blob: b6b97a34270cee15320ad8f1af0c48cca51bffac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'binding_string.dart';
import 'type.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'writer.dart';
enum CompoundType { struct, union }
/// A binding for Compound type - Struct/Union.
abstract class Compound extends NoLookUpBinding {
/// Marker for if a struct definition is complete.
/// A function can be safely pass this struct by value if it's complete.
bool isInComplete;
List<Member> members;
bool get isOpaque => members.isEmpty;
/// Value for `@Packed(X)` annotation. Can be null(no packing), 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
/// Only supported for [CompoundType.struct].
int? pack;
/// Marker for checking if the dependencies are parsed.
bool parsedDependencies = false;
CompoundType compoundType;
bool get isStruct => compoundType == CompoundType.struct;
bool get isUnion => compoundType == CompoundType.union;
String? usr,
String? originalName,
required String name,
required this.compoundType,
this.isInComplete = false,
String? dartDoc,
List<Member>? members,
}) : members = members ?? [],
usr: usr,
originalName: originalName,
name: name,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
factory Compound.fromType({
required CompoundType type,
String? usr,
String? originalName,
required String name,
bool isInComplete = false,
int? pack,
String? dartDoc,
List<Member>? members,
}) {
switch (type) {
case CompoundType.struct:
return Struc(
usr: usr,
originalName: originalName,
name: name,
isInComplete: isInComplete,
pack: pack,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
members: members,
case CompoundType.union:
return Union(
usr: usr,
originalName: originalName,
name: name,
isInComplete: isInComplete,
pack: pack,
dartDoc: dartDoc,
members: members,
List<int> _getArrayDimensionLengths(Type type) {
final array = <int>[];
var startType = type;
while (startType.broadType == BroadType.ConstantArray) {
startType = startType.child!;
return array;
String _getInlineArrayTypeString(Type type, Writer w) {
if (type.broadType == BroadType.ConstantArray) {
return '${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.Array<${_getInlineArrayTypeString(type.child!, w)}>';
return type.getCType(w);
BindingString toBindingString(Writer w) {
final s = StringBuffer();
final enclosingClassName = name;
if (dartDoc != null) {
/// Adding [enclosingClassName] because dart doesn't allow class member
/// to have the same name as the class.
final localUniqueNamer = UniqueNamer({enclosingClassName});
/// Write @Packed(X) annotation if struct is packed.
if (isStruct && pack != null) {
final dartClassName = isStruct ? 'Struct' : 'Union';
// Write class declaration.
'class $enclosingClassName extends ${w.ffiLibraryPrefix}.${isOpaque ? 'Opaque' : dartClassName}{\n');
const depth = ' ';
for (final m in members) {
final memberName = localUniqueNamer.makeUnique(;
if (m.type.broadType == BroadType.ConstantArray) {
'${depth}external ${_getInlineArrayTypeString(m.type, w)} $memberName;\n\n');
} else {
if (m.dartDoc != null) {
s.write(depth + '/// ');
s.writeAll(m.dartDoc!.split('\n'), '\n' + depth + '/// ');
if (!m.type.sameDartAndCType(w)) {
s.write('${depth}external ${m.type.getDartType(w)} $memberName;\n\n');
return BindingString(
type: isStruct ? BindingStringType.struc : BindingStringType.union,
string: s.toString());
void addDependencies(Set<Binding> dependencies) {
if (dependencies.contains(this)) return;
members.forEach((m) => m.type.addDependencies(dependencies));
class Member {
final String? dartDoc;
final String originalName;
final String name;
final Type type;
const Member({
String? originalName,
required this.type,
}) : originalName = originalName ?? name;