Use getDartType rather than getFfiDartType in ObjC block codegen (#632)

* Blocks returning proper user facing types

* More tests and refactors

* fmt

* Fix test

* Fix vararg test

* Partial fix for block ref counts

* More block ref counting fixes

* fmt

* Daco's comments
diff --git a/ b/
index d9d4b88..2d90855 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 - Fix ObjC methods returning instancetype having the wrong type in sublasses.
 - When generating typedefs for `Pointer<NativeFunction<Function>>`, also
   generate a typedef for the `Function`.
+- Use Dart wrapper types in args and returns of ObjCBlocks.
 - Bump min SDK version to
 # 9.0.1
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/func_type.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/func_type.dart
index e1d0793..1e734bc 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/func_type.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/func_type.dart
@@ -23,81 +23,66 @@
     this.varArgParameters = const [],
-  String _getCacheKeyString(
-      bool writeArgumentNames, String Function(Type) typeToString) {
-    final sb = StringBuffer();
+  String _getTypeImpl(
+      bool writeArgumentNames, String Function(Type) typeToString,
+      {String? varArgWrapper}) {
+    final params = varArgWrapper != null ? parameters : dartTypeParameters;
+    String? varArgPack;
+    if (varArgWrapper != null && varArgParameters.isNotEmpty) {
+      final varArgPackBuf = StringBuffer();
+      varArgPackBuf.write("$varArgWrapper<(");
+      varArgPackBuf.write((varArgParameters).map<String>((p) {
+        return '${typeToString(p.type)} ${writeArgumentNames ? : ""}';
+      }).join(', '));
+      varArgPackBuf.write(",)>");
+      varArgPack = varArgPackBuf.toString();
+    }
     // Write return Type.
+    final sb = StringBuffer();
     // Write Function.
     sb.write(' Function(');
-    sb.write(<String>((p) {
-      return '${typeToString(p.type)} ${writeArgumentNames ? : ""}';
-    }).join(', '));
+    sb.write([
+<String>((p) {
+        return '${typeToString(p.type)} ${writeArgumentNames ? : ""}';
+      }),
+      if (varArgPack != null) varArgPack,
+    ].join(', '));
     return sb.toString();
-  String getCType(Writer w, {bool writeArgumentNames = true}) {
-    final sb = StringBuffer();
-    // Write return Type.
-    sb.write(returnType.getCType(w));
-    // Write Function.
-    sb.write(' Function(');
-    sb.write((parameters).map<String>((p) {
-      return '${p.type.getCType(w)} ${writeArgumentNames ? : ""}';
-    }).join(', '));
-    if (varArgParameters.isNotEmpty) {
-      sb.write(", ${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.VarArgs<(");
-      sb.write((varArgParameters).map<String>((p) {
-        return '${p.type.getCType(w)} ${writeArgumentNames ? : ""}';
-      }).join(', '));
-      sb.write(",)>");
-    }
-    sb.write(')');
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
+  String getCType(Writer w, {bool writeArgumentNames = true}) =>
+      _getTypeImpl(writeArgumentNames, (Type t) => t.getCType(w),
+          varArgWrapper: '${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.VarArgs');
-  String getFfiDartType(Writer w, {bool writeArgumentNames = true}) {
-    final sb = StringBuffer();
+  String getFfiDartType(Writer w, {bool writeArgumentNames = true}) =>
+      _getTypeImpl(writeArgumentNames, (Type t) => t.getFfiDartType(w));
-    // Write return Type.
-    sb.write(returnType.getFfiDartType(w));
-    // Write Function.
