blob: 4a9ea432a785704945352c29961534ddd860dd64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/src/io.dart' as io;
import 'recording_file_system.dart';
import 'recording_file_system_entity.dart';
import 'recording_io_sink.dart';
import 'recording_random_access_file.dart';
import 'result_reference.dart';
/// Callback responsible for synchronously writing result [data] to the
/// specified [file].
/// See also:
/// - [_BlobReference]
/// - [_BlobStreamReference]
typedef void _BlobDataSyncWriter<T>(File file, T data);
/// Callback responsible for asynchronously writing result [data] to the
/// specified [file].
/// See also:
/// - [_BlobFutureReference]
typedef Future<Null> _BlobDataAsyncWriter<T>(File file, T data);
/// [File] implementation that records all invocation activity to its file
/// system's recording.
class RecordingFile extends RecordingFileSystemEntity<File> implements File {
/// Creates a new `RecordingFile`.
RecordingFile(RecordingFileSystem fileSystem, io.File delegate)
: super(fileSystem, delegate) {
methods.addAll(<Symbol, Function>{
#create: _create,
#createSync: delegate.createSync,
#copy: _copy,
#copySync: _copySync,
#length: delegate.length,
#lengthSync: delegate.lengthSync,
#lastAccessed: delegate.lastAccessed,
#lastAccessedSync: delegate.lastAccessedSync,
#setLastAccessed: delegate.setLastAccessed,
#setLastAccessedSync: delegate.setLastAccessedSync,
#lastModified: delegate.lastModified,
#lastModifiedSync: delegate.lastModifiedSync,
#setLastModified: delegate.setLastModified,
#setLastModifiedSync: delegate.setLastModifiedSync,
#open: _open,
#openSync: _openSync,
#openRead: _openRead,
#openWrite: _openWrite,
#readAsBytes: _readAsBytes,
#readAsBytesSync: _readAsBytesSync,
#readAsString: _readAsString,
#readAsStringSync: _readAsStringSync,
#readAsLines: _readAsLines,
#readAsLinesSync: _readAsLinesSync,
#writeAsBytes: _writeAsBytes,
#writeAsBytesSync: delegate.writeAsBytesSync,
#writeAsString: _writeAsString,
#writeAsStringSync: delegate.writeAsStringSync,
File wrap(File delegate) => super.wrap(delegate) ?? wrapFile(delegate);
File _newRecordingFile() => recording.newFile(delegate.basename);
RandomAccessFile _wrapRandomAccessFile(RandomAccessFile delegate) =>
new RecordingRandomAccessFile(fileSystem, delegate);
Future<File> _create({bool recursive: false}) =>
delegate.create(recursive: recursive).then(wrap);
Future<File> _copy(String newPath) => delegate.copy(newPath).then(wrap);
File _copySync(String newPath) => wrap(delegate.copySync(newPath));
Future<RandomAccessFile> _open({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) => mode).then(_wrapRandomAccessFile);
RandomAccessFile _openSync({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) =>
_wrapRandomAccessFile(delegate.openSync(mode: mode));
StreamReference<List<int>> _openRead([int start, int end]) {
return new _BlobStreamReference<List<int>>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
stream: delegate.openRead(start, end),
writer: (File file, List<int> bytes) {
file.writeAsBytesSync(bytes, mode: FileMode.APPEND, flush: true);
IOSink _openWrite({FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE, Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return new RecordingIOSink(
delegate.openWrite(mode: mode, encoding: encoding),
FutureReference<List<int>> _readAsBytes() {
return new _BlobFutureReference<List<int>>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
future: delegate.readAsBytes(),
writer: (File file, List<int> bytes) async {
await file.writeAsBytes(bytes, flush: true);
ResultReference<List<int>> _readAsBytesSync() {
return new _BlobReference<List<int>>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
value: delegate.readAsBytesSync(),
writer: (File file, List<int> bytes) {
file.writeAsBytesSync(bytes, flush: true);
FutureReference<String> _readAsString({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return new _BlobFutureReference<String>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
future: delegate.readAsString(encoding: encoding),
writer: (File file, String content) async {
await file.writeAsString(content, flush: true);
ResultReference<String> _readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return new _BlobReference<String>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
value: delegate.readAsStringSync(encoding: encoding),
writer: (File file, String content) {
file.writeAsStringSync(content, flush: true);
FutureReference<List<String>> _readAsLines({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return new _BlobFutureReference<List<String>>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
future: delegate.readAsLines(encoding: encoding),
writer: (File file, List<String> lines) async {
await file.writeAsString(lines.join('\n'), flush: true);
ResultReference<List<String>> _readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) {
return new _BlobReference<List<String>>(
file: _newRecordingFile(),
value: delegate.readAsLinesSync(encoding: encoding),
writer: (File file, List<String> lines) {
file.writeAsStringSync(lines.join('\n'), flush: true);
Future<File> _writeAsBytes(
List<int> bytes, {
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
bool flush: false,
}) =>
delegate.writeAsBytes(bytes, mode: mode, flush: flush).then(wrap);
Future<File> _writeAsString(
String contents, {
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8,
bool flush: false,
}) =>
.writeAsString(contents, mode: mode, encoding: encoding, flush: flush)
/// A [ResultReference] that serializes its value data to a separate file.
class _BlobReference<T> extends ResultReference<T> {
final File _file;
final T _value;
final _BlobDataSyncWriter<T> _writer;
@required File file,
@required T value,
@required _BlobDataSyncWriter<T> writer,
: _file = file,
_value = value,
_writer = writer;
T get value {
_writer(_file, _value);
return _value;
T get recordedValue => _value;
String get serializedValue => '!${_file.basename}';
/// A [FutureReference] that serializes its value data to a separate file.
class _BlobFutureReference<T> extends FutureReference<T> {
final File _file;
final _BlobDataAsyncWriter<T> _writer;
@required File file,
@required Future<T> future,
@required _BlobDataAsyncWriter<T> writer,
: _file = file,
_writer = writer,
Future<T> get value {
return super.value.then((T value) async {
await _writer(_file, value);
return value;
String get serializedValue => '!${_file.basename}';
/// A [StreamReference] that serializes its value data to a separate file.
class _BlobStreamReference<T> extends StreamReference<T> {
final File _file;
final _BlobDataSyncWriter<T> _writer;
@required File file,
@required Stream<T> stream,
@required _BlobDataSyncWriter<T> writer,
: _file = file,
_writer = writer,
void onData(T event) {
_writer(_file, event);
String get serializedValue => '!${_file.basename}';