blob: 88d31b674f5b7c06f2d223ef47ca5443b6af18f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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/// Capabilities constants.
class Capabilities {
static const String browserName = 'browserName';
static const String browserVersion = 'browserVersion';
static const String platformName = 'platformName';
static const String acceptInsecureCerts = 'acceptInsecureCerts';
static const String pageLoadStrategy = 'pageLoadStrategy';
static const String proxy = 'proxy';
static const String setWindowRect = 'setWindowRect';
static const String timeouts = 'timeouts';
static const String unhandledPromptBehavior = 'unhandledPromptBehavior';
static const String chromeOptions = 'goog:chromeOptions';
static const String firefoxOptions = 'moz:firefoxOptions';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String takesScreenshot = 'takesScreenshot';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportsAlerts = 'handlesAlerts';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportSqlDatabase = 'databaseEnabled';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportsLocationContext = 'locationContextEnabled';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportsApplicationCache = 'applicationCacheEnabled';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportsBrowserConnection = 'browserConnectionEnabled';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportsFindingByCss = 'cssSelectorsEnabled';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String supportsWebStorage = 'webStorageEnabled';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String rotatable = 'rotatable';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String acceptSslCerts = 'acceptSslCerts';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String hasNativeEvents = 'nativeEvents';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String unexpectedAlertBehaviour = 'unexpectedAlertBehaviour';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String loggingPrefs = 'loggingPrefs';
@Deprecated('This is not supported in the W3C spec.')
static const String enableProfiling = 'webdriver.logging.profiler.enabled';
static Map<String, dynamic> get chrome => {browserName:};
static Map<String, dynamic> get firefox => {browserName: Browser.firefox};
static Map<String, dynamic> get android => {browserName:};
static Map<String, dynamic> get empty => {};
/// Browser name constants.
class Browser {
static const String firefox = 'firefox';
static const String safari = 'safari';
static const String opera = 'opera';
static const String chrome = 'chrome';
static const String android = 'android';
static const String ie = 'internet explorer';
/// Browser operating system constants.
class BrowserPlatform {
static const String android = 'android';
static const String windows = 'windows';
static const String mac = 'mac';
static const String linux = 'linux';