blob: 3e12c43e88b3c1e9095f37d65432797076339ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of file.src.backends.chroot;
typedef dynamic _SetupCallback();
class _ChrootFile extends _ChrootFileSystemEntity<File, io.File>
with ForwardingFile {
_ChrootFile(ChrootFileSystem fs, String path) : super(fs, path);
factory _ChrootFile.wrapped(
ChrootFileSystem fs,
io.File delegate, {
bool relative: false,
}) {
String localPath = fs._local(delegate.path, relative: relative);
return new _ChrootFile(fs, localPath);
FileSystemEntityType get expectedType => FileSystemEntityType.FILE;
io.File _rawDelegate(String path) => fileSystem.delegate.file(path);
Future<File> rename(String newPath) async {
_SetupCallback setUp = () async {};
if (await fileSystem.type(newPath, followLinks: false) ==
FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
// The delegate file system will ensure that the link target references
// an actual file before allowing the rename, but we want the link target
// to be resolved with respect to this file system. Thus, we perform that
// validation here instead.
switch (await fileSystem.type(newPath)) {
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
case FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND:
// Validation passed; delete the link to keep the delegate file
// system's validation from getting in the way.
setUp = () async {
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
throw common.isADirectory(newPath);
// Should never happen.
throw new AssertionError();
if (_isLink) {
switch (await fileSystem.type(path)) {
case FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND:
throw common.noSuchFileOrDirectory(path);
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
throw common.isADirectory(path);
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
await setUp();
await fileSystem.delegate
return new _ChrootFile(fileSystem, newPath);
throw new AssertionError();
} else {
await setUp();
return wrap(await delegate.rename(fileSystem._real(newPath)));
File renameSync(String newPath) {
_SetupCallback setUp = () {};
if (fileSystem.typeSync(newPath, followLinks: false) ==
FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
// The delegate file system will ensure that the link target references
// an actual file before allowing the rename, but we want the link target
// to be resolved with respect to this file system. Thus, we perform that
// validation here instead.
switch (fileSystem.typeSync(newPath)) {
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
case FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND:
// Validation passed; delete the link to keep the delegate file
// system's validation from getting in the way.
setUp = () {;
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
throw common.isADirectory(newPath);
// Should never happen.
throw new AssertionError();
if (_isLink) {
switch (fileSystem.typeSync(path)) {
case FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND:
throw common.noSuchFileOrDirectory(path);
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
throw common.isADirectory(path);
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
return new _ChrootFile(fileSystem, newPath);
throw new AssertionError();
} else {
return wrap(delegate.renameSync(fileSystem._real(newPath)));
File get absolute => new _ChrootFile(fileSystem, _absolutePath);
Future<File> create({bool recursive: false}) async {
String path = fileSystem._resolve(
followLinks: false,
notFound: recursive ? _NotFoundBehavior.mkdir : _NotFoundBehavior.allow,
String real() => fileSystem._real(path, resolve: false);
Future<FileSystemEntityType> type() =>
fileSystem.delegate.type(real(), followLinks: false);
if (await type() == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
path = fileSystem._resolve(p.basename(path),
from: p.dirname(path), notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.allowAtTail);
switch (await type()) {
case FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND:
await _rawDelegate(real()).create();
return this;
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
// Nothing to do.
return this;
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
throw common.isADirectory(path);
throw new AssertionError();
} else {
return wrap(await _rawDelegate(real()).create());
void createSync({bool recursive: false}) {
String path = fileSystem._resolve(
followLinks: false,
notFound: recursive ? _NotFoundBehavior.mkdir : _NotFoundBehavior.allow,
String real() => fileSystem._real(path, resolve: false);
FileSystemEntityType type() =>
fileSystem.delegate.typeSync(real(), followLinks: false);
if (type() == FileSystemEntityType.LINK) {
path = fileSystem._resolve(p.basename(path),
from: p.dirname(path), notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.allowAtTail);
switch (type()) {
case FileSystemEntityType.NOT_FOUND:
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
// Nothing to do.
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
throw common.isADirectory(path);
throw new AssertionError();
} else {
Future<File> copy(String newPath) async {
return wrap(await getDelegate(followLinks: true)
.copy(fileSystem._real(newPath, followLinks: true)));
File copySync(String newPath) {
return wrap(getDelegate(followLinks: true)
.copySync(fileSystem._real(newPath, followLinks: true)));
Future<int> length() => getDelegate(followLinks: true).length();
int lengthSync() => getDelegate(followLinks: true).lengthSync();
Future<DateTime> lastAccessed() =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).lastAccessed();
DateTime lastAccessedSync() =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).lastAccessedSync();
Future<dynamic> setLastAccessed(DateTime time) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).setLastAccessed(time);
void setLastAccessedSync(DateTime time) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).setLastAccessedSync(time);
Future<DateTime> lastModified() =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).lastModified();
DateTime lastModifiedSync() =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).lastModifiedSync();
Future<dynamic> setLastModified(DateTime time) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).setLastModified(time);
void setLastModifiedSync(DateTime time) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).setLastModifiedSync(time);
Future<RandomAccessFile> open({
FileMode mode: FileMode.READ,
}) async =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).open(mode: mode);
RandomAccessFile openSync({FileMode mode: FileMode.READ}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).openSync(mode: mode);
Stream<List<int>> openRead([int start, int end]) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).openRead(start, end);
IOSink openWrite({
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8,
}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).openWrite(mode: mode, encoding: encoding);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).readAsBytes();
List<int> readAsBytesSync() =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).readAsBytesSync();
Future<String> readAsString({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).readAsString(encoding: encoding);
String readAsStringSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).readAsStringSync(encoding: encoding);
Future<List<String>> readAsLines({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).readAsLines(encoding: encoding);
List<String> readAsLinesSync({Encoding encoding: UTF8}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).readAsLinesSync(encoding: encoding);
Future<File> writeAsBytes(
List<int> bytes, {
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
bool flush: false,
}) async =>
wrap(await getDelegate(followLinks: true).writeAsBytes(
mode: mode,
flush: flush,
void writeAsBytesSync(
List<int> bytes, {
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
bool flush: false,
}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true)
.writeAsBytesSync(bytes, mode: mode, flush: flush);
Future<File> writeAsString(
String contents, {
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8,
bool flush: false,
}) async =>
wrap(await getDelegate(followLinks: true).writeAsString(
mode: mode,
encoding: encoding,
flush: flush,
void writeAsStringSync(
String contents, {
FileMode mode: FileMode.WRITE,
Encoding encoding: UTF8,
bool flush: false,
}) =>
getDelegate(followLinks: true).writeAsStringSync(
mode: mode,
encoding: encoding,
flush: flush,