tree: f44ef09e9a6a6b9abd2af26c87c799538607092f [path history] [tgz]
  1. clang_library/
  2. code_generator/
  3. config_provider/
  4. header_parser/
  5. code_generator.dart
  6. config_provider.dart
  7. find_resource.dart
  8. header_parser.dart
  10. strings.dart

package:ffigen: Internal Working

Table of Contents -

  1. Overview
  2. LibClang
    1. The Wrapper library
    2. Generation and Usage
    3. Bindings
  3. Scripts
    1. ffigen.dart
    2. setup.dart
  4. Components
    1. Config Provider
    2. Header Parser
    3. Code Generator


package:ffigen simplifies the process of generating dart:ffi bindings from C header files. It is simple to use, with the input being a small YAML config file. It requires LLVM (9+) to work. This document tries to give a complete overview of every component without going into too many details about every single class/file.


package:ffigen binds to LibClang using dart:ffi for parsing C header files. A wrapper library must be generated to use it, as dart:ffi currently doesn't support structs by value.

The Wrapper library

Note: The wrapper is only needed because dart:ffi currently doesn't support Structs by value.

The wrapper.c file consists of functions that wrap LibClang functions. Most of them simply convert structs by value to pointers. Except -

  • clang_visitChildren_wrap - The bindings for this function internally uses a list of stack for maintaining the supplied visitor functions. This is required because this function takes a function pointer which itself passes a struct by value. All this effort makes clang_visitChildren_wrap behave exactly like clang_visitChildren.

Generation and Usage

The files needed for generating the wrapper are in lib/src/clang_library.

The wrapper.def file is only needed on windows because the symbols are otherwise hidden.

The libclang wrapper can be manually generated using pub run ffigen:setup. See setup.dart for details.

The generated file is placed in the project's .dart_tool/ffigen folder, the file name also specifies the ffigen version (E.g - _v0_2_4_libclang_wrapper.dylib), this helps ensure the correct wrapper is being used for its corresponding version.

This dynamic library is then used by Header Parser for parsing C files.


The config file for generating bindings is tool/libclang_config.yaml. The bindings are generated to lib/src/header_parser/clang_bindings/clang_bindings.dart. These are used by Header Parser for calling libclang functions.



This is the main entry point for the user- pub run ffigen.

  • Command-line options:
    • --verbose: Sets log level.
    • --config: Specifies a config file.
  • ffigen.dart will first check if a dynamic library already exists and is up to date. If not, it tries to auto-create it. If that fails, user must excplicitly call setup.dart.
  • The internal modules are called by ffigen.dart in the following way:
    • It first creates a Config object from an input Yaml file. This is used by other modules.
    • The parse method is then invoked to generate a Library object.
    • Finally, the code is generated from the Library object to the specified file.


Used to generate the wrapper dynamic library. Users will need to explicitly call this if pub run ffigen is unable to auto-create the dynamic library.

clang must be on user's path for setup.dart to work.

  • Command-line options:
    • -I: Specifies header includes.
    • -L: Specifies library includes.
  • setup.dart generates the dynamic library to the project's .dart_tool/ffigen folder using clang.


Config Provider

The Config Provider holds all the configurations required by other modules.

  • Config Provider handles validation and extraction of configurations from YAML files.
  • Config Provider converts configurations to the format required by other modules. This object is passed around to every other module.

Header Parser

The Header Parser parses C header files and converts them into a Library object.

  • Header Parser handles including/excluding/renaming of declarations.
  • Header Parser also filters out any unimplemented or unsupported declarations before generating a Library object.

Code Generator

The Code Generator generates the actual string bindings.

  • Code generator handles all external name collisions, while internal name conflicts are handled by each specific Binding.
  • Code Generator also handles how workarounds for arrays and bools are generated.