blob: a417a182fca27535c55ded4f2603923c0e91367f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Contains all the neccesary classes required by config.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:quiver/pattern.dart' as quiver;
class CommentType {
CommentStyle style;
CommentLength length;
CommentType(, this.length);
/// Sets default style as [CommentStyle.doxygen], default length as
/// [CommentLength.full].
: style = CommentStyle.doxygen,
length = CommentLength.full;
/// Disables any comments.
: style = CommentStyle.doxygen,
length = CommentLength.none;
enum CommentStyle { doxygen, any }
enum CommentLength { none, brief, full }
/// Represents a single specification in configurations.
/// [E] is the return type of the extractedResult.
class Specification<E> {
final bool Function(String name, dynamic value) validator;
final E Function(dynamic map) extractor;
final E Function() defaultValue;
final Requirement requirement;
final void Function(dynamic result) extractedResult;
@required this.extractedResult,
@required this.validator,
@required this.extractor,
this.requirement =,
enum Requirement { yes, prefer, no }
// Holds headers and filters for header.
class Headers {
/// Path to headers.
/// This contains all the headers, after extraction from Globs.
List<String> entryPoints = [];
/// Include filter for headers.
HeaderIncludeFilter includeFilter = GlobHeaderFilter();
Headers({this.entryPoints, this.includeFilter});
abstract class HeaderIncludeFilter {
bool shouldInclude(String headerSourceFile);
class GlobHeaderFilter extends HeaderIncludeFilter {
List<quiver.Glob> includeGlobs = [];
bool shouldInclude(String header) {
// Return true if header was included.
for (final globPattern in includeGlobs) {
if (quiver.matchesFull(globPattern, header)) {
return true;
// If any includedInclusionHeaders is provided, return false.
if (includeGlobs.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
/// A generic declaration config.
class Declaration {
// matchers
List<RegExp> _includeMatchers = [];
Set<String> _includeFull = {};
List<RegExp> _excludeMatchers = [];
Set<String> _excludeFull = {};
String _globalPrefix = '';
Map<String, String> _prefixReplacement = {};
List<String> includeMatchers,
List<String> includeFull,
List<String> excludeMatchers,
List<String> excludeFull,
String globalPrefix,
Map<String, String> prefixReplacement,
}) {
if (includeMatchers != null) {
_includeMatchers = => RegExp(e, dotAll: true)).toList();
if (includeFull != null) {
_includeFull = => e).toSet();
if (excludeMatchers != null) {
_excludeMatchers = => RegExp(e, dotAll: true)).toList();
if (excludeFull != null) {
_excludeFull = => e).toSet();
if (globalPrefix != null) {
_globalPrefix = globalPrefix;
if (prefixReplacement != null) {
_prefixReplacement = prefixReplacement;
/// Applies prefix and replacement and returns the result.
/// Also logs warnings if declaration starts with '_'.
String getPrefixedName(String name) {
// Apply prefix replacement.
for (final pattern in _prefixReplacement.keys) {
if (name.startsWith(pattern)) {
name = name.replaceFirst(pattern, _prefixReplacement[pattern]);
// Apply global prefixes.
name = '${_globalPrefix}$name';
return name;
/// Checks if a name is allowed by a filter.
bool shouldInclude(String name) {
if (_excludeFull.contains(name)) {
return false;
for (final em in _excludeMatchers) {
if (em.firstMatch(name)?.end == name.length) {
return false;
if (_includeFull.contains(name)) {
return true;
for (final im in _includeMatchers) {
if (im.firstMatch(name)?.end == name.length) {
return true;
// If user has provided 'include' field in the filter, then default
// matching is false.
if (_includeMatchers.isNotEmpty || _includeFull.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
} else {
return true;