blob: cd55bce90b56e96f9d0269cc90eed6dda7a42919 [file] [log] [blame]
library parser;
//TODO just import nodes.
import 'mustache_impl.dart' show Node, SectionNode, TextNode, PartialNode, VariableNode;
import 'scanner2.dart';
import 'template_exception.dart';
import 'token2.dart';
List<Node> parse(String source,
bool lenient,
String templateName,
String delimiters) {
var parser = new Parser(source, templateName, delimiters, lenient: lenient);
return parser.parse();
class Tag {
Tag(this.sigil,, this.start, this.end);
final String sigil;
final String name;
final int start;
final int end;
//TODO parse the tag contents.
//final List<List<String>> arguments;
class Parser {
Parser(this._source, this._templateName, this._delimiters, {lenient: false})
: _lenient = lenient {
// _scanner = new Scanner(_source, _templateName, _delimiters, _lenient);
//TODO do I need to keep all of these variables around?
final String _source;
final bool _lenient;
final String _templateName;
final String _delimiters;
Scanner _scanner; //TODO make final
List<Token> _tokens;
final List<SectionNode> _stack = <SectionNode>[];
String _currentDelimiters;
int _i = 0;
Token _peek() => _i < _tokens.length ? _tokens[_i] : null;
// TODO EOF?? return null on EOF?
Token _read() {
var t = null;
if (_i < _tokens.length) {
t = _tokens[_i];
return t;
//TODO use a sync* generator once landed in Dart 1.10.
Iterable<Token> _readWhile(bool predicate(Token t)) {
var list = <Token>[];
for (var t = _peek(); t != null && predicate(t); t = _peek()) {
return list;
// Add a text node to top most section on the stack and merge consecutive
// text nodes together.
void _appendTextToken(Token token) {
assert(const [TokenType.text, TokenType.lineEnd, TokenType.whitespace]
var children = _stack.last.children;
if (children.isEmpty || children.last is! TextNode) {
children.add(new TextNode(token.value, token.start, token.end));
} else {
var last = children.removeLast();
var node = new TextNode(last.text + token.value, last.start, token.end);
// Add the node to top most section on the stack. If a section node then
// push it onto the stack, if a close section tag, then pop the stack.
void _appendTag(Tag tag, Node node) {
switch (tag.sigil) {
// Section and inverse section.
case '#':
case '^':
// Close section tag
case '/':
if ( != throw 'boom!'; //TODO error message.
if (node != null) _stack.last.children.add(node);
List<Node> parse() {
_scanner = new Scanner(_source, _templateName, _delimiters,
lenient: _lenient);
_tokens = _scanner.scan();
_currentDelimiters = _delimiters;
_stack.add(new SectionNode('root', 0, 0, _delimiters));
for (var token = _peek(); token != null; token = _peek()) {
switch(token.type) {
case TokenType.text:
case TokenType.whitespace:
case TokenType.openDelimiter:
var tag = _readTag();
var node = _createNodeFromTag(tag);
if (tag != null) _appendTag(tag, node);
case TokenType.changeDelimiter:
_currentDelimiters = token.value;
//TODO think about this. It looks like this loop will usually just call
// into parseLine(). May be able to simplify the logic.
case TokenType.lineEnd:
//TODO the first line can be a standalone line too, and there is
// no lineEnd. Perhaps _parseLine(firstLine: true)?
throw 'boom!'; //TODO error message.
//TODO proper error message.
assert(_stack.length == 1);
return _stack.last.children;
// Handle standalone tags and indented partials.
// A "standalone tag" in the spec is a tag one a line where the line only
// contains whitespace. During rendering the whitespace is ommitted.
// Standalone partials also indent their content to match the tag during
// rendering.
// match:
// newline whitespace openDelimiter any* closeDelimiter whitespace newline
// Where newline can also mean start/end of the source.
void _parseLine() {
//TODO handle EOFs. i.e. check for null return from peek.
//TODO make this EOF handling clearer.
assert(_peek().type == TokenType.lineEnd); //TODO expect.
var precedingLineEnd = _read();
// The scanner guarantees that there will only be a single whitespace token,
// there are never consecutive whitespace tokens.
var precedingWhitespace =
_peek() != null && _peek().type == TokenType.whitespace ? _read() : null;
Tag tag;
Node tagNode;
if (_peek() != null && _peek().type == TokenType.openDelimiter) {
tag = _readTag();
tagNode = _createNodeFromTag(tag,
partialIndent: precedingWhitespace == null
? ''
: precedingWhitespace.value);
var followingWhitespace =
_peek() != null && _peek().type == TokenType.whitespace ? _read() : null;
if (precedingLineEnd != null) _appendTextToken(precedingLineEnd);
if (tag != null &&
(_peek() == null || _peek().type == TokenType.lineEnd) &&
const ['#', '/', '^', '>'].contains(tag.sigil)) {
// This is a standalone line, so do not create text nodes for whitespace,
// or the following newline.
_appendTag(tag, tagNode);
} else {
// This is not a standalone line so add the whitespace to the ast.
if (precedingWhitespace != null) _appendTextToken(precedingWhitespace);
// Can be null for comment tags, or close section tags, or if this isn't
// a standalone line.
if (tag != null) _appendTag(tag, tagNode);
if (followingWhitespace != null) _appendTextToken(followingWhitespace);
Node _createNodeFromTag(Tag tag, {String partialIndent: ''}) {
Node node = null;
switch (tag.sigil) {
// Section and inverse section.
case '#':
case '^':
bool inverse = tag.sigil == '^';
node = new SectionNode(, tag.start, tag.end,
_currentDelimiters, inverse: inverse);
// Variable tag or unescaped variable tag.
case '&':
case '':
bool escape = tag.sigil == '';
node = new VariableNode(, tag.start, tag.end, escape: escape);
// Partial tag.
case '>':
node = new PartialNode(, tag.start, tag.end, partialIndent);
node = null;
return node;
// Note the caller is responsible for pushing the returned node onto the
// stack. Note this can return null, i.e. for a comment tag.
Tag _readTag() {
var open = _read();
if (open.value == '{{{') {
var open = _read();
var name = _parseIdentifier();
var close = _read();
return new Tag('{', name, open.start, open.end);
if (_peek().type == TokenType.whitespace) _read();
// sigil character, or empty string if a variable tag. A sigil is the
// character which identifies which sort of tag it is,
// i.e. '#', '/', or '>'.
var sigil = _peek().type == TokenType.sigil ? _read().value : '';
if (_peek().type == TokenType.whitespace) _read();
// TODO split up names here instead of during render.
// Also check that they are valid token types.
var name = _parseIdentifier();
var close = _read();
return new Tag(sigil, name, open.start, close.end);
//TODO shouldn't just return a string.
String _parseIdentifier() {
// TODO split up names here instead of during render.
// Also check that they are valid token types.
var name = _readWhile((t) => t.type != TokenType.closeDelimiter)
.map((t) => t.value)
return name;