blob: a15fd8d96164c6bb876cba45bb16aa29c7cdac41 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:tar/tar.dart';
const outputName = 'self.tar.gz';
/// This example creates a `.tar.gz` file of the directory its running in.
Future<void> main() {
final entries = findEntries();
final output = File(outputName);
return entries
Stream<TarEntry> findEntries() async* {
// Build a stream of tar entries by going through each file system entity in
// the current directory.
final root = Directory.current;
await for (final entry in root.list(recursive: true)) {
// We could write directories too, but we only care about files for
// simplicity.
if (entry is! File) continue;
final name = p.relative(entry.path, from: root.path);
// Let's also ignore hidden directories and files.
if (name.startsWith('.')) continue;
// Finally, we should ignore the output file since weird things may happen
// otherwise.
if (name == outputName) continue;
final stat = entry.statSync();
yield TarEntry(
name: name,
typeFlag: TypeFlag.reg, // It's a regular file
// Apart from that, copy over meta information
mode: stat.mode,
modified: stat.modified,
accessed: stat.accessed,
changed: stat.changed,
// This assumes that the file won't change until we're writing it into
// the archive later, since then the size might be wrong. It's more
// efficient though, since the tar writer would otherwise have to buffer
// everything to find out the size.
size: stat.size,
// Use entry.openRead() to obtain an input stream for the file that the
// writer will use later.