blob: 1a0330e991e58b140de20d058e79b674385606f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
// governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A library to connect to a Webkit Inspection Protocol server (like Chrome).
library wip;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show HttpClient, HttpClientResponse, WebSocket;
import 'src/console.dart';
import 'src/debugger.dart';
import 'src/dom.dart';
import 'src/log.dart';
import 'src/page.dart';
import 'src/runtime.dart';
import 'src/target.dart';
export 'src/console.dart';
export 'src/debugger.dart';
export 'src/dom.dart';
export 'src/log.dart';
export 'src/page.dart';
export 'src/runtime.dart';
export 'src/target.dart';
/// A class to connect to a Chrome instance and reflect on its available tabs.
/// This assumes the browser has been started with the `--remote-debugging-port`
/// flag. The data is read from the `http://{host}:{port}/json` url.
class ChromeConnection {
final HttpClient _client = new HttpClient();
final Uri url;
ChromeConnection(String host, [int port = 9222])
: url = Uri.parse('http://${host}:${port}/');
// TODO(DrMarcII): consider changing this to return Stream<ChromeTab>.
Future<List<ChromeTab>> getTabs() async {
var response = await getUrl('/json');
var respBody = await utf8.decodeStream(response.cast<List<int>>());
return new List<ChromeTab>.from(
(jsonDecode(respBody) as List).map((m) => new ChromeTab(m as Map)));
Future<ChromeTab> getTab(bool accept(ChromeTab tab),
{Duration retryFor}) async {
var start = new;
var end = start;
if (retryFor != null) {
end = start.add(retryFor);
while (true) {
try {
for (var tab in await getTabs()) {
if (accept(tab)) {
return tab;
if (end.isBefore(new {
return null;
} catch (e) {
if (end.isBefore(new {
await new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 25));
Future<HttpClientResponse> getUrl(String path) async {
var request = await _client.getUrl(url.resolve(path));
return await request.close();
void close() => _client.close(force: true);
class ChromeTab {
final Map _map;
String get description => _map['description'] as String;
String get devtoolsFrontendUrl => _map['devtoolsFrontendUrl'] as String;
String get faviconUrl => _map['faviconUrl'] as String;
/// Ex. `E1999E8A-EE27-0450-9900-5BFF4C69CA83`.
String get id => _map['id'] as String;
String get title => _map['title'] as String;
/// Ex. `background_page`, `page`.
String get type => _map['type'] as String;
String get url => _map['url'] as String;
/// Ex. `ws://localhost:1234/devtools/page/4F98236D-4EB0-7C6C-5DD1-AF9B6BE4BC71`.
String get webSocketDebuggerUrl => _map['webSocketDebuggerUrl'] as String;
bool get hasIcon => _map.containsKey('faviconUrl');
bool get isChromeExtension => url.startsWith('chrome-extension://');
bool get isBackgroundPage => type == 'background_page';
Future<WipConnection> connect() =>
String toString() => url;
/// A Webkit Inspection Protocol (WIP) connection.
class WipConnection {
/// The WebSocket URL.
final String url;
final WebSocket _ws;
int _nextId = 0;
WipConsole _console; // ignore: deprecated_member_use
@Deprecated('This domain is deprecated - use Runtime or Log instead')
WipConsole get console => _console;
WipDebugger _debugger;
WipDebugger get debugger => _debugger;
WipDom _dom;
WipDom get dom => _dom;
WipPage _page;
WipPage get page => _page;
WipTarget _target;
WipTarget get target => _target;
WipLog _log;
WipLog get log => _log;
WipRuntime _runtime;
WipRuntime get runtime => _runtime;
final StreamController<String> _onSend =
StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
final StreamController<String> _onReceive =
StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
final Map _completers = <int, Completer<WipResponse>>{};
final _closeController = new StreamController<WipConnection>.broadcast();
final _notificationController = new StreamController<WipEvent>.broadcast();
static Future<WipConnection> connect(String url) {
return WebSocket.connect(url).then((socket) {
return new WipConnection._(url, socket);
WipConnection._(this.url, this._ws) {
_console = new WipConsole(this); // ignore: deprecated_member_use
_debugger = new WipDebugger(this);
_dom = new WipDom(this);
_page = new WipPage(this);
_target = new WipTarget(this);
_log = new WipLog(this);
_runtime = new WipRuntime(this);
_ws.listen((data) {
var json = jsonDecode(data as String) as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (json.containsKey('id')) {
} else {
}, onDone: _handleClose);
Stream<WipConnection> get onClose =>;
Stream<WipEvent> get onNotification =>;
Future close() => _ws.close();
String toString() => url;
Future<WipResponse> sendCommand(String method,
[Map<String, dynamic> params]) {
var completer = new Completer<WipResponse>();
var json = {'id': _nextId++, 'method': method};
if (params != null) {
json['params'] = params;
_completers[json['id']] = completer;
String message = jsonEncode(json);
return completer.future;
void _handleNotification(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
_notificationController.add(new WipEvent(json));
void _handleResponse(Map<String, dynamic> event) {
var completer = _completers.remove(event['id']);
if (event.containsKey('error')) {
completer.completeError(new WipError(event));
} else {
completer.complete(new WipResponse(event));
void _handleClose() {
/// Listen for all traffic sent on this WipConnection.
Stream<String> get onSend =>;
/// Listen for all traffic received by this WipConnection.
Stream<String> get onReceive =>;
class WipEvent {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
final String method;
final Map<String, dynamic> params;
: method = json['method'] as String,
params = json['params'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
String toString() => 'WipEvent: $method($params)';
class WipError implements Exception {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
final int id;
final dynamic error;
: id = json['id'] as int,
error = json['error'];
int get code => error == null ? null : error['code'];
String get message => error == null ? null : error['message'];
String toString() => 'WipError $code $message';
class WipResponse {
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
final int id;
final Map<String, dynamic> result;
: id = json['id'] as int,
result = json['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
String toString() => 'WipResponse $id: $result';
typedef T WipEventTransformer<T>(WipEvent event);
/// @optional
const String optional = 'optional';
abstract class WipDomain {
final Map<String, Stream> _eventStreams = {};
final WipConnection connection;
Stream<WipDomain> _onClosed;
Stream<WipDomain> get onClosed => _onClosed;
WipDomain(WipConnection connection) : this.connection = connection {
this._onClosed = new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(
handleData: (event, EventSink<WipDomain> sink) {
Stream<T> eventStream<T>(String method, WipEventTransformer<T> transformer) {
return _eventStreams
() => new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(
handleData: (WipEvent event, EventSink<T> sink) {
if (event.method == method) {
Future<WipResponse> sendCommand(
String method, {
Map<String, dynamic> params,
}) {
return connection.sendCommand(method, params);
const _Experimental experimental = const _Experimental();
class _Experimental {
const _Experimental();