blob: adbdac6bf61a53b1161b8734ba9492702e8a03cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'cjson_generated_bindings.dart' as cj;
final cjson = cj.CJson(;
/// Using the generated C_JSON bindings.
void main() {
// Load json from [example.json] file.
final jsonString = File('./example.json').readAsStringSync();
// Parse this json string using our cJSON library.
final cjsonParsedJson = cjson.cJSON_Parse(jsonString.toNativeUtf8().cast());
if (cjsonParsedJson == nullptr) {
print('Error parsing cjson.');
// The json is now stored in some C data structure which we need
// to iterate and convert to a dart object (map/list).
// Converting cjson object to a dart object.
final dynamic dartJson = convertCJsonToDartObj(cjsonParsedJson.cast());
// Delete the cjsonParsedJson object.
// Check if the converted json is correct
// by comparing the result with json converted by `dart:convert`.
if (dartJson.toString() == json.decode(jsonString).toString()) {
print('Parsed Json: $dartJson');
print('Json converted successfully');
} else {
print("Converted json doesn't match\n");
String _getPath() {
final cjsonExamplePath = Directory.current.absolute.path;
var path = p.join(cjsonExamplePath, '../../third_party/cjson_library/');
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
path = p.join(path, 'libcjson.dylib');
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
path = p.join(path, 'Debug', 'cjson.dll');
} else {
path = p.join(path, '');
return path;
dynamic convertCJsonToDartObj(Pointer<cj.cJSON> parsedcjson) {
dynamic obj;
if (cjson.cJSON_IsObject(parsedcjson.cast()) == 1) {
obj = <String, dynamic>{};
Pointer<cj.cJSON>? ptr;
ptr = parsedcjson.ref.child;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
final dynamic o = convertCJsonToDartObj(ptr!);
_addToObj(obj, o, ptr.ref.string.cast());
ptr =;
} else if (cjson.cJSON_IsArray(parsedcjson.cast()) == 1) {
obj = <dynamic>[];
Pointer<cj.cJSON>? ptr;
ptr = parsedcjson.ref.child;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
final dynamic o = convertCJsonToDartObj(ptr!);
_addToObj(obj, o);
ptr =;
} else if (cjson.cJSON_IsString(parsedcjson.cast()) == 1) {
obj = parsedcjson.ref.valuestring.cast<Utf8>().toDartString();
} else if (cjson.cJSON_IsNumber(parsedcjson.cast()) == 1) {
obj = parsedcjson.ref.valueint == parsedcjson.ref.valuedouble
? parsedcjson.ref.valueint
: parsedcjson.ref.valuedouble;
return obj;
void _addToObj(dynamic obj, dynamic o, [Pointer<Utf8>? name]) {
if (obj is Map<String, dynamic>) {
obj[name!.toDartString()] = o;
} else if (obj is List<dynamic>) {