blob: 62b8b8b5ce01d301ec31c549a5f152f0cfd71818 [file] [log] [blame]
part of mustache.impl;
void renderWithContext(RenderContext ctx, List<Node> nodes) {
if (ctx.indent == null || ctx.indent == '') {
nodes.forEach((n) => n.render(ctx));
} else if (nodes.isNotEmpty) {
// Special case to make sure there is not an extra indent after the last
// line in the partial file.
for (var n in nodes.take(nodes.length - 1)) {
var node = nodes.last;
if (node is _TextNode) {
node.render(ctx, lastNode: true);
} else {
abstract class Node {
Node(this.start, this.end);
void render(RenderContext renderer);
// The offset of the start of the token in the file. Unless this is a section
// or inverse section, then this stores the start of the content of the
// section.
final int start;
final int end;
int contentStart;
int contentEnd;
class _TextNode extends Node {
_TextNode(this.text, int start, int end) : super(start, end);
final String text;
void render(RenderContext ctx, {lastNode: false}) {
if (text == '') return;
if (ctx.indent == null || ctx.indent == '') {
} else if (lastNode && text.runes.last == _NEWLINE) {
// Don't indent after the last line in a template.
var s = text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
ctx.write(s.replaceAll('\n', '\n${ctx.indent}'));
} else {
ctx.write(text.replaceAll('\n', '\n${ctx.indent}'));
class _VariableNode extends Node {
_VariableNode(, int start, int end, {this.escape: false})
: super(start, end);
final String name;
final bool escape;
void render(RenderContext ctx) {
var value = ctx.resolveValue(name);
if (value is Function) {
var context = new LambdaContext(this, ctx, isSection: false);
value = value(context);
if (value == _noSuchProperty) {
if (!ctx.lenient)
throw ctx.error('Value was missing for variable tag: ${name}.', this);
} else {
var valueString = (value == null) ? '' : value.toString();
var output = !escape || !ctx.htmlEscapeValues
? valueString
: _htmlEscape(valueString);
if (output != null) ctx.write(output);
static const Map<String,String> _htmlEscapeMap = const {
_AMP: '&amp;',
_LT: '&lt;',
_GT: '&gt;',
_QUOTE: '&quot;',
_APOS: '&#x27;',
String _htmlEscape(String s) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
int startIndex = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int c in s.runes) {
if (c == _AMP
|| c == _LT
|| c == _GT
|| c == _QUOTE
|| c == _APOS
|| c == _FORWARD_SLASH) {
buffer.write(s.substring(startIndex, i));
startIndex = i + 1;
return buffer.toString();
class _SectionNode extends Node {
_SectionNode(, int start, int end, this.delimiters,
{this.inverse: false})
: super(start, end);
final String name;
final String delimiters;
final bool inverse;
int contentStart;
int contentEnd;
final List<Node> children = <Node>[];
//TODO can probably combine Inv and Normal to shorten.
void render(RenderContext ctx) => inverse
? renderInv(ctx)
: renderNormal(ctx);
void renderNormal(RenderContext renderer) {
var value = renderer.resolveValue(name);
if (value == null) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (value is Iterable) {
value.forEach((v) => _renderWithValue(renderer, v));
} else if (value is Map) {
_renderWithValue(renderer, value);
} else if (value == true) {
_renderWithValue(renderer, value);
} else if (value == false) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (value == _noSuchProperty) {
if (!renderer.lenient)
throw renderer.error('Value was missing for section tag: ${name}.', this);
} else if (value is Function) {
var context = new LambdaContext(this, renderer, isSection: true);
var output = value(context);
if (output != null) renderer.write(output);
} else {
throw renderer.error('Invalid value type for section, '
'section: ${name}, '
'type: ${value.runtimeType}.', this);
void renderInv(RenderContext ctx) {
var value = ctx.resolveValue(name);
if (value == null) {
_renderWithValue(ctx, null);
} else if ((value is Iterable && value.isEmpty) || value == false) {
_renderWithValue(ctx, name);
} else if (value == true || value is Map || value is Iterable) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (value == _noSuchProperty) {
if (ctx.lenient) {
_renderWithValue(ctx, null);
} else {
throw ctx.error('Value was missing for inverse section: ${name}.', this);
} else if (value is Function) {
// Do nothing.
//TODO in strict mode should this be an error?
} else {
throw ctx.error(
'Invalid value type for inverse section, '
'section: $name, '
'type: ${value.runtimeType}.', this);
void _renderWithValue(RenderContext ctx, value) {
children.forEach((n) => n.render(ctx));
class _PartialNode extends Node {
_PartialNode(, int start, int end, this.indent)
: super(start, end);
final String name;
// Used to store the preceding whitespace before a partial tag, so that
// it's content can be correctly indented.
final String indent;
void render(RenderContext ctx) {
var partialName = name;
Template template = ctx.partialResolver == null
? null
: ctx.partialResolver(partialName);
if (template != null) {
var partialCtx = new RenderContext.partial(ctx, template, this.indent);
renderWithContext(partialCtx, template._nodes);
} else if (ctx.lenient) {
// do nothing
} else {
throw ctx.error('Partial not found: $partialName.', this);