blob: e9dda1ccd265d8ea2be695e87cb501f5fec3599e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'struct.dart';
import 'type.dart';
import 'writer.dart';
/// A library import which will be written as an import in the generated file.
class LibraryImport {
final String name;
final String importPath;
String prefix;
LibraryImport(, this.importPath) : prefix = name;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is LibraryImport && name ==;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
/// An imported type which will be used in the generated code.
class ImportedType extends Type {
final LibraryImport libraryImport;
final String cType;
final String dartType;
final String? defaultValue;
ImportedType(this.libraryImport, this.cType, this.dartType,
String getCType(Writer w) {
return '${libraryImport.prefix}.$cType';
String getFfiDartType(Writer w) => cType == dartType ? getCType(w) : dartType;
bool get sameFfiDartAndCType => cType == dartType;
String toString() => '${}.$cType';
String? getDefaultValue(Writer w, String nativeLib) => defaultValue;
/// An unchecked type similar to [ImportedType] which exists in the generated
/// binding itself.
class SelfImportedType extends Type {
final String cType;
final String dartType;
final String? defaultValue;
SelfImportedType(this.cType, this.dartType, [this.defaultValue]);
String getCType(Writer w) => cType;
String getFfiDartType(Writer w) => dartType;
bool get sameFfiDartAndCType => cType == dartType;
String toString() => cType;
final ffiImport = LibraryImport('ffi', 'dart:ffi');
final ffiPkgImport = LibraryImport('pkg_ffi', 'package:ffi/ffi.dart');
final voidType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Void', 'void');
final unsignedCharType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'UnsignedChar', 'int', '0');
final signedCharType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'SignedChar', 'int', '0');
final charType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Char', 'int', '0');
final unsignedShortType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'UnsignedShort', 'int', '0');
final shortType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Short', 'int', '0');
final unsignedIntType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'UnsignedInt', 'int', '0');
final intType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Int', 'int', '0');
final unsignedLongType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'UnsignedLong', 'int', '0');
final longType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Long', 'int', '0');
final unsignedLongLongType =
ImportedType(ffiImport, 'UnsignedLongLong', 'int', '0');
final longLongType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'LongLong', 'int', '0');
final floatType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Float', 'double', '0.0');
final doubleType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Double', 'double', '0.0');
final sizeType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'Size', 'int', '0');
final wCharType = ImportedType(ffiImport, 'WChar', 'int', '0');
final objCObjectType = Struct(name: 'ObjCObject');
final objCSelType = Struct(name: 'ObjCSel');