-    sb.write(' Function(');
-    sb.write(<String>((p) {
-      return '${p.type.getFfiDartType(w)} ${writeArgumentNames ? : ""}';
-    }).join(', '));
-    sb.write(')');
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
+  @override
+  String getDartType(Writer w, {bool writeArgumentNames = true}) =>
+      _getTypeImpl(writeArgumentNames, (Type t) => t.getDartType(w));
   bool get sameFfiDartAndCType =>
       returnType.sameFfiDartAndCType &&
-      parameters.every((p) => p.type.sameFfiDartAndCType) &&
-      varArgParameters.every((p) => p.type.sameFfiDartAndCType);
+      dartTypeParameters.every((p) => p.type.sameFfiDartAndCType);
   bool get sameDartAndCType =>
       returnType.sameDartAndCType &&
-      parameters.every((p) => p.type.sameDartAndCType) &&
-      varArgParameters.every((p) => p.type.sameDartAndCType);
+      dartTypeParameters.every((p) => p.type.sameDartAndCType);
-  String toString() => _getCacheKeyString(false, (Type t) => t.toString());
+  String toString() => _getTypeImpl(false, (Type t) => t.toString());
-  String cacheKey() => _getCacheKeyString(false, (Type t) => t.cacheKey());
+  String cacheKey() => _getTypeImpl(false, (Type t) => t.cacheKey());
   void addDependencies(Set<Binding> dependencies) {
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_block.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_block.dart
index eb891fc..b61efc7 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_block.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_block.dart
@@ -73,31 +73,36 @@
     final trampFuncType = FunctionType(
         returnType: returnType,
         parameters: [Parameter(type: blockPtr, name: 'block'), ...params]);
-    final natTrampFnType = NativeFunc(trampFuncType);
+    final trampFuncCType = trampFuncType.getCType(w, writeArgumentNames: false);
+    final trampFuncFfiDartType =
+        trampFuncType.getFfiDartType(w, writeArgumentNames: false);
+    final natTrampFnType = NativeFunc(trampFuncType).getCType(w);
     final nativeCallableType =
-        '${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.NativeCallable<${trampFuncType.getCType(w)}>';
+        '${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.NativeCallable<$trampFuncCType>';
+    final funcDartType = funcType.getDartType(w, writeArgumentNames: false);
+    final funcFfiDartType =
+        funcType.getFfiDartType(w, writeArgumentNames: false);
+    final returnFfiDartType = returnType.getFfiDartType(w);
+    final blockCType = blockPtr.getCType(w);
+    final paramsNameOnly = =>', ');
+    final paramsFfiDartType =
+ => '${p.type.getFfiDartType(w)} ${}').join(', ');
+    final paramsDartType =
+ => '${p.type.getDartType(w)} ${}').join(', ');
     // Write the function pointer based trampoline function.
-    s.write(returnType.getFfiDartType(w));
-    s.write(' $funcPtrTrampoline(${blockPtr.getCType(w)} block');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write(', ${params[i].type.getFfiDartType(w)} ${params[i].name}');
-    }
-    s.write(') {\n');
-    s.write('  ${isVoid ? '' : 'return '}<'
-        '${natFnType.getFfiDartType(w)}>().asFunction<'
-        '${funcType.getFfiDartType(w)}>()(');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write('${i == 0 ? '' : ', '}${params[i].name}');
-    }
-    s.write(');\n');
-    s.write('}\n');
+    s.write('''
+$returnFfiDartType $funcPtrTrampoline($blockCType block, $paramsFfiDartType) =>
+        .asFunction<$funcFfiDartType>()($paramsNameOnly);
     // Write the closure registry function.
-final $closureRegistry = <int, Function>{};
+final $closureRegistry = <int, $funcFfiDartType>{};
 int $closureRegistryIndex = 0;
-$voidPtr $registerClosure(Function fn) {
+$voidPtr $registerClosure($funcFfiDartType fn) {
   final id = ++$closureRegistryIndex;
   $closureRegistry[id] = fn;
   return $voidPtr.fromAddress(id);
@@ -105,33 +110,30 @@
     // Write the closure based trampoline function.
-    s.write(returnType.getFfiDartType(w));
-    s.write(' $closureTrampoline(${blockPtr.getCType(w)} block');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write(', ${params[i].type.getFfiDartType(w)} ${params[i].name}');
-    }
-    s.write(') {\n');
-    s.write('  ${isVoid ? '' : 'return '}');
-    s.write('($closureRegistry[]');
-    s.write(' as ${returnType.getFfiDartType(w)} Function(');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write('${i == 0 ? '' : ', '}${params[i].type.getFfiDartType(w)}');
-    }
-    s.write('))');
-    s.write('(');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write('${i == 0 ? '' : ', '}${params[i].name}');
-    }
-    s.write(');\n');
-    s.write('}\n');
+    s.write('''
+$returnFfiDartType $closureTrampoline($blockCType block, $paramsFfiDartType) =>
+    $closureRegistry[]!($paramsNameOnly);
+    // Snippet that converts a Dart typed closure to FfiDart type. This snippet
+    // is used below. Note that the closure being converted is called `fn`.
+    final convertedFnArgs = params
+        .map((p) => p.type
+            .convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(w,, 'lib', objCRetain: true))
+        .join(', ');
+    final convFnInvocation = returnType.convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+        w, 'fn($convertedFnArgs)',
+        objCRetain: true);
+    final convFn = '($paramsFfiDartType) => $convFnInvocation';
     // Write the wrapper class.
     final defaultValue = returnType.getDefaultValue(w, '_lib');
     final exceptionalReturn = defaultValue == null ? '' : ', $defaultValue';
 class $name extends _ObjCBlockBase {
-  $name._(${blockPtr.getCType(w)} id, ${w.className} lib) :
-      super._(id, lib, retain: false, release: true);
+  $name._($blockCType id, ${w.className} lib,
+      {bool retain = false, bool release = true}) :
+          super._(id, lib, retain: retain, release: release);
   /// Creates a block from a C function pointer.
