blob: 93af4e8fd1a4fb519db599b23e8e9cf7c8bbad22 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:tar/src/constants.dart';
import 'package:tar/src/exception.dart';
import 'package:tar/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// ignore_for_file: avoid_js_rounded_ints
void main() {
group('readString', () {
test('can read empty strings', () {
expect(_bytes('').readString(0, 0), '');
test('does not include trailing null', () {
expect(_bytes('hello\x00').readString(0, 6), 'hello');
test('does not require a trailing null', () {
expect(_bytes('hello').readString(0, 5), 'hello');
group('readStringOrNullIfEmpty', () {
test('returns null if empty', () {
expect(_bytes('').readStringOrNullIfEmpty(0, 0), isNull);
test('can read non-empty strings', () {
expect(_bytes('hello').readStringOrNullIfEmpty(0, 5), 'hello');
group('generates stream of zeroes', () {
const lengths = [024 * 1024 * 128 + 12, 12, 0];
for (final length in lengths) {
test('with length $length', () {
final stream = zeroes(length);
stream.fold<int>(0, (previous, element) => previous + element.length),
group('readNumeric', () {
void testValid(String value, int expected) {
test('readNumeric($value)', () {
expect(Uint8List.fromList(value.codeUnits).readNumeric(0, value.length),
void testValidBin(List<int> value, int expected) {
test('readNumeric($value)', () {
Uint8List.fromList(value).readNumeric(0, value.length), expected);
void testInvalid(String value) {
test('readNumeric($value)', () {
expect(() => _bytes(value).readNumeric(0, value.length),
group('base-256', () {
testValidBin([0x0], 0);
testValidBin([0x80], 0);
testValidBin([0x80, 0x00], 0);
testValidBin([0x80, 0x00, 0x00], 0);
testValidBin([0xbf], (1 << 6) - 1);
testValidBin([0xbf, 0xff], (1 << 14) - 1);
testValid('\xbf\xff\xff', (1 << 22) - 1);
testValidBin([0xff], -1);
testValidBin([0xff, 0xff], -1);
testValidBin([0xff, 0xff, 0xff], -1);
testValid('\xc0', -1 * (1 << 6));
testValid('\xc0\x00', -1 * (1 << 14));
testValid('\xc0\x00\x00', -1 * (1 << 22));
testValid('\x87\x76\xa2\x22\xeb\x8a\x72\x61', 537795476381659745);
testValid('\xf7\x76\xa2\x22\xeb\x8a\x72\x61', -615126028225187231);
testValid('\x80\x7f\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff', 9223372036854775807);
testValid('\xff\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', -9223372036854775808);
group('octal', () {
testValid('', 0);
testValid(' \x00 ', 0);
testValid('0000000\x00', 0);
testValid(' \x0000000\x00', 0);
testValid(' \x0000003\x00', 3);
testValid('00000000644\x00', 420);
testValid('032033\x00 ', 13339);
testValid('320330\x00 ', 106712);
testValid('0000660\x00 ', 432);
testValid('\x00 0000660\x00 ', 432);
group('parsePaxTime', () {
const validTimes = {
'1350244992.023960108': 1350244992023960,
'1350244992.02396010': 1350244992023960,
'1350244992.0239601089': 1350244992023960,
'1350244992.3': 1350244992300000,
'1350244992': 1350244992000000,
'-1.000000001': -1000000,
'-1.000001': -1000001,
'-1.001000': -1001000,
'-1': -1000000,
'-1.999000': -1999000,
'-1.999999': -1999999,
'-1.999999999': -1999999,
'0.000000001': 0,
'0.000001': 1,
'0.001000': 1000,
'0': 0,
'0.999000': 999000,
'0.999999': 999999,
'0.999999999': 999999,
'1.000000001': 1000000,
'1.000001': 1000001,
'1.001000': 1001000,
'1': 1000000,
'1.999000': 1999000,
'1.999999': 1999999,
'1.999999999': 1999999,
'-1350244992.023960108': -1350244992023960,
'-1350244992.02396010': -1350244992023960,
'-1350244992.0239601089': -1350244992023960,
'-1350244992.3': -1350244992300000,
'-1350244992': -1350244992000000,
'1.': 1000000,
'0.0': 0,
'-1.': -1000000,
'-1.0': -1000000,
'-0.0': 0,
'-0.1': -100000,
'-0.01': -10000,
'-0.99': -990000,
'-0.98': -980000,
'-1.1': -1100000,
'-1.01': -1010000,
'-2.99': -2990000,
'-5.98': -5980000,
validTimes.forEach((str, micros) {
test('parsePaxTime($str)', () {
expect(parsePaxTime(str), microsecondsSinceEpoch(micros));
const invalidTimes = {
'đŸĩ𝟴đŸŗ𝟲𝟱.đŸ°đŸ¯đŸŽđŸ­đŸŦ', // Unicode numbers (U+1D7EC to U+1D7F5)
'98765īš’43210', // Unicode period (U+FE52);
for (final invalid in invalidTimes) {
test('parsePaxTime($invalid)', () {
expect(() => parsePaxTime(invalid), throwsA(isA<TarException>()));
group('BlockReader', () {
late StreamController<List<int>> controller;
setUp(() {
controller = StreamController();
test('does not attach listener before needed', () async {
final reader = BlockReader(;
expect(controller.hasListener, isFalse);
final stream = reader.nextBlocks(10);
expect(controller.hasListener, isFalse);
// Should not attach synchronously
expect(controller.hasListener, isFalse);
await pumpEventQueue(times: 1);
expect(controller.hasListener, isTrue);
test('emits individual blocks', () async {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
controller.add(Uint8List(blockSize)..fillRange(0, blockSize, i));
final reader = BlockReader(;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
expect((await reader.nextBlock()).first, i);
await reader.close();
test('combines multiple chunks into a block', () async {
..add(Uint8List(blockSize - 10))
..add(Uint8List(blockSize + 20)..fillRange(0, blockSize + 10, 1));
final reader = BlockReader(;
final firstBlock = await reader.nextBlock();
expect(firstBlock[0], 0);
expect(firstBlock[511], 1);
final secondBlock = await reader.nextBlock();
expect(secondBlock[0], 1);
expect(secondBlock[511], 1);
controller.close(); // ignore: unawaited_futures
final thirdBlock = await reader.nextBlock();
expect(thirdBlock.length, 10);
expect(controller.hasListener, isFalse);
await reader.close();
test('can pause and resume from saved chunk', () async {
..add(Uint8List(blockSize - 10))
..add(Uint8List(2 * blockSize + 10)..fillRange(0, blockSize + 10, 1));
final reader = BlockReader(;
// ignore: cancel_subscriptions
final subscription = reader.nextBlocks(3).listen(null);
var eventCounter = 0;
subscription.onData(expectAsync1((data) {
eventCounter += data.length ~/ blockSize;
// After the first block completed, we will trailing data. Ensure that
// resuming in this state works!
if (eventCounter == 1) {
}, max: 3));
await subscription.asFuture<void>();
expect(eventCounter, 3);
await reader.close();
test('can cancel subscriptions', () async {
final reader = BlockReader(;
await reader.nextBlocks(2).first;
await reader.close();
Uint8List _bytes(String str) {
return Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(str));