blob: 2e2f189ef230fb44b2e85f73aa7497393284b4f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'binding_string.dart';
import 'writer.dart';
/// Base class for all Bindings.
/// Do not extend directly, use [LookUpBinding] or [NoLookUpBinding].
abstract class Binding {
/// Holds the Unified Symbol Resolution string obtained from libclang.
final String usr;
/// The name as it was in C.
final String originalName;
/// Binding name to generate, may get changed to resolve name conflicts.
String name;
final String? dartDoc;
final bool isInternal;
required this.usr,
required this.originalName,
this.isInternal = false,
/// Get all dependencies, including itself and save them in [dependencies].
void addDependencies(Set<Binding> dependencies);
/// Converts a Binding to its actual string representation.
/// Note: This does not print the typedef dependencies.
/// Must call [getTypedefDependencies] first.
BindingString toBindingString(Writer w);
/// Base class for bindings which look up symbols in dynamic library.
abstract class LookUpBinding extends Binding {
String? usr,
String? originalName,
required String name,
String? dartDoc,
bool isInternal = false,
}) : super(
usr: usr ?? name,
originalName: originalName ?? name,
name: name,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
isInternal: isInternal,
/// Base class for bindings which don't look up symbols in dynamic library.
abstract class NoLookUpBinding extends Binding {
String? usr,
String? originalName,
required String name,
String? dartDoc,
bool isInternal = false,
}) : super(
usr: usr ?? name,
originalName: originalName ?? name,
name: name,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
isInternal: isInternal,