@@ -141,7 +143,7 @@
   $name.fromFunctionPointer(${w.className} lib, $natFnPtr ptr) :
           _cFuncTrampoline ??= ${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.Pointer.fromFunction<
-              ${trampFuncType.getCType(w)}>($funcPtrTrampoline
+              $trampFuncCType>($funcPtrTrampoline
                   $exceptionalReturn).cast(), ptr.cast()), lib);
   static $voidPtr? _cFuncTrampoline;
@@ -150,11 +152,11 @@
   /// This block must be invoked by native code running on the same thread as
   /// the isolate that registered it. Invoking the block on the wrong thread
   /// will result in a crash.
-  $name.fromFunction(${w.className} lib, ${funcType.getFfiDartType(w)} fn) :
+  $name.fromFunction(${w.className} lib, $funcDartType fn) :
           _dartFuncTrampoline ??= ${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.Pointer.fromFunction<
-              ${trampFuncType.getCType(w)}>($closureTrampoline
-                  $exceptionalReturn).cast(), $registerClosure(fn)), lib);
+              $trampFuncCType>($closureTrampoline
+                  $exceptionalReturn).cast(), $registerClosure($convFn)), lib);
   static $voidPtr? _dartFuncTrampoline;
@@ -171,31 +173,30 @@
   /// Note that unlike the default behavior of NativeCallable.listener, listener
   /// blocks do not keep the isolate alive.
-  $name.listener(${w.className} lib, ${funcType.getFfiDartType(w)} fn) :
+  $name.listener(${w.className} lib, $funcDartType fn) :
-          (_dartFuncListenerTrampoline ??= $nativeCallableType.listener($closureTrampoline
-                  $exceptionalReturn)..keepIsolateAlive = false).nativeFunction.cast(),
-          $registerClosure(fn)), lib);
+          (_dartFuncListenerTrampoline ??= $nativeCallableType.listener(
+              $closureTrampoline $exceptionalReturn)..keepIsolateAlive =
+                  false).nativeFunction.cast(),
+          $registerClosure($convFn)), lib);
   static $nativeCallableType? _dartFuncListenerTrampoline;
     // Call method.
-    s.write('  ${returnType.getFfiDartType(w)} call(');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write('${i == 0 ? '' : ', '}${params[i].type.getFfiDartType(w)}');
-      s.write(' ${params[i].name}');
-    }
-    s.write(''') {
-    ${isVoid ? '' : 'return '}_id.ref.invoke.cast<
-        ${natTrampFnType.getCType(w)}>().asFunction<
-            ${trampFuncType.getFfiDartType(w)}>()(_id''');
-    for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
-      s.write(', ${params[i].name}');
-    }
-    s.write(''');
-  }''');
+    s.write('  ${returnType.getDartType(w)} call($paramsDartType) =>');
+    final callMethodArgs = params
+        .map((p) =>
+            p.type.convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(w,, objCRetain: false))
+        .join(', ');
+    final callMethodInvocation = '''
+    _id, $callMethodArgs)''';
+    s.write(returnType.convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+        w, callMethodInvocation, '_lib',
+        objCRetain: false));
+    s.write(';\n');
     return BindingString(
@@ -228,5 +229,23 @@
   bool get sameDartAndCType => false;
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateGetId(value, objCRetain);
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateConstructor(name, value, library, objCRetain);
+  @override
   String toString() => '($returnType (^)(${argTypes.join(', ')}))';
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_built_in_functions.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_built_in_functions.dart
index b772861..60c998b 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_built_in_functions.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_built_in_functions.dart
@@ -239,6 +239,11 @@
   /// Return a pointer to this object.
