blob: 43d964cd55e3878d89669cb7c341c74c988a80ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Extracts code_gen Type from type.
import 'package:ffigen/src/code_generator.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/header_parser/sub_parsers/typedefdecl_parser.dart';
import 'package:ffigen/src/strings.dart' as strings;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import '../clang_bindings/clang_bindings.dart' as clang_types;
import '../data.dart';
import '../sub_parsers/compounddecl_parser.dart';
import '../sub_parsers/enumdecl_parser.dart';
import '../type_extractor/cxtypekindmap.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
final _logger = Logger('ffigen.header_parser.extractor');
const _padding = ' ';
/// Converts cxtype to a typestring code_generator can accept.
Type getCodeGenType(
clang_types.CXType cxtype, {
/// Passed on if a value was marked as a pointer before this one.
bool pointerReference = false,
}) {
_logger.fine('${_padding}getCodeGenType ${cxtype.completeStringRepr()}');
final kind = cxtype.kind;
switch (kind) {
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_Pointer:
final pt = clang.clang_getPointeeType(cxtype);
final s = getCodeGenType(pt, pointerReference: true);
// Replace Pointer<_Dart_Handle> with Handle.
if (config.useDartHandle &&
s.broadType == BroadType.Compound &&
s.compound!.compoundType == CompoundType.struct &&
s.compound!.usr == strings.dartHandleUsr) {
return Type.handle();
return Type.pointer(s);
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_Typedef:
final spelling = clang.clang_getTypedefName(cxtype).toStringAndDispose();
if (config.typedefNativeTypeMappings.containsKey(spelling)) {
_logger.fine(' Type Mapped from typedef-map');
return Type.nativeType(config.typedefNativeTypeMappings[spelling]!);
// Get name from supported typedef name if config allows.
if (config.useSupportedTypedefs) {
if (suportedTypedefToSuportedNativeType.containsKey(spelling)) {
_logger.fine(' Type Mapped from supported typedef');
return Type.nativeType(
// This is important or we get stuck in infinite recursion.
final cursor = clang.clang_getTypeDeclaration(cxtype);
final typedefUsr = cursor.usr();
if (bindingsIndex.isSeenTypealias(typedefUsr)) {
return Type.typealias(bindingsIndex.getSeenTypealias(typedefUsr)!);
} else {
final typealias =
parseTypedefDeclaration(cursor, pointerReference: pointerReference);
if (typealias != null) {
return Type.typealias(typealias);
} else {
// Use underlying type if typealias couldn't be created or if
// the user excluded this typedef.
final ct = clang.clang_getTypedefDeclUnderlyingType(cursor);
return getCodeGenType(ct, pointerReference: pointerReference);
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_Elaborated:
final et = clang.clang_Type_getNamedType(cxtype);
final s = getCodeGenType(et, pointerReference: pointerReference);
return s;
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_Record:
return _extractfromRecord(cxtype, pointerReference);
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_Enum:
final cursor = clang.clang_getTypeDeclaration(cxtype);
final usr = cursor.usr();
if (bindingsIndex.isSeenEnumClass(usr)) {
return Type.enumClass(bindingsIndex.getSeenEnumClass(usr)!);
} else {
final enumClass = parseEnumDeclaration(
ignoreFilter: true,
if (enumClass == null) {
// Handle anonymous enum declarations within another declaration.
return Type.nativeType(Type.enumNativeType);
} else {
return Type.enumClass(enumClass);
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_FunctionProto:
// Primarily used for function pointers.
return _extractFromFunctionProto(cxtype);
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_FunctionNoProto:
// Primarily used for function types with zero arguments.
return _extractFromFunctionProto(cxtype);
case clang_types.CXTypeKind
.CXType_ConstantArray: // Primarily used for constant array in struct members.
return Type.constantArray(
case clang_types.CXTypeKind
.CXType_IncompleteArray: // Primarily used for incomplete array in function parameters.
return Type.incompleteArray(
case clang_types.CXTypeKind.CXType_Bool:
return Type.boolean();
if (cxTypeKindToSupportedNativeTypes.containsKey(kind)) {
return Type.nativeType(
} else {
'typedeclarationCursorVisitor: getCodeGenType: Type Not Implemented, ${cxtype.completeStringRepr()}');
return Type.unimplemented(
'Type: ${cxtype.kindSpelling()} not implemented');
Type _extractfromRecord(clang_types.CXType cxtype, bool pointerReference) {
Type type;
final cursor = clang.clang_getTypeDeclaration(cxtype);
_logger.fine('${_padding}_extractfromRecord: ${cursor.completeStringRepr()}');
final cursorKind = clang.clang_getCursorKind(cursor);
if (cursorKind == clang_types.CXCursorKind.CXCursor_StructDecl ||
cursorKind == clang_types.CXCursorKind.CXCursor_UnionDecl) {
final declUsr = cursor.usr();
// Set includer functions according to compoundType.
final bool Function(String) isSeenDecl;
final Compound? Function(String) getSeenDecl;
final CompoundType compoundType;
switch (cursorKind) {
case clang_types.CXCursorKind.CXCursor_StructDecl:
isSeenDecl = bindingsIndex.isSeenStruct;
getSeenDecl = bindingsIndex.getSeenStruct;
compoundType = CompoundType.struct;
case clang_types.CXCursorKind.CXCursor_UnionDecl:
isSeenDecl = bindingsIndex.isSeenUnion;
getSeenDecl = bindingsIndex.getSeenUnion;
compoundType = CompoundType.union;
throw Exception('Unhandled compound type cursorkind.');
// Also add a struct binding, if its unseen.
// TODO(23): Check if we should auto add compound declarations.
if (isSeenDecl(declUsr)) {
type = Type.compound(getSeenDecl(declUsr)!);
// This will parse the dependencies if needed.
ignoreFilter: true,
pointerReference: pointerReference,
} else {
final struc = parseCompoundDeclaration(
ignoreFilter: true,
pointerReference: pointerReference,
type = Type.compound(struc!);
} else {
'typedeclarationCursorVisitor: _extractfromRecord: Not Implemented, ${cursor.completeStringRepr()}');
return Type.unimplemented('Type: ${cxtype.kindSpelling()} not implemented');
return type;
// Used for function pointer arguments.
Type _extractFromFunctionProto(clang_types.CXType cxtype) {
final _parameters = <Parameter>[];
final totalArgs = clang.clang_getNumArgTypes(cxtype);
for (var i = 0; i < totalArgs; i++) {
final t = clang.clang_getArgType(cxtype, i);
final pt = t.toCodeGenType();
if (pt.isIncompleteCompound) {
return Type.unimplemented(
'Incomplete Struct by value in function parameter.');
} else if (pt.getBaseType().broadType == BroadType.Unimplemented) {
return Type.unimplemented('Function parameter has an unsupported type.');
Parameter(name: '', type: pt),
return Type.nativeFunc(NativeFunc.fromFunctionType(FunctionType(
parameters: _parameters,
returnType: clang.clang_getResultType(cxtype).toCodeGenType(),