNode(path1);
checkExists(node1, () => path1);
Node node2 = findNode(path2);
checkExists(node2, () => path2);
return node1 != null && node1 == node2;
bool get isWatchSupported => false;
Future<io.FileSystemEntityType> type(
String path, {
bool followLinks = true,
}) async =>
typeSync(path, followLinks: followLinks);
io.FileSystemEntityType typeSync(String path, {bool followLinks = true}) {
Node node;
try {
node = findNode(path, followTailLink: followLinks);
} on io.FileSystemException {
node = null;
if (node == null) {
return io.FileSystemEntityType.notFound;
return node.type;
/// Gets the node backing for the current working directory. Note that this
/// can return null if the directory has been deleted or moved from under our
/// feet.
DirectoryNode get _current => findNode(cwd) as DirectoryNode;
Node findNode(
String path, {
Node reference,
SegmentVisitor segmentVisitor,
bool visitLinks = false,
List<String> pathWithSymlinks,
bool followTailLink = false,
}) {
if (path == null) {
throw ArgumentError.notNull('path');
if (_context.isAbsolute(path)) {
reference = _root;
path = path.substring(;
} else {
reference ??= _current;
List<String> parts = path.split(style.separator)
DirectoryNode directory =;
Node child = directory;
int finalSegment = parts.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= finalSegment; i++) {
String basename = parts[i];
switch (basename) {
case _thisDir:
child = directory;
case _parentDir:
child = directory.parent;
directory = directory.parent;
child = directory.children[basename];
if (pathWithSymlinks != null) {
// Generates a subpath for the current segment.
String subpath() => parts.sublist(0, i + 1).join(_context.separator);
if (utils.isLink(child) && (i < finalSegment || followTailLink)) {
if (visitLinks || segmentVisitor == null) {
if (segmentVisitor != null) {
child = segmentVisitor(directory, basename, child, i, finalSegment);
child = utils.resolveLinks(child as LinkNode, subpath,
ledger: pathWithSymlinks);
} else {
child = utils.resolveLinks(
child as LinkNode,
ledger: pathWithSymlinks,
tailVisitor: (DirectoryNode parent, String childName, Node child) {
return segmentVisitor(parent, childName, child, i, finalSegment);
} else if (segmentVisitor != null) {
child = segmentVisitor(directory, basename, child, i, finalSegment);
if (i < finalSegment) {
checkExists(child, subpath);
utils.checkIsDir(child, subpath);
directory = child as DirectoryNode;
return child;