blob: 29a71ff287362dfdb19c42ddf223e1708e90f2dd [file] [log] [blame]
part of mustache;
final Object _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY = new Object();
final RegExp _validTag = new RegExp(r'^[0-9a-zA-Z\_\-\.]+$');
final RegExp _integerTag = new RegExp(r'^[0-9]+$');
Template _parse(String source, {bool lenient : false}) {
var tokens = _scan(source, lenient);
var ast = _parseTokens(tokens, lenient);
return new _Template(ast, lenient);
_Node _parseTokens(List<_Token> tokens, bool lenient) {
var stack = new List<_Node>()..add(new _Node(_OPEN_SECTION, 'root', 0, 0));
for (var t in tokens) {
if (const [_TEXT, _VARIABLE, _UNESC_VARIABLE, _PARTIAL].contains(t.type)) {
if (t.type == _VARIABLE || t.type == _UNESC_VARIABLE)
_checkTagChars(t, lenient);
stack.last.children.add(new _Node.fromToken(t));
} else if (t.type == _OPEN_SECTION || t.type == _OPEN_INV_SECTION) {
_checkTagChars(t, lenient);
var child = new _Node.fromToken(t);
} else if (t.type == _CLOSE_SECTION) {
_checkTagChars(t, lenient);
if (stack.last.value != t.value) {
throw new MustacheFormatException('Mismatched tag, '
"expected: '${stack.last.value}', "
"was: '${t.value}', "
'at: ${t.line}:${t.column}.', t.line, t.column);
} else if (t.type == _COMMENT) {
// Do nothing
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError();
return stack.last;
_checkTagChars(_Token t, bool lenient) {
if (!lenient && !_validTag.hasMatch(t.value)) {
throw new MustacheFormatException(
'Tag contained invalid characters in name, '
'allowed: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, underscore, and minus, '
'at: ${t.line}:${t.column}.', t.line, t.column);
class _Template implements Template {
_Template(this._root, this._lenient)
_htmlEscapeMap[_AMP] = '&amp;';
_htmlEscapeMap[_LT] = '&lt;';
_htmlEscapeMap[_GT] = '&gt;';
_htmlEscapeMap[_QUOTE] = '&quot;';
_htmlEscapeMap[_APOS] = '&#x27;';
_htmlEscapeMap[_FORWARD_SLASH] = '&#x2F;';
final _Node _root;
//FIXME careful there is a potential concurrency bug as _stack is mutated
// during rendering, and if async lazy loading of partials is added this
// could be mutated by multiple async calls to render running concurrently.
// Perhaps pass this around as an argument, or create a render context object.
// Same is true with sink.
final List _stack = new List();
final Map _htmlEscapeMap = new Map<int, String>();
final bool _lenient;
//FIXME quick ugly hack.
PartialResolver partialResolver;
bool _htmlEscapeValues;
StringSink _sink;
String renderString(values, {bool lenient : false, bool htmlEscapeValues : true}) {
var buf = new StringBuffer();
render(values, buf, lenient: lenient, htmlEscapeValues: htmlEscapeValues);
return buf.toString();
void render(values, StringSink sink, {bool lenient : false, bool htmlEscapeValues : true}) {
_sink = sink;
_htmlEscapeValues = htmlEscapeValues;
_sink = null;
//TODO Share code with render.
void _renderWithStack(List stack, StringSink sink,
{bool lenient : false, bool htmlEscapeValues : true}) {
_sink = sink;
_htmlEscapeValues = htmlEscapeValues;
_sink = null;
_write(String output) => _sink.write(output);
_renderNode(node) {
switch (node.type) {
case _TEXT:
_renderVariable(node, escape: false);
case _PARTIAL:
case _COMMENT:
break; // Do nothing.
throw new UnimplementedError();
_renderText(node) {
// Walks up the stack looking for the variable.
// Handles dotted names of the form "a.b.c".
