blob: 577cb40eb70fa9d61d61a784047b4b0f1e39c73e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
// governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import '../webkit_inspection_protocol.dart';
class WipDebugger extends WipDomain {
final _scripts = <String, WipScript>{};
WipDebugger(WipConnection connection) : super(connection) {
onScriptParsed.listen((event) {
_scripts[event.script.scriptId] = event.script;
onGlobalObjectCleared.listen((_) {
Future<WipResponse> enable() => sendCommand('Debugger.enable');
Future<WipResponse> disable() => sendCommand('Debugger.disable');
Future<String> getScriptSource(String scriptId) async {
return (await sendCommand('Debugger.getScriptSource',
params: {'scriptId': scriptId}))
.result!['scriptSource'] as String;
Future<WipResponse> pause() => sendCommand('Debugger.pause');
Future<WipResponse> resume() => sendCommand('Debugger.resume');
Future<WipResponse> stepInto({Map<String, dynamic>? params}) =>
sendCommand('Debugger.stepInto', params: params);
Future<WipResponse> stepOut() => sendCommand('Debugger.stepOut');
Future<WipResponse> stepOver({Map<String, dynamic>? params}) =>
sendCommand('Debugger.stepOver', params: params);
Future<WipResponse> setPauseOnExceptions(PauseState state) {
return sendCommand('Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions',
params: {'state': _pauseStateToString(state)});
/// Sets JavaScript breakpoint at a given location.
/// - `location`: Location to set breakpoint in
/// - `condition`: Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When
/// specified, debugger will only stop on the breakpoint if this expression
/// evaluates to true.
Future<SetBreakpointResponse> setBreakpoint(
WipLocation location, {
String? condition,
}) async {
Map<String, dynamic> params = {
'location': location.toJsonMap(),
if (condition != null) {
params['condition'] = condition;
final WipResponse response =
await sendCommand('Debugger.setBreakpoint', params: params);
if (response.result!.containsKey('exceptionDetails')) {
throw new ExceptionDetails(
response.result!['exceptionDetails'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
} else {
return new SetBreakpointResponse(response.json);
/// Removes JavaScript breakpoint.
Future<WipResponse> removeBreakpoint(String breakpointId) {
return sendCommand('Debugger.removeBreakpoint',
params: {'breakpointId': breakpointId});
/// Evaluates expression on a given call frame.
/// - `callFrameId`: Call frame identifier to evaluate on
/// - `expression`: Expression to evaluate
/// - `returnByValue`: Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that
/// should be sent by value
Future<RemoteObject> evaluateOnCallFrame(
String callFrameId,
String expression, {
bool? returnByValue,
}) async {
Map<String, dynamic> params = {
'callFrameId': callFrameId,
'expression': expression,
if (returnByValue != null) {
params['returnByValue'] = returnByValue;
final WipResponse response =
await sendCommand('Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame', params: params);
if (response.result!.containsKey('exceptionDetails')) {
throw new ExceptionDetails(
response.result!['exceptionDetails'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
} else {
return new RemoteObject(
response.result!['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
/// Returns possible locations for breakpoint. scriptId in start and end range
/// locations should be the same.
/// - `start`: Start of range to search possible breakpoint locations in
/// - `end`: End of range to search possible breakpoint locations in
/// (excluding). When not specified, end of scripts is used as end of range.
/// - `restrictToFunction`: Only consider locations which are in the same
/// (non-nested) function as start.
Future<List<WipBreakLocation>> getPossibleBreakpoints(
WipLocation start, {
WipLocation? end,
bool? restrictToFunction,
}) async {
Map<String, dynamic> params = {
'start': start.toJsonMap(),
if (end != null) {
params['end'] = end.toJsonMap();
if (restrictToFunction != null) {
params['restrictToFunction'] = restrictToFunction;
final WipResponse response =
await sendCommand('Debugger.getPossibleBreakpoints', params: params);
if (response.result!.containsKey('exceptionDetails')) {
throw new ExceptionDetails(
response.result!['exceptionDetails'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
} else {
List locations = response.result!['locations'];
return List.from( => WipBreakLocation(map)));
/// Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.
/// maxDepth - Maximum depth of async call stacks. Setting to 0 will
/// effectively disable collecting async call stacks (default).