   $idType get pointer => _id;
+  $idType _retainAndReturnId() {
+    _lib.$retain(_id.cast());
+    return _id;
+  }
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_interface.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_interface.dart
index e4cf260..2ed1f10 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_interface.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_interface.dart
@@ -207,12 +207,19 @@
       s.write(isStatic ? '_lib.${}' : '_id');
       s.write(', _lib.${m.selObject!.name}');
       for (final p in m.params) {
-        s.write(', ${_doArgConversion(p)}');
+        final convertedParam =
+            p.type.convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(w,, objCRetain: false);
+        s.write(', $convertedParam');
       if (convertReturn) {
-        final result = _doReturnConversion(
-            returnType, '_ret', name, '_lib', m.isOwnedReturn);
+        final result = returnType.convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+          w,
+          '_ret',
+          '_lib',
+          objCRetain: !m.isOwnedReturn,
+          objCEnclosingClass: name,
+        );
         s.write('    return $result;');
@@ -394,6 +401,37 @@
   bool get sameDartAndCType => false;
+  @override
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateGetId(value, objCRetain);
+  static String generateGetId(String value, bool objCRetain) =>
+      objCRetain ? '$value._retainAndReturnId()' : '$value._id';
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateConstructor(name, value, library, objCRetain);
+  static String generateConstructor(
+    String className,
+    String value,
+    String library,
+    bool objCRetain,
+  ) {
+    final ownershipFlags = 'retain: $objCRetain, release: true';
+    return '$className._($value, $library, $ownershipFlags)';
+  }
   // Utils for converting between the internal types passed to native code, and
   // the external types visible to the user. For example, ObjCInterfaces are
   // passed to native as Pointer<ObjCObject>, but the user sees the Dart wrapper
@@ -413,44 +451,6 @@
     return type.getDartType(w);
-  String _doArgConversion(ObjCMethodParam arg) {
-    final baseType = arg.type.typealiasType;
-    if (baseType is ObjCNullable) {
-      return '${}?._id ?? ffi.nullptr';
-    } else if (arg.type is ObjCInstanceType ||
-        baseType is ObjCInterface ||
-        baseType is ObjCObjectPointer ||
-        baseType is ObjCBlock) {
-      return '${}._id';
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  String _doReturnConversion(Type type, String value, String enclosingClass,
-      String library, bool isOwnedReturn) {
-    var prefix = '';
-    var baseType = type.typealiasType;
-    if (baseType is ObjCNullable) {
-      prefix = '$value.address == 0 ? null : ';
-      type = baseType.child;
-      baseType = type.typealiasType;
-    }
-    final ownerFlags = 'retain: ${!isOwnedReturn}, release: true';
-    if (type is ObjCInstanceType) {
-      return '$prefix$enclosingClass._($value, $library, $ownerFlags)';
-    }
-    if (baseType is ObjCInterface) {
-      return '$prefix${}._($value, $library, $ownerFlags)';
-    }
-    if (baseType is ObjCBlock) {
-      return '$prefix${}._($value, $library)';
-    }
-    if (baseType is ObjCObjectPointer) {
-      return '${prefix}NSObject._($value, $library, $ownerFlags)';
-    }
-    return prefix + value;
-  }
 enum ObjCMethodKind {
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_nullable.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_nullable.dart
index db57e5f..a8d8c52 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/objc_nullable.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/objc_nullable.dart
@@ -45,6 +45,39 @@
   bool get sameDartAndCType => false;
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) {
+    // This is a bit of a hack, but works for all the types that are allowed to
+    // be a child type. If we add more allowed child types, we may have to start
+    // special casing each type. Turns value._id into value?._id ?? nullptr.
+    final convertedValue = child.convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(w, '$value?',
+        objCRetain: objCRetain);
+    return '$convertedValue ?? ${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.nullptr';
+  }
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) {
+    // All currently supported child types have a Pointer as their FfiDartType.
+    final convertedValue = child.convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+      w,
+      value,
+      library,
+      objCRetain: objCRetain,
+      objCEnclosingClass: objCEnclosingClass,
+    );
+    return '$value.address == 0 ? null : $convertedValue';
+  }
+  @override
   String toString() => '$child?';
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/pointer.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/pointer.dart
index 7536395..dcaf597 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/pointer.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/pointer.dart
@@ -86,4 +86,22 @@
   bool get sameDartAndCType => false;
+  @override
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateGetId(value, objCRetain);
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateConstructor('NSObject', value, library, objCRetain);
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/type.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/type.dart
index 454c783..fff7f0f 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/type.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/type.dart
@@ -54,8 +54,39 @@
   /// Returns whether the dart type and C type string are same.
   bool get sameDartAndCType => sameFfiDartAndCType;
-  /// Returns the string representation of the Type, for debugging purposes
-  /// only. This string should not be printed as generated code.
+  /// Returns generated Dart code that converts the given value from its
+  /// DartType to its FfiDartType.
+  ///
+  /// [value] is the value to be converted. If [objCRetain] is true, the ObjC
+  /// object will be reained (ref count incremented) during conversion.
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      value;
+  /// Returns generated Dart code that converts the given value from its
+  /// FfiDartType to its DartType.
+  ///
+  /// [value] is the value to be converted, and [library] is an instance of the
+  /// native library object. If [objCRetain] is true, the ObjC wrapper object
+  /// will retain (ref count increment) the wrapped object pointer. If this
+  /// conversion is occuring in the context of an ObjC class, then
+  /// [objCEnclosingClass] should be the name of the Dart wrapper class (this is
+  /// used by instancetype).
