Mustache templates

A Dart library to parse and render mustache templates.

WARNING - dart2js file size implications

This library used dart:mirrors, which are known to greatly increase the output size of a Dart app compiled to JavaScript with dart2js. We recommend that you only use this library for your server-side Dart code.

Build Status


	import 'package:mustache/mustache.dart' as mustache;

	main() {
		var source = '{{#names}}<div>{{lastname}}, {{firstname}}</div>{{/names}}';
		var template = mustache.parse(source);
		var output = template.renderString({'names': [
			{'firstname': 'Greg', 'lastname': 'Lowe'},
			{'firstname': 'Bob', 'lastname': 'Johnson'}


Template parse(String source, {bool lenient : false}); abstract class Template { String renderString(values, {bool lenient : false, bool htmlEscapeValues : true}); void render(values, StringSink sink, {bool lenient : false, bool htmlEscapeValues : true}); }

Once a template has been created it can be rendered any number of times.

Both parse and render throw a FormatException if there is a problem with the template or rendering the values.

When lenient mode is enabled tag names may use any characters, otherwise only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore and minus. Lenient mode will also silently ignore nulls passed as values.

By default all variables are html escaped, this behaviour can be changed by passing htmlEscapeValues : false.


 Variables             {{var-name}}
 Sections              {{#section}}Blah{{/section}}
 Inverse sections      {{^section}}Blah{{/section}}
 Comments              {{! Not output. }}
 Unescaped variables   {{{var-name}}} and {{&var-name}}

See the mustache templates tutorial for more information.

Passing all mustache specification tests for interpolation, sections, inverted, comments. The following sections are not implemented: partials, lambdas and delimeters.

To do

Lenient nulls in inverse sections - see commented out test.
Partial tags   {{>partial}}
Allow functions as values (Lambdas)
Set Delimiter tags