Future<WipResponse> setAsyncCallStackDepth(int maxDepth) {
return sendCommand('Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth', params: {
'maxDepth': maxDepth,
Stream<DebuggerPausedEvent> get onPaused => eventStream('Debugger.paused',
(WipEvent event) => new DebuggerPausedEvent(event.json));
Stream<GlobalObjectClearedEvent> get onGlobalObjectCleared => eventStream(
(WipEvent event) => new GlobalObjectClearedEvent(event.json));
Stream<DebuggerResumedEvent> get onResumed => eventStream('Debugger.resumed',
(WipEvent event) => new DebuggerResumedEvent(event.json));
Stream<ScriptParsedEvent> get onScriptParsed => eventStream(
(WipEvent event) => new ScriptParsedEvent(event.json));
Map<String, WipScript> get scripts => new UnmodifiableMapView(_scripts);
String _pauseStateToString(PauseState state) {
switch (state) {
case PauseState.all:
return 'all';
case PauseState.none:
return 'none';
case PauseState.uncaught:
return 'uncaught';
throw new ArgumentError('unknown state: $state');
enum PauseState { all, none, uncaught }
class ScriptParsedEvent extends WipEvent {
ScriptParsedEvent(Map<String, dynamic> json) : super(json);
WipScript get script => new WipScript(params!);
String toString() => script.toString();
class GlobalObjectClearedEvent extends WipEvent {
GlobalObjectClearedEvent(Map<String, dynamic> json) : super(json);
class DebuggerResumedEvent extends WipEvent {
DebuggerResumedEvent(Map<String, dynamic> json) : super(json);
/// Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any
/// other stop criteria.
class DebuggerPausedEvent extends WipEvent {
DebuggerPausedEvent(Map<String, dynamic> json) : super(json);
/// Call stack the virtual machine stopped on.
List<WipCallFrame> getCallFrames() => (params!['callFrames'] as List)
.map((frame) => new WipCallFrame(frame as Map<String, dynamic>))
/// Pause reason.
/// Allowed Values: ambiguous, assert, debugCommand, DOM, EventListener,
/// exception, instrumentation, OOM, other, promiseRejection, XHR.
String get reason => params!['reason'] as String;
/// Object containing break-specific auxiliary properties.
Object? get data => params!['data'];
/// Hit breakpoints IDs (optional).
List<String>? get hitBreakpoints {
if (params!['hitBreakpoints'] == null) return null;
return (params!['hitBreakpoints'] as List).cast<String>();
/// Async stack trace, if any.
StackTrace? get asyncStackTrace => params!['asyncStackTrace'] == null
? null
: StackTrace(params!['asyncStackTrace']);
String toString() => 'paused: ${reason}';
/// A debugger call frame.
/// This class is for the 'debugger' domain.
class WipCallFrame {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
/// Call frame identifier.
/// This identifier is only valid while the virtual machine is paused.
String get callFrameId => json['callFrameId'] as String;
/// Name of the JavaScript function called on this call frame.
String get functionName => json['functionName'] as String;
/// Location in the source code.
WipLocation get location =>
new WipLocation(json['location'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
/// JavaScript script name or url.
String get url => json['url'] as String;
/// Scope chain for this call frame.
Iterable<WipScope> getScopeChain() => (json['scopeChain'] as List)
.map((scope) => new WipScope(scope as Map<String, dynamic>));
/// `this` object for this call frame.
RemoteObject get thisObject =>
new RemoteObject(json['this'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
/// The value being returned, if the function is at return point.
/// (optional)
RemoteObject? get returnValue {
return json.containsKey('returnValue')
? new RemoteObject(json['returnValue'] as Map<String, dynamic>)
: null;
String toString() => '[${functionName}]';
class WipLocation {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
WipLocation.fromValues(String scriptId, int lineNumber, {int? columnNumber})
: json = {} {
json['scriptId'] = scriptId;
json['lineNumber'] = lineNumber;
if (columnNumber != null) {
json['columnNumber'] = columnNumber;
String get scriptId => json['scriptId'];
int get lineNumber => json['lineNumber'];
int? get columnNumber => json['columnNumber'];
Map<String, dynamic> toJsonMap() {
return json;
String toString() => '[${scriptId}:${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}]';
class WipScript {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
String get scriptId => json['scriptId'] as String;
String get url => json['url'] as String;
int get startLine => json['startLine'] as int;
int get startColumn => json['startColumn'] as int;
int get endLine => json['endLine'] as int;
int get endColumn => json['endColumn'] as int;
bool? get isContentScript => json['isContentScript'] as bool?;
String? get sourceMapURL => json['sourceMapURL'] as String?;
String toString() => '[script ${scriptId}: ${url}]';
class WipScope {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
// "catch", "closure", "global", "local", "with"
String get scope => json['type'] as String;
/// Name of the scope, null if unnamed closure or global scope
String? get name => json['name'] as String?;
/// Object representing the scope. For global and with scopes it represents
/// the actual object; for the rest of the scopes, it is artificial transient
/// object enumerating scope variables as its properties.
RemoteObject get object =>
new RemoteObject(json['object'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
class WipBreakLocation extends WipLocation {
WipBreakLocation(Map<String, dynamic> json) : super(json);
WipBreakLocation.fromValues(String scriptId, int lineNumber,
{int? columnNumber, String? type})
: super.fromValues(scriptId, lineNumber, columnNumber: columnNumber) {
if (type != null) {
json['type'] = type;
/// Allowed Values: `debuggerStatement`, `call`, `return`.
String? get type => json['type'] as String?;
/// The response from [WipDebugger.setBreakpoint].
class SetBreakpointResponse extends WipResponse {
SetBreakpointResponse(Map<String, dynamic> json) : super(json);
String get breakpointId => result!['breakpointId'];
WipLocation get actualLocation => WipLocation(result!['actualLocation']);