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      value;
+  /// Returns a human readable string representation of the Type. This is mostly
+  /// just for debugging, but it may also be used for non-functional code (eg to
+  /// name a variable or type in generated code).
   String toString();
@@ -108,6 +139,24 @@
   bool get sameDartAndCType => sameFfiDartAndCType;
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      value;
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      value;
+  @override
   String toString() => originalName;
diff --git a/lib/src/code_generator/typealias.dart b/lib/src/code_generator/typealias.dart
index 834987b..fe971a5 100644
--- a/lib/src/code_generator/typealias.dart
+++ b/lib/src/code_generator/typealias.dart
@@ -142,7 +142,15 @@
-  String getDartType(Writer w) => _dartAliasName ?? type.getDartType(w);
+  String getDartType(Writer w) {
+    if (_dartAliasName != null) {
+      return _dartAliasName!;
+    } else if (type.sameDartAndCType) {
+      return getFfiDartType(w);
+    } else {
+      return type.getDartType(w);
+    }
+  }
   bool get sameFfiDartAndCType => type.sameFfiDartAndCType;
@@ -151,6 +159,30 @@
   bool get sameDartAndCType => type.sameDartAndCType;
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      type.convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(w, value, objCRetain: objCRetain);
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      type.convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+        w,
+        value,
+        library,
+        objCRetain: objCRetain,
+        objCEnclosingClass: objCEnclosingClass,
+      );
+  @override
   String cacheKey() => type.cacheKey();
@@ -173,4 +205,25 @@
   }) : super._();
+  @override
+  String convertDartTypeToFfiDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+  }) =>
+      ObjCInterface.generateGetId(value, objCRetain);
+  @override
+  String convertFfiDartTypeToDartType(
+    Writer w,
+    String value,
+    String library, {
+    required bool objCRetain,
+    String? objCEnclosingClass,
+  }) =>
+      // objCEnclosingClass must be present, because instancetype can only
+      // occur inside a class.
+      ObjCInterface.generateConstructor(
+          objCEnclosingClass!, value, library, objCRetain);
diff --git a/test/native_objc_test/block_config.yaml b/test/native_objc_test/block_config.yaml
index e83c6b7..841439e 100644
--- a/test/native_objc_test/block_config.yaml
+++ b/test/native_objc_test/block_config.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: BlockTestObjCLibrary
-description: 'Tests calling Objective-C blocks'
+description: 'Tests calling Objective-C blocks.'
 language: objc
 output: 'block_bindings.dart'
 exclude-all-by-default: true
diff --git a/test/native_objc_test/block_test.dart b/test/native_objc_test/block_test.dart
index 0253eaf..7ca61d6 100644
--- a/test/native_objc_test/block_test.dart
+++ b/test/native_objc_test/block_test.dart
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
 typedef DoubleBlock = ObjCBlock_ffiDouble_ffiDouble;
 typedef Vec4Block = ObjCBlock_Vec4_Vec4;
 typedef VoidBlock = ObjCBlock_ffiVoid;
+typedef ObjectBlock = ObjCBlock_DummyObject_DummyObject;
+typedef NullableObjectBlock = ObjCBlock_DummyObject_DummyObject1;
+typedef BlockBlock = ObjCBlock_Int32Int32_Int32Int32;
 void main() {
   late BlockTestObjCLibrary lib;
@@ -125,41 +128,111 @@
     test('Struct block', () {
-      final inputPtr = calloc<Vec4>();
-      final input = inputPtr.ref;
-      input.x = 1.2;
-      input.y = 3.4;
-      input.z = 5.6;
-      input.w = 7.8;
+      using((Arena arena) {
+        final inputPtr = arena<Vec4>();
+        final input = inputPtr.ref;
+        input.x = 1.2;
+        input.y = 3.4;
+        input.z = 5.6;
+        input.w = 7.8;
-      final tempPtr = calloc<Vec4>();
-      final temp = tempPtr.ref;
-      final block = Vec4Block.fromFunction(lib, (Vec4 v) {
-        // Twiddle the Vec4 components.
-        temp.x = v.y;
-        temp.y = v.z;
-        temp.z = v.w;
-        temp.w = v.x;
-        return temp;
+        final tempPtr = arena<Vec4>();
+        final temp = tempPtr.ref;
+        final block = Vec4Block.fromFunction(lib, (Vec4 v) {
+          // Twiddle the Vec4 components.