_resolveValue(String name) {
if (name == '.') {
return _stack.last;
var parts = name.split('.');
var object = _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY;
for (var o in _stack.reversed) {
object = _getNamedProperty(o, parts[0]);
if (object != _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY) {
for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (object == null || object == _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY) {
object = _getNamedProperty(object, parts[i]);
return object;
// Returns the property of the given object by name. For a map,
// which contains the key name, this is object[name]. For other
// objects, this is or If no property
// by the given name exists, this method returns _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY.
_getNamedProperty(object, name) {
var property = null;
if (object is Map && object.containsKey(name)) {
return object[name];
if (object is List && _integerTag.hasMatch(name)) {
return object[int.parse(name)];
if (_lenient && !_validTag.hasMatch(name)) {
var instance = reflect(object);
var field = instance.type.instanceMembers[new Symbol(name)];
if (field == null) {
var invocation = null;
if ((field is VariableMirror) || ((field is MethodMirror) && (field.isGetter))) {
invocation = instance.getField(field.simpleName);
} else if ((field is MethodMirror) && (field.parameters.length == 0)) {
invocation = instance.invoke(field.simpleName, []);
if (invocation == null) {
return invocation.reflectee;
_renderVariable(node, {bool escape : true}) {
final value = _resolveValue(node.value);
if (value == _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY) {
if (!_lenient)
throw new MustacheFormatException(
'Value was missing, '
'variable: ${node.value}, '
'at: ${node.line}:${node.column}.', node.line, node.column);
} else {
var valueString = (value == null) ? '' : value.toString();
var output = !escape || !_htmlEscapeValues
? valueString
: _htmlEscape(valueString);
_renderSectionWithValue(node, value) {
_renderSection(node) {
final value = _resolveValue(node.value);
if (value == null) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (value is Iterable) {
value.forEach((v) => _renderSectionWithValue(node, v));
} else if (value is Map) {
_renderSectionWithValue(node, value);
} else if (value == true) {
_renderSectionWithValue(node, value);
} else if (value == false) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (value == _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY) {
if (!_lenient)
throw new MustacheFormatException(
'Value was missing, '
'section: ${node.value}, '
'at: ${node.line}:${node.column}.', node.line, node.column);
} else {
throw new MustacheFormatException(
'Invalid value type for section, '
'section: ${node.value}, '
'type: ${value.runtimeType}, '
'at: ${node.line}:${node.column}.', node.line, node.column);
_renderInvSection(node) {
final value = _resolveValue(node.value);
if (value == null) {
_renderSectionWithValue(node, null);
} else if ((value is Iterable && value.isEmpty) || value == false) {
_renderSectionWithValue(node, value);
} else if (value == true || value is Map || value is Iterable) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (value == _NO_SUCH_PROPERTY) {
if (_lenient) {
_renderSectionWithValue(node, null);
} else {
throw new MustacheFormatException(
'Value was missing, '
'inverse-section: ${node.value}, '
'at: ${node.line}:${node.column}.', node.line, node.column);
} else {
throw new MustacheFormatException(
'Invalid value type for inverse section, '
'section: ${node.value}, '
'type: ${value.runtimeType}, '
'at: ${node.line}:${node.column}.', node.line, node.column);
_renderPartial(_Node node) {
var partialName = node.value;
_Template template = partialResolver(partialName);
template._renderWithStack(_stack, _sink);
String _htmlEscape(String s) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
int startIndex = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int c in s.runes) {
if (c == _AMP
|| c == _LT
|| c == _GT
|| c == _QUOTE
|| c == _APOS
|| c == _FORWARD_SLASH) {
buffer.write(s.substring(startIndex, i));
startIndex = i + 1;
return buffer.toString();
_visit(_Node root, visitor(_Node n)) {
var _stack = new List<_Node>()..add(root);
while (!_stack.isEmpty) {
var node = _stack.removeLast();
class _Node {
_Node(this.type, this.value, this.line, this.column);
_Node.fromToken(_Token token)
: type = token.type,
value = token.value,
line = token.line,
column = token.column;
final int type;
final String value;
final int line;
final int column;
final List<_Node> children = new List<_Node>();
String toString() => '_Node: ${tokenTypeString(type)}';