blob: 33d61cf438e5d163640efc9525e4b0f452ea1129 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
// governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library wip.runtime_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:webkit_inspection_protocol/webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
import 'test_setup.dart';
void main() {
group('WipRuntime', () {
WipRuntime? runtime;
List<StreamSubscription> subs = [];
setUp(() async {
runtime = (await wipConnection).runtime;
tearDown(() async {
await runtime?.disable();
runtime = null;
await closeConnection();
for (var s in subs) {
test('getIsolateId', () async {
await runtime!.enable();
await navigateToPage('runtime_test.html');
expect(await runtime!.getIsolateId(), isNotEmpty);
test('getHeapUsage', () async {
await runtime!.enable();
await navigateToPage('runtime_test.html');
HeapUsage usage = await runtime!.getHeapUsage();
expect(usage.usedSize, greaterThan(0));
expect(usage.totalSize, greaterThan(0));
test('evaluate', () async {
await runtime!.enable();
await navigateToPage('runtime_test.html');
RemoteObject result = await runtime!.evaluate('1+1');
expect(result.type, 'number');
expect(result.value, 2);
test('callFunctionOn', () async {
await runtime!.enable();
await navigateToPage('runtime_test.html');
RemoteObject console = await runtime!.evaluate('console');
RemoteObject result = await runtime!.callFunctionOn(
function(msg) {
return msg;
objectId: console.objectId,
arguments: [
expect(result.type, 'string');
expect(result.value, 'foo');
test('getProperties', () async {
await runtime!.enable();
await navigateToPage('runtime_test.html');
RemoteObject console = await runtime!.evaluate('console');
List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = await runtime!.getProperties(
ownProperties: true,
expect(properties, isNotEmpty);
PropertyDescriptor property = properties.first;
expect(, isNotEmpty);