+          temp.x = v.y;
+          temp.y = v.z;
+          temp.z = v.w;
+          temp.w = v.x;
+          return temp;
+        });
+        final result1 = block(input);
+        expect(result1.x, 3.4);
+        expect(result1.y, 5.6);
+        expect(result1.z, 7.8);
+        expect(result1.w, 1.2);
+        final result2Ptr = arena<Vec4>();
+        final result2 = result2Ptr.ref;
+        BlockTester.callVec4Block_(lib, result2Ptr, block);
+        expect(result2.x, 3.4);
+        expect(result2.y, 5.6);
+        expect(result2.z, 7.8);
+        expect(result2.w, 1.2);
+      });
+    });
+    test('Object block', () {
+      bool isCalled = false;
+      final block = ObjectBlock.fromFunction(lib, (DummyObject x) {
+        isCalled = true;
+        return x;
-      final result1 = block(input);
-      expect(result1.x, 3.4);
-      expect(result1.y, 5.6);
-      expect(result1.z, 7.8);
-      expect(result1.w, 1.2);
+      final obj = DummyObject.new1(lib);
+      final result1 = block(obj);
+      expect(result1, obj);
+      expect(isCalled, isTrue);
-      final result2Ptr = calloc<Vec4>();
-      final result2 = result2Ptr.ref;
-      BlockTester.callVec4Block_(lib, result2Ptr, block);
-      expect(result2.x, 3.4);
-      expect(result2.y, 5.6);
-      expect(result2.z, 7.8);
-      expect(result2.w, 1.2);
+      isCalled = false;
+      final result2 = BlockTester.callObjectBlock_(lib, block);
+      expect(result2, isNot(obj));
+      expect(result2.pointer, isNot(nullptr));
+      expect(isCalled, isTrue);
+    });
+    test('Nullable object block', () {
+      bool isCalled = false;
+      final block = NullableObjectBlock.fromFunction(lib, (DummyObject? x) {
+        isCalled = true;
+        return x;
+      });
+      final obj = DummyObject.new1(lib);
+      final result1 = block(obj);
+      expect(result1, obj);
+      expect(isCalled, isTrue);
+      isCalled = false;
+      final result2 = block(null);
+      expect(result2, isNull);
+      expect(isCalled, isTrue);
+      isCalled = false;
+      final result3 = BlockTester.callNullableObjectBlock_(lib, block);
+      expect(result3, isNull);
+      expect(isCalled, isTrue);
+    });
+    test('Block block', () {
+      final blockBlock = BlockBlock.fromFunction(lib, (IntBlock intBlock) {
+        return IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+          return 3 * intBlock(x);
+        });
+      });
+      final intBlock = IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+        return 5 * x;
+      });
+      final result1 = blockBlock(intBlock);
+      expect(result1(1), 15);
+      final result2 = BlockTester.newBlock_withMult_(lib, blockBlock, 2);
+      expect(result2(1), 6);
+    });
+    test('Native block block', () {
+      final blockBlock = BlockTester.newBlockBlock_(lib, 7);
+      final intBlock = IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+        return 5 * x;
+      });
+      final result1 = blockBlock(intBlock);
+      expect(result1(1), 35);
+      final result2 = BlockTester.newBlock_withMult_(lib, blockBlock, 2);
+      expect(result2(1), 14);
     Pointer<Void> funcPointerBlockRefCountTest() {
@@ -172,7 +245,7 @@
     test('Function pointer block ref counting', () {
       final rawBlock = funcPointerBlockRefCountTest();
-      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, rawBlock.cast()), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, rawBlock), 0);
     Pointer<Void> funcBlockRefCountTest() {
@@ -181,10 +254,208 @@
       return block.pointer.cast();
-    test('Function pointer block ref counting', () {
+    test('Function block ref counting', () {
       final rawBlock = funcBlockRefCountTest();
-      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, rawBlock.cast()), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, rawBlock), 0);
+    });
+    (Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)
+        blockBlockDartCallRefCountTest() {
+      final inputBlock = IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+        return 5 * x;
+      });
+      final blockBlock = BlockBlock.fromFunction(lib, (IntBlock intBlock) {
+        return IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+          return 3 * intBlock(x);
+        });
+      });
+      final outputBlock = blockBlock(inputBlock);
+      expect(outputBlock(1), 15);
+      doGC();
+      // One reference held by inputBlock object, another bound to the
+      // outputBlock lambda.
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, inputBlock.pointer.cast()), 2);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      return (
+        inputBlock.pointer.cast(),
+        blockBlock.pointer.cast(),
+        outputBlock.pointer.cast()
+      );
+    }
+    test('Calling a block block from Dart has correct ref counting', () {
+      final (inputBlock, blockBlock, outputBlock) =
+          blockBlockDartCallRefCountTest();
+      doGC();
+      // This leaks because block functions aren't cleaned up at the moment.
