blob: c000bdf92e4fbb21807be679562131fb4809bd28 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart_keywords.dart';
class UniqueNamer {
final Set<String> _usedUpNames;
/// Creates a UniqueNamer with given [usedUpNames] and Dart reserved keywords.
UniqueNamer(Set<String> usedUpNames)
: assert(keywords.intersection(usedUpNames).isEmpty),
_usedUpNames = {...keywords, ...usedUpNames};
/// Creates a UniqueNamer with given [usedUpNames] only.
/// Returns a unique name by appending `<int>` to it if necessary.
/// Adds the resulting name to the used names by default.
String makeUnique(String name, [bool addToUsedUpNames = true]) {
var crName = name;
var i = 1;
while (_usedUpNames.contains(crName)) {
crName = '$name$i';
if (addToUsedUpNames) {
return crName;
/// Adds a name to used names.
/// Note: [makeUnique] also adds the name by default.
void markUsed(String name) {
/// Returns true if a name has been used before.
bool isUsed(String name) {
return _usedUpNames.contains(name);
/// Returns true if a name has not been used before.
bool isUnique(String name) {
return !_usedUpNames.contains(name);
UniqueNamer clone() => UniqueNamer._raw({..._usedUpNames});
/// Converts [text] to a dart doc comment(`///`).
/// Comment is split on new lines only.
String makeDartDoc(String text) {
final s = StringBuffer();
s.write('/// ');
s.writeAll(text.split('\n'), '\n/// ');
return s.toString();
/// Converts [text] to a dart comment (`//`).
/// Comment is split on new lines only.
String makeDoc(String text) {
final s = StringBuffer();
s.write('// ');
s.writeAll(text.split('\n'), '\n// ');
return s.toString();