blob: d5f79017746c9c3b7c8cfcfdc9edbab2800b627e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'events.dart';
import 'replay_file_system.dart';
/// A recording of a series of invocations on a [FileSystem] and its associated
/// objects (`File`, `Directory`, `IOSink`, etc).
/// Recorded invocations include property getters, property setters, and
/// standard method invocations. A recording exists as an ordered series of
/// "invocation events".
abstract class Recording {
/// The invocation events that have been captured by this recording.
List<InvocationEvent<dynamic>> get events;
/// An [Recording] in progress that can be serialized to disk for later use
/// in [ReplayFileSystem].
/// Live recordings exist only in memory until [flush] is called.
abstract class LiveRecording extends Recording {
/// The directory in which recording files will be stored.
/// These contents of these files, while human readable, do not constitute an
/// API or contract. Their makeup and structure is subject to change from
/// one version of `package:file` to the next.
Directory get destination;
/// Writes this recording to disk.
/// Live recordings will *not* call `flush` on themselves, so it is up to
/// callers to call this method when they wish to write the recording to
/// disk.
/// If [pendingResultTimeout] is specified, this will wait the specified
/// duration for any results that are `Future`s or `Stream`s to complete
/// before serializing the recording to disk. Futures that don't complete
/// within the specified duration will have their results recorded as `null`,
/// and streams that don't send a "done" event within the specified duration
/// will have their results recorded as the list of events the stream has
/// fired thus far.
/// If [pendingResultTimeout] is not specified (or is `null`), this will wait
/// indefinitely for for any results that are `Future`s or `Stream`s to
/// complete before serializing the recording to disk.
/// Throws a [StateError] if a flush is already in progress.
/// Returns a future that completes once the recording has been fully written
/// to disk.
Future<void> flush({Duration pendingResultTimeout});