blob: 552a0d43d31e3279cec0b16e23ba7a5671ebc9d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/config_provider/config_types.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/header_parser/data.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import '../clang_bindings/clang_bindings.dart' as clang_types;
import '../includer.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
final _logger = Logger('ffigen.header_parser.functiondecl_parser');
/// Holds temporary information regarding [Func] while parsing.
class _ParserFunc {
/// Multiple values are since there may be more than one instance of the
/// same base C function with different variadic arguments.
List<Func> funcs = [];
bool incompleteStructParameter = false;
bool unimplementedParameterType = false;
final _stack = Stack<_ParserFunc>();
/// Parses a function declaration.
List<Func>? parseFunctionDeclaration(clang_types.CXCursor cursor) {
final funcUsr = cursor.usr();
final funcName = cursor.spelling();
if (shouldIncludeFunc(funcUsr, funcName)) {
_logger.fine('++++ Adding Function: ${cursor.completeStringRepr()}');
final rt = _getFunctionReturnType(cursor);
final parameters = _getParameters(cursor, funcName);
if (clang.clang_Cursor_isFunctionInlined(cursor) != 0) {
_logger.fine('---- Removed Function, reason: inline function: '
"Skipped Function '$funcName', inline functions are not supported.");
// Returning empty so that [addToBindings] function excludes this.
return _stack.pop().funcs;
if (rt.isIncompleteCompound || {
'---- Removed Function, reason: Incomplete struct pass/return by '
'value: ${cursor.completeStringRepr()}');
"Skipped Function '$funcName', Incomplete struct pass/return by "
'value not supported.');
// Returning null so that [addToBindings] function excludes this.
return _stack.pop().funcs;
if (rt.baseType is UnimplementedType || {
_logger.fine('---- Removed Function, reason: unsupported return type or '
'parameter type: ${cursor.completeStringRepr()}');
"Skipped Function '$funcName', function has unsupported return type "
'or parameter type.');
// Returning null so that [addToBindings] function excludes this.
return _stack.pop().funcs;
// Initialized with a single value with no prefix and empty var args.
var varArgFunctions = [VarArgFunction('', [])];
if (config.varArgFunctions.containsKey(funcName)) {
if (clang.clang_isFunctionTypeVariadic(cursor.type()) == 1) {
varArgFunctions = config.varArgFunctions[funcName]!;
} else {
"Skipping variadic-argument config for function $funcName since its not variadic.");
for (final vaFunc in varArgFunctions) {
dartDoc: getCursorDocComment(
nesting.length + commentPrefix.length,
usr: funcUsr + vaFunc.postfix,
name: config.functionDecl.renameUsingConfig(funcName) + vaFunc.postfix,
originalName: funcName,
returnType: rt,
parameters: parameters,
varArgParameters: => Parameter(type: ta, name: 'va')).toList(),
isLeaf: config.leafFunctions.shouldInclude(funcName),
ffiNativeConfig: config.ffiNativeConfig,
} else if (bindingsIndex.isSeenFunc(funcUsr)) {!);
return _stack.pop().funcs;
Type _getFunctionReturnType(clang_types.CXCursor cursor) {
return cursor.returnType().toCodeGenType();
List<Parameter> _getParameters(clang_types.CXCursor cursor, String funcName) {
final parameters = <Parameter>[];
final totalArgs = clang.clang_Cursor_getNumArguments(cursor);
for (var i = 0; i < totalArgs; i++) {
final paramCursor = clang.clang_Cursor_getArgument(cursor, i);
_logger.finer('===== parameter: ${paramCursor.completeStringRepr()}');
final pt = _getParameterType(paramCursor);
if (pt.isIncompleteCompound) { = true;
} else if (pt.baseType is UnimplementedType) {
_logger.finer('Unimplemented type: ${pt.baseType}'); = true;
final pn = paramCursor.spelling();
/// If [pn] is null or empty, its set to `arg$i` by code_generator.
originalName: pn,
name: config.functionDecl.renameMemberUsingConfig(funcName, pn),
type: pt,
return parameters;
Type _getParameterType(clang_types.CXCursor cursor) {
return cursor.toCodeGenType();