blob: 245dd7c4727814f4f34a8c71c6fcd18dadd2555d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/header_parser/clang_bindings/clang_bindings.dart'
as clang;
/// Name of the dynamic library file according to current platform.
String get dylibFileName {
String name;
if (Platform.isLinux) {
name = libclang_dylib_linux;
} else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
name = libclang_dylib_macos;
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
name = libclang_dylib_windows;
} else {
throw Exception('Unsupported Platform.');
return name;
const llvmPath = 'llvm-path';
/// Name of the parent folder of dynamic library `lib` or `bin` (on windows).
String get dynamicLibParentName => Platform.isWindows ? 'bin' : 'lib';
const output = 'output';
// Sub-keys of output.
const bindings = "bindings";
const symbolFile = 'symbol-file';
const language = 'language';
// String mappings for the Language enum.
const langC = 'c';
const langObjC = 'objc';
// Clang command line args for Objective C.
const clangLangObjC = ['-x', 'objective-c'];
const clangObjCBoolDefine = '__OBJC_BOOL_IS_BOOL';
const clangInclude = '-include';
// Special objective C types.
const objcBOOL = 'BOOL';
const objcInstanceType = 'instancetype';
const headers = 'headers';
// Sub-fields of headers
const entryPoints = 'entry-points';
const includeDirectives = 'include-directives';
const compilerOpts = 'compiler-opts';
const compilerOptsAuto = 'compiler-opts-automatic';
// Sub-fields of compilerOptsAuto.
const macos = 'macos';
// Sub-fields of macos.
const includeCStdLib = 'include-c-standard-library';
// Declarations.
const functions = 'functions';
const structs = 'structs';
const unions = 'unions';
const enums = 'enums';
const unnamedEnums = 'unnamed-enums';
const globals = 'globals';
const macros = 'macros';
const typedefs = 'typedefs';
const objcInterfaces = 'objc-interfaces';
const excludeAllByDefault = 'exclude-all-by-default';
// Sub-fields of Declarations.
const include = 'include';
const exclude = 'exclude';
const rename = 'rename';
const memberRename = 'member-rename';
const symbolAddress = 'symbol-address';
// Nested under `functions`
const exposeFunctionTypedefs = 'expose-typedefs';
const leafFunctions = 'leaf';
const varArgFunctions = 'variadic-arguments';
// Nested under varArg entries
const postfix = "postfix";
const types = "types";
// Sub-fields of ObjC interfaces.
const objcModule = 'module';
const dependencyOnly = 'dependency-only';
// Values for `compoundDependencies`.
const fullCompoundDependencies = 'full';
const opaqueCompoundDependencies = 'opaque';
const structPack = 'pack';
const Map<Object, int?> packingValuesMap = {
'none': null,
1: 1,
2: 2,
4: 4,
8: 8,
16: 16,
// Sizemap values.
const SChar = 'char';
const UChar = 'unsigned char';
const Short = 'short';
const UShort = 'unsigned short';
const Int = 'int';
const UInt = 'unsigned int';
const Long = 'long';
const ULong = 'unsigned long';
const LongLong = 'long long';
const ULongLong = 'unsigned long long';
const Enum = 'enum';
// Used for validation and extraction of sizemap.
const sizemap_native_mapping = <String, int>{
SChar: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_SChar,
UChar: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_UChar,
Short: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_Short,
UShort: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_UShort,
Int: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_Int,
UInt: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_UInt,
Long: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_Long,
ULong: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_ULong,
LongLong: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_LongLong,
ULongLong: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_ULongLong,
Enum: clang.CXTypeKind.CXType_Enum
// Library imports.
const libraryImports = 'library-imports';
// Sub Keys of symbol file.
const symbols = 'symbols';
// Symbol file yaml.
const formatVersion = "format_version";
/// Current symbol file format version.
/// This is generated when generating any symbol file. When importing any other
/// symbol file, this version is compared according to `semantic` versioning
/// to determine compatibility.
const symbolFileFormatVersion = "1.0.0";
const files = "files";
const usedConfig = "used-config";
const import = 'import';
const defaultSymbolFileImportPrefix = 'imp';
// Sub keys of import.
const symbolFilesImport = 'symbol-files';
// Sub-Sub keys of symbolFilesImport.
const importPath = 'import-path';
final predefinedLibraryImports = { ffiImport, ffiPkgImport
const typeMap = 'type-map';
// Sub-fields for type-map.
const typeMapTypedefs = 'typedefs';
const typeMapStructs = 'structs';
const typeMapUnions = 'unions';
const typeMapNativeTypes = 'native-types';
// Sub-sub-keys for fields under typeMap.
const lib = 'lib';
const cType = 'c-type';
const dartType = 'dart-type';
const supportedNativeType_mappings = <String, SupportedNativeType>{
'Void': SupportedNativeType.Void,
'Uint8': SupportedNativeType.Uint8,
'Uint16': SupportedNativeType.Uint16,
'Uint32': SupportedNativeType.Uint32,
'Uint64': SupportedNativeType.Uint64,
'Int8': SupportedNativeType.Int8,
'Int16': SupportedNativeType.Int16,
'Int32': SupportedNativeType.Int32,
'Int64': SupportedNativeType.Int64,
'IntPtr': SupportedNativeType.IntPtr,
'Float': SupportedNativeType.Float,
'Double': SupportedNativeType.Double,
// Boolean flags.
const sort = 'sort';
const useSupportedTypedefs = 'use-supported-typedefs';
const useDartHandle = 'use-dart-handle';
const comments = 'comments';
// Sub-fields of comments.
const style = 'style';
const length = 'length';
// Sub-fields of style.
const doxygen = 'doxygen';
const any = 'any';
// Sub-fields of length.
const brief = 'brief';
const full = 'full';
// Cmd line comment option.
const fparseAllComments = '-fparse-all-comments';
// Library input.
const name = 'name';
const description = 'description';
const preamble = 'preamble';
// Dynamic library names.
const libclang_dylib_linux = '';
const libclang_dylib_macos = 'libclang.dylib';
const libclang_dylib_windows = 'libclang.dll';
// Dynamic library default locations.
const linuxDylibLocations = {
const windowsDylibLocations = {
r'C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\',
const macOsDylibLocations = {
// Default Xcode commandline tools installation.
// Default path for LLVM installed with apt-get.
// Default path for LLVM installed with brew.
// Default Xcode installation.
// Last because it does not include ObjectiveC headers by default.
// See
const xcodeDylibLocation = 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/';
// Writen doubles.
const doubleInfinity = 'double.infinity';
const doubleNegativeInfinity = 'double.negativeInfinity';
const doubleNaN = 'double.nan';
/// USR for struct `_Dart_Handle`.
const dartHandleUsr = 'c:@S@_Dart_Handle';
const ffiNative = 'ffi-native';
const ffiNativeAsset = 'asset';
Directory? _tmpDir;
/// A path to a unique temporary directory that should be used for files meant
/// to be discarded after the current execution is finished.
String get tmpDir {
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('TEST_TMPDIR')) {
return Platform.environment['TEST_TMPDIR']!;
_tmpDir ??= Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
return _tmpDir!.path;