+      // TODO( Fix this leak.
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, inputBlock), 1);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock), 0);
+    });
+    (Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)
+        blockBlockObjCCallRefCountTest() {
+      late Pointer<Void> inputBlock;
+      final blockBlock = BlockBlock.fromFunction(lib, (IntBlock intBlock) {
+        inputBlock = intBlock.pointer.cast();
+        return IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+          return 3 * intBlock(x);
+        });
+      });
+      final outputBlock = BlockTester.newBlock_withMult_(lib, blockBlock, 2);
+      expect(outputBlock(1), 6);
+      doGC();
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, inputBlock), 2);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      return (
+        inputBlock,
+        blockBlock.pointer.cast(),
+        outputBlock.pointer.cast()
+      );
+    }
+    test('Calling a block block from ObjC has correct ref counting', () {
+      final (inputBlock, blockBlock, outputBlock) =
+          blockBlockObjCCallRefCountTest();
+      doGC();
+      // This leaks because block functions aren't cleaned up at the moment.
+      // TODO( Fix this leak.
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, inputBlock), 2);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock), 0);
+    });
+    (Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)
+        nativeBlockBlockDartCallRefCountTest() {
+      final inputBlock = IntBlock.fromFunction(lib, (int x) {
+        return 5 * x;
+      });
+      final blockBlock = BlockTester.newBlockBlock_(lib, 7);
+      final outputBlock = blockBlock(inputBlock);
+      expect(outputBlock(1), 35);
+      doGC();
+      // One reference held by inputBlock object, another held internally by the
+      // ObjC implementation of the blockBlock.
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, inputBlock.pointer.cast()), 2);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      return (
+        inputBlock.pointer.cast(),
+        blockBlock.pointer.cast(),
+        outputBlock.pointer.cast()
+      );
+    }
+    test('Calling a native block block from Dart has correct ref counting', () {
+      final (inputBlock, blockBlock, outputBlock) =
+          nativeBlockBlockDartCallRefCountTest();
+      doGC();
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, inputBlock), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock), 0);
+    });
+    (Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>) nativeBlockBlockObjCCallRefCountTest() {
+      final blockBlock = BlockTester.newBlockBlock_(lib, 7);
+      final outputBlock = BlockTester.newBlock_withMult_(lib, blockBlock, 2);
+      expect(outputBlock(1), 14);
+      doGC();
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      expect(
+          BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock.pointer.cast()), 1);
+      return (blockBlock.pointer.cast(), outputBlock.pointer.cast());
+    }
+    test('Calling a native block block from ObjC has correct ref counting', () {
+      final (blockBlock, outputBlock) = nativeBlockBlockObjCCallRefCountTest();
+      doGC();
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, blockBlock), 0);
+      expect(BlockTester.getBlockRetainCount_(lib, outputBlock), 0);
+    });
+    (Pointer<Int32>, Pointer<Int32>) objectBlockRefCountTest(Allocator alloc) {
+      final inputCounter = alloc<Int32>();
+      final outputCounter = alloc<Int32>();
+      inputCounter.value = 0;
+      outputCounter.value = 0;
+      final block = ObjectBlock.fromFunction(lib, (DummyObject x) {
+        return DummyObject.newWithCounter_(lib, outputCounter);
+      });
+      final inputObj = DummyObject.newWithCounter_(lib, inputCounter);
+      final outputObj = block(inputObj);
+      expect(inputCounter.value, 1);
+      expect(outputCounter.value, 1);
+      return (inputCounter, outputCounter);
+    }
+    test('Objects received and returned by blocks have correct ref counts', () {
+      using((Arena arena) {
+        final (inputCounter, outputCounter) = objectBlockRefCountTest(arena);
+        doGC();
+        expect(inputCounter.value, 0);
+        expect(outputCounter.value, 0);
+      });
+    });
+    (Pointer<Int32>, Pointer<Int32>) objectNativeBlockRefCountTest(
+        Allocator alloc) {
+      final inputCounter = alloc<Int32>();
+      final outputCounter = alloc<Int32>();
+      inputCounter.value = 0;
+      outputCounter.value = 0;
+      final block = ObjectBlock.fromFunction(lib, (DummyObject x) {
+        x.setCounter_(inputCounter);
+        return DummyObject.newWithCounter_(lib, outputCounter);
+      });
+      final outputObj = BlockTester.callObjectBlock_(lib, block);
+      expect(inputCounter.value, 1);
+      expect(outputCounter.value, 1);
+      return (inputCounter, outputCounter);
+    }
+    test(
+        'Objects received and returned by native blocks have correct ref counts',
+        () {
+      using((Arena arena) {
+        final (inputCounter, outputCounter) =
+            objectNativeBlockRefCountTest(arena);
+        doGC();
+        // This leaks because block functions aren't cleaned up at the moment.
+        // TODO( Fix this leak.
+        expect(inputCounter.value, 1);
+        expect(outputCounter.value, 0);
+      });
     test('Block fields have sensible values', () {
diff --git a/test/native_objc_test/block_test.m b/test/native_objc_test/block_test.m
index a864f2e..3dd4289 100644
--- a/test/native_objc_test/block_test.m
+++ b/test/native_objc_test/block_test.m
@@ -12,11 +12,47 @@
   double w;
 } Vec4;
+@interface DummyObject : NSObject {
+  int32_t* counter;
++ (instancetype)newWithCounter:(int32_t*) _counter;
+- (instancetype)initWithCounter:(int32_t*) _counter;
+- (void)setCounter:(int32_t*) _counter;
+- (void)dealloc;
+@implementation DummyObject
++ (instancetype)newWithCounter:(int32_t*) _counter {
+  return [[DummyObject alloc] initWithCounter: _counter];
+- (instancetype)initWithCounter:(int32_t*) _counter {
+  counter = _counter;
+  ++*counter;
+  return [super init];
+- (void)setCounter:(int32_t*) _counter {
+  counter = _counter;
+  ++*counter;
+- (void)dealloc {
+  if (counter != nil) --*counter;
+  [super dealloc];
 typedef int32_t (^IntBlock)(int32_t);
 typedef float (^FloatBlock)(float);
 typedef double (^DoubleBlock)(double);
 typedef Vec4 (^Vec4Block)(Vec4);
 typedef void (^VoidBlock)();
+typedef DummyObject* (^ObjectBlock)(DummyObject*);
+typedef DummyObject* _Nullable (^NullableObjectBlock)(DummyObject* _Nullable);
+typedef IntBlock (^BlockBlock)(IntBlock);
 // Wrapper around a block, so that our Dart code can test creating and invoking
 // blocks in Objective C code.
@@ -34,6 +70,10 @@
 + (float)callFloatBlock:(FloatBlock)block;
 + (double)callDoubleBlock:(DoubleBlock)block;
 + (Vec4)callVec4Block:(Vec4Block)block;
++ (DummyObject*)callObjectBlock:(ObjectBlock)block NS_RETURNS_RETAINED;
++ (nullable DummyObject*)callNullableObjectBlock:(NullableObjectBlock)block;
++ (IntBlock)newBlock:(BlockBlock)block withMult:(int)mult;
++ (BlockBlock)newBlockBlock:(int)mult;
 @implementation BlockTester
@@ -116,4 +156,27 @@
   return block(vec4);
++ (DummyObject*)callObjectBlock:(ObjectBlock)block NS_RETURNS_RETAINED {
+  return block([DummyObject new]);
++ (nullable DummyObject*)callNullableObjectBlock:(NullableObjectBlock)block {
+  return block(nil);
++ (IntBlock)newBlock:(BlockBlock)block withMult:(int)mult {
+  return block([^int(int x) {
+    return mult * x;
+  } copy]);
+  // ^ copy this stack allocated block to the heap.
++ (BlockBlock)newBlockBlock:(int)mult {
+  return [^IntBlock(IntBlock block) {
+    return [^int(int x) {
+      return mult * block(x);
+    } copy];
+  } copy];
diff --git a/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.dart b/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.dart
index 9aed94e..b264531 100644
--- a/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.dart
+++ b/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.dart
@@ -64,6 +64,13 @@
         expect(NullableInterface.isNullWithNotNullableNSObjectPtrArg_(lib, obj),
+      test('Explicit non null', () {
+        expect(
+            NullableInterface.isNullWithExplicitNonNullableNSObjectPtrArg_(
+                lib, obj),
+            false);
+      });
diff --git a/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.m b/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.m
index abf1b02..06d257d 100644
--- a/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.m
+++ b/test/native_objc_test/nullable_test.m
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 +(BOOL) isNullWithNullableNSObjectArg:(nullable NSObject *)x;
 +(BOOL) isNullWithNotNullableNSObjectPtrArg:(NSObject *)x;
++(BOOL) isNullWithExplicitNonNullableNSObjectPtrArg:(nonnull NSObject *)x;
 +(nullable NSObject *) returnNil:(BOOL)r;
 @property (nullable, retain) NSObject *nullableObjectProperty;
@@ -21,6 +22,10 @@
   return x == NULL;
++(BOOL) isNullWithExplicitNonNullableNSObjectPtrArg:(nonnull NSObject *)x {
+  return x == NULL;
 +(nullable NSObject *) returnNil:(BOOL)r {
   if (r) {